The Bragging Thread

<p>My S was in elementary school with a girl who had no arms from birth. She did everything with her feet, and was amazingly competent. My friend, the gym teacher taught her to swim. </p>

<p>Far from my current life-I was one of a small number traveling China sans tour group back in '82. No guide books available, I used a few mimeographed sheets from a HK hostel. Only ‘guilo’ (foreign devil) on the train to Beijing from Kwangchau and then south again to Guilin. </p>

<p>Did the Annapurna Trek way back when, independently. </p>

<p>I was in Earth, Wind & Fires AMAZING house for a potluck at Christmas one year.</p>

<p>A HS friend is a well known gay rights activist, survived AIDS and is still compassionately and eloquently raising hell. So proud of him.</p>

<p>Splashmom, congrats on saving everyone! RNs accomplish incredible feats every day, but don’t talk about it. Much.</p>

<p>I saw Chris Evert in Toys R Us with her kids one day. She had no make-up on. My husband saw her at our son’s dentist’s office. She had make-up on.</p>

<p>I’m expecting my sixth grandchild in March.</p>

<p>My mom’s favorite brag - She has two daughters each of whom are still married to their first husbands who are Jewish doctors. (Ignoring the fact that her Jewish daughters have their own advanced degrees.)</p>



<p>Oh yeah? I am FAR more humble than you. In fact, I am the most humble person on the planet, and I’ll shout it from the rooftops and hire a skywriting plane if need be to get the message across. Take that, p3t.</p>

<p>When I was in high school four of my friends and I drove from Indiana to DC to go to the Watergate trials. We stood in the hallway of courthouse and John Mitchell, Eherlicmann, Halderman, and Chuck Colson all walked by and shook hands with everyone in the hall as they went into the courtroom. I didn’t shake John Mitchell’s hand. Fred LaRue testifed the day we were the courtroom.</p>

<p>I can wear the same size earrings that I wore in high school.</p>

<p>DH and I are having fun at a local lounge. The band is not too bad. :)</p>

<p>(Why would one need Twitter when s/he can brag in real time on CC? :p)</p>

<p>notrich enough’s eating three Big Macs reminded me of a bet I once made after watching Cool Hand Luke. I bet my roommate I could eat two dozen eggs in 30 minutes. We went and bought the eggs, cooked them, peeled the shells off of them, looked at the clock, and then I dug in. </p>

<p>I ate all of them in just under 30 minutes, and then we watched my stomach expand like there was a giant balloon inside me. </p>

<p>I won a new basketball.</p>

<p>Due to my excellent negotiation for offering our family up to take the next flight on an oversold flight, I was able to use the compensation to pay for our family’s airline tickets for college visits to Colorado, New England and Wash DC / Phila for free. iOW, I got 12 airline tickets for free.</p>

<p>Oh gosh – I hope I didn’t offend anyone with my comment regarding “ten fingers and ten toes.” I only meant that I am thankful for the small things that most of us take for granted. </p>

<p>But this isn’t a “grateful” thread; it’s a “bragging” thread. So let’s move on.</p>

<p>In 1975, mother,sister and I had dinner with an old family friend in his Atlanta apartment. It was the same apt. Margaret Mitchell was living in when she wrote Gone With the Wind.</p>

<p>^ Wow, pizzagirl, 12 free plane tickets?! Good job, gotta do that sometime!</p>

<p>I once entered a cherry pie eating contest…eating 5 pieces in 15 minutes. Gotta be honest, I wasn’t even close. The winner ate like 20 pieces. To this day I still won’t eat cherry pie! :frowning: Okay, so one fattening thing I won’t eat :)</p>

<p>I once saw Val Kilmer at an art museum in New Mexico and didn’t recognize him. He was so beautiful though that he drew every eye. We ate carrots and dip from the same bowl.</p>

<p>I used to brag that I’m a distant-cousin-by-marriage to Brett Favre. I don’t brag about that anymore!</p>

<p>I (and some friends) drove from New Jersey to Fairbanks, Alaska, and back. In a 20 year old car. It’s about a 10,000 mile trip, thousands of miles of it on dirt road.</p>

<p>Wandered north of the Arctic Circle on that trip, and experienced a couple of days where the sun did not set. After the novelty wears off, it’s kind of annoying.</p>

<p>I just read this whole thread from beginning to end!!</p>

<p>There are some very cool people on CC!</p>

<p>The Romper Room Lady once said Hi to me through her magic mirror.</p>

<p>I was voted “Best Actress” in high school.</p>

<p>I married my H before he started med school. The doctors he interviewed with at the med schools kept telling him not to get married so young and my boss told me I shouldn’t do it because “they don’t always stick around”. Well, we’ve been happily married for 28 years.</p>

<p>My children are incredible!</p>

<p>I’m managing to make it through menopause without too many tears!</p>

<p>At the age of 27, I discovered a half-sister and a half-brother who didn’t know I existed (I vaguely knew they did).</p>

<p>I also bumped into a second cousin of mine on a genealogy board. He was researching a given name, we compared notes, and it turned out that his grandmother and my grandfather were sister and brother who came over together as teenagers (age 17 and 15) through Ellis Island after their parents passed away. However, there was a family feud a few years later and they never talked / had contact again.</p>

<p>To make it even more ironic, he and I both were working on consulting projects for the same client at the same time, and we could have easily been together in meetings without once having a clue of our relationship (as we have totally different names, grew up in diff parts of the country, there would be no reason to suspect we were related).</p>

<p>When H graduated from med school, he was 26 and I was 22 and we were newly married. We went to a black-tie dinner and stopped to get gas. The gas attendant asked us what prom we were going to. Hee hee.</p>

<p>While some family members were doing geneology stuff, I discovered that I am fourth cousins five times removed from Ralph Waldo Emerson.</p>

<p>I know the distinction between a second cousin and a first-cousin-once-removed.</p>

<p>^^ Please do tell.</p>

<p>PG, me too. (which is how I figured out the exact relationship between me and Cousin Ralph.)</p>