The Bragging Thread

DS is engaged to wonderful GF!!! We are holding wedding celebration for DD and DDIL next week!!! I passed a bilingual test at work so will earn a little extra stipend each paycheck. Yeah!!!

You just filed your 2014 taxes?

@anxiousmom, Two happy events back to back. How wonderful is that?! Congratulations! (To run the risk of being political incorrect, may I ask: Is it “DD and DSIL” instead?)

Freshman D texted me today to tell me that she got a 96/100 on her very first college test, in microeconomics! We are VERY excited for her!

No, mcat, anxiousmom has it right. Congrats, anxiousmom!

@JustOneDad #2841

Yup, 2014.

Congrats on the double celebrations, anxiousmom. And your pay raise.

“Yup, 2014.”

Amateur status.

Some people spent the weekend preparing their 2012 taxes.

Our DS parlayed hard work this summer in his internship into an actual job offer, in writing, for next June. He won’t finish his Masters until then. Included a signon bonus! Haven’t heard of those in a while. I think they didn’t want to take the chance of him looking around for a different job. He is torn because he wanted to do another internship test drive of a big company. This was a small startup company.
I am proud of him for staying focused and working hard. And very proud of the salary offer, too!

D1 and her bf made dinner for me last night, from scratch. And wanted me to hang around to watch some short film the bf was in. Until recently neither of my girls took any interest in cooking beyond scrambled eggs and boxed mac and cheese, which worried me a bit, since my whole family is into that. This was one of those nice moments where you know the next generation will be ok- and carry on some traditions. Homemade meatballs and homemade sauce. And good.

I also just finished 2013/2014 taxes and just got a letter adding 2013 penalties. Gotta call the cpa.

Yum! Sounds like a perfect time!

My son gave me a birthday gift, a book on Midwestern raptors. He bought it for me while we were visiting the Raptor Center in St. Paul a few weeks ago. I spent my birthday today relaxing with the cats on my lap, reading the different descriptions, and have finally identified that it is a Cooper’s Hawk that we have in our neighborhood! Son also texted me a picture of a group of wild turkeys that he saw during his walk to class this week. These are the simple things that make me the happiest.

I’m crying tears of happiness! Last week I found out DS and his wife are expecting. Today, DD got her first medical school acceptance. Next summer is going to be a busy one!

Oh my goodness, what a wonderful week, @juniebug!! Congratulations on both counts!!

@juniebug, Congratulations!

DS and his GF have been together for almost a year and a half and the relationship seems to be still going strong. Next year or so could be challenging for them as both will be very busy and may not be in the same city (trying to be in the same region – e.g., within a couple of hours of driving distance.)

Double congratulations, juniebug.

juniebug - I wish I could click ‘like’ 100 times! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and your family.

DH has just finished his last round of chemo treatments for stage 2 rectal cancer! Yay. To top it off, he has been taking two college classes- music appreciation and biology so he can apply to the physical therapy assistant program next spring. Even with the chemo brain he is maintaining a good GPA. I don’t think I could do what he is doing. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this is the last of the medical treatments for a while and that he finishes these pre-req classes so he can start his new life / get accepted into the college program. Next up- seeing if he can pass the math test or score high enough so he doesn’t have to take a math 101 class.

On a side note- for those of you over 50- get that baseline colonoscopy! H had no symptoms at all. We are extremely lucky/blessed this was found so early. :smiley:

Wow. Congratulations to you and, especially, to your DH.

Another brag- DS told me last night that he will have his student loans paid off by Christmas! He will have paid over $40K off in 14 months. Next on his list- build an emergency fund, then move out of the house to live his own life. Now if I could get DD to save more than $100 a paycheck