The Bragging Thread

@alh: I’m so jealous!! Congratulations! I bet we all want what you’re about to have.

Oh, alh. I am so happy for you and your family. Congratulations! I promise I won’t tell anyone.

And just like VeryHappy, I’m so jealous. Three of my siblings are grandparents. They say there’s nothing like it in the entire world.

Congrats, alh!

Congrats, alh!

My dog is dumb… so every time she learns something new, it’s a big deal around here. Today, she finally learned to shake.

We have been teaching her on and off for 5 months. She finally gets it. Hallelujah.

Congrats, alh. I won’t tell a soul.


FINALLY going back to work today after being completely bedridden 4 days with the flu. I even lost 5 pounds, though this is definitely not a weight-loss method I recommend.

H had his last day on the job today. So proud of him for quitting! (Watch for the upcoming new movie about his experiences with this company–it’s called “81/2 Years a Slave.” :wink:

Better job starts Monday.

@GMTplus7 - Glad you’re feeling better. Two words for next year: Flu. Shot. :wink:

ETA: Nice to see Rocky back

@GMTplus7 …glad you are feeling better! I had it once when I was in my 20’s…it was horrible! Rest and take care of yourself.

I shouldn’t brag twice in one day, but here goes. . .Jr. D decided to go to prom with her girlfriends next weekend. We went to the mall 1 hour before closing time. D tried on about a dozen dresses in 1/2 hour. Picked her favorite (not my favorite, but I kept quiet. . .sorta). $59, and we were out of there. I must say, that was fairly painless! I even took a photo of her in each dress as she was trying them on. I hate shopping and never went to a dance in my life–but that was kinda fun.

Yds got into Georgetown MBA program and his company is paying for 70% of tuition. So happy for him.

I ran a mile this morning!

We had a large wooden fort with a slide in our backyard. DH wanted it gone since the kids no longer use it. I put it on our local Facebook page for free last night. I got a response right away and they came today and took it away. Their 6 year old boy was super thrilled and so was DH!

Nice, MG! We got rid of our playset by selling the house. :slight_smile:

I brought my dog to school today and didn’t get in trouble!

Found out today that DD1 for sure will be graduating at the end of the month, so will be off the payroll very soon - graduating in nursing in a major city so should be employed very soon. What a relief - she had to fight her way through in one course where a small section of the course needed a ‘pass’ and the instructor had no grading rubric - so she had to ‘grow some guts’ in meeting with that instructor and the professor over the entire course. Thankfully had documentation and a good argument going. Then had the rest of the written assignments gone over with a fine tooth comb despite no grading rubric.

My 16 yo D found out that her car’s battery was dead at school. She used the jumper cable and got it started (with the help of her friend). That’s better than I can do!!

My daughter just got a stipend to stay in her college town for the summer and do research.

I won on Jeopardy.