The Bragging Thread

DD was home for a couple of nights from college, and when I put some laundry in her room, she wanted me to cuddle with her like the old days :slight_smile: Almost 20 and still my girl!

Squatter’s rights. As soon as wheels were up, I laid down and went to sleep across 5 empty seats on a packed 12 hr flight. Snoozed 9 hrs straight!

DH got a great job offer at an age when most are retired - used it to negotiate an employment offer from the small firm with whom he’s been consulting. Better pay, more security, and a job he really likes. We 're thrilled!!

Wow, CalLark! Congrats to your DH!

This is small, but D2 actually listened to my advice, yesterday, without complaining. It was just an ‘emerging adult’ conversation, but she didn’t push back. We live for this sort of marker.

Midterm grades just came out. S has 100% in three of his four classes (block schedule). He had a perfect 100% in all four until just this past week when he had to take his math midterm 24 hours after a shooting threat at the school where some 2/3 of students stayed home from class. He reviewed his errors and calls them “derpy” mistakes. He thinks he was rattled from the threats.

He’s still got a high A, though, so we’re more than happy.

Three out about 3 dozen pairs of slacks from my mom’s dresser–brought them to our house and tossed in our trash so she won’t fish them back out. The elastic was TOTALLY shot and I convinced her they looked bad AND made it likely she’d trip and injure herself.

Also tossed three huge empty cardboard boxes–more trip hazards and got her to select 3 bottles of shampoo and I took all the other 12+ UNUSED bottles and told her I will donate to homeless. I also nested two suitcases, so she has room to walk instead of a very narrow path.

Meanwhile, H was out trimming a tree in their yard. Sometimes, I feel like an only child. My other sibs refused to help me get mom to toss clothes that are a trip hazard and no one else helps my dad with tree trimming, tho at 90, he shouldn’t be climbing. Anyway, I sleep well at night.

I finally finished a multi-year long research project that I’ve been managing for quite a while. Now that all of the data is in, official “history” as documented by the government will have to be rewritten using more correct (and much higher) numbers.

It’s a minor thing to most people, but it’s not irrelevant to the thousands of men, women, and children who were forcibly sterilized by the US government.

The official number is an under count by about 10%- and that’s just from what I’ve found so far.

Middle Child found out today she passed the Virginia bar exam. I’ve been assuring her since July that she passed but it was great to find out that I wasn’t a liar.

Congrats to your D.

Congratulations, indeed!

I replaced a bathroom faucet and pop up drain all by myself (okay, with some YouTube help).

Now I will order two more so I can update the other bathrooms.

^ I’m impressed.

I’ve lost 25 pounds since mid-July, on my own. Many more to go, but 25 is a pretty good milestone.

I FINALLY have the ear of someone at Comcast corporate (and her name, email and direct phone #) and an Executive Customer relations/ Escalation Support Line (ESL) case number. Lets see if this helps to address and fix a problem that has been ongoing for 19 months.

DS got a request to consult from his summer internship job during the rest of the school year, on a time available basis. Nice he made such a great impression. I think they are trying to keep him. He also got past the interviewing stage for a Google internship. bragging is fun!

Happy Dance! DD, a sophomore civil engineering student has been hired for a summer internship with a large national construction firm for a project near our home/for local office. Project manager is a female. Huge potential for DD.

This is silly, when my HS sophomore brought home the PSAT practice test, I decided to take it. Just wanted to see what it was like. Not proud of my math score (25), but hey I graduated 25+ years ago
 But I only missed 5 on the Reading and 7 on the Writing, pretty good I thought, especially since English is not my first language.

I already put away the Halloween decorations.

I haven’t been to bed before midnight in a month.