The Bragging Thread

I lost a lot of weight.

Sadly, it appears to have found me again.

I finished my taxes and my dad’s taxes! Surprised to be done “early.”

Whoooo Haaaaa. Highest grade in the class. That is in Thermo II, in a foreign country in your non-native language. Out of 160 students!! You my dear are a poster child for the US higher education system and also for what happens with determination and tenacity. So proud!

We provided one-on-one service to a relative who is 91 years old on how to use a CPAP. We helped him as needed on the day he got the machine and mask, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We went back last night to double check and again today, but he seems to have gotten the knack and logged 7.5 hours on the CPAP last night, which is a major triumph! We are very proud of him!

I sneezed without scaring the next door neighbors.

My daughter is performing a flute solo with piano accompanying her in a recital at her school tonight. Yesterday her orchestra director overheard the recital rehearsal and told her that he would like the orchestra to do the piece for orchestra next year and feature her as a soloist. Very cool compliment for a nonmusic major. And she loves to perform.

It’s a secret but I need to share somewhere. I’m going to be an aunt for the first time! My SIL found out she was expecting almost to the day that I found out that I almost certainly will never be able to have children so it’s bittersweet but I’m so excited to have a baby to spoil. :D/

Congrats on becoming an aunt for the first time. That will be happening for my S and DIL this summer (becoming an uncle and aunt, not having a baby).

Sorry about your disappointing news. I had an aunt who couldn’t carry a baby, and she spoiled me too, at least until she adopted.

You are going to have favorite Aunt status, @romanigypsyeyes! Congrats.

Thank you :slight_smile:

She announced it when we all got together this weekend and I hadn’t told anyone in the extended family yet. Everyone except her and her husband know about me now and I have asked that it stay that way because I want to share in her joy and I know she’ll clamp down if she thinks that she is causing even the slightest bit of pain.

Another SIL comforted me by reminding me that I get the best of the baby world (the spoiling, cuddling, love, etc) without having the sleepless nights. I’m not going to lie, that did make me feel quite a bit better :smiley:

(And OT but adoption and other options are definitely on the table. I’m just reeling a little bit from the whirlwind of everything.)

((HUGS)) to you romanigypsyeyes. You are going to be an amazing aunt! This little one is so very blessed. I had two aunts without children – they were so good to us and we loved them dearly.

If and when the time comes to talk adoption, infant or older, you’ll get lots of CC’ers piping up with happy tales.

In the meantime, enjoy! Being an aunt, uncle, godparent, or special friend is a treat. Congrats.

Started adoption process about 2 weeks after finding out our news. Best thing ever, @romanigypsyeyes. Plus, if you have any bad genes (I have horribly ugly feet) you won’t pass them on!!

Thank you both. I know CC will be a wonderfully supportive community if and when Mr R and I decide the time is right to expand our family. In many ways I’m grateful to find out now, well before we began “trying.”

I can’t wait to have a brag one day (in a few years!) that the Romani family will be expanding- no matter how that expansion happens. :smiley:

My brother, two years older than me, has resignedly determined that he will never have children of his own. But no matter where he has worked, he has proudly displayed framed pics of our family as we grew. Girlfriends would walk into his home and ask why there was a photo of these children in a spectacular frame, and centered on some wall, and he would say “Those are my sister’s brilliant children. I am their lucky uncle.”

Now that my second child is graduating high school and headed off to college, and was accepted to his alma mater, he has expressed such joy and pride at this time in her life, and asked how we do it - raise such wonderful, hard working kids.

I told him I don’t know how, but I do know the why: for him. Now that the baby making is all behind us, I told him, we do it just to have something to share with their most loving of all uncles.

I have three friends who have sisters with no children. Aunts are involved, indulgent, loving parts of their nieces and nephews’ lives. My mother’s Aunt was a huge part of our lives growing up. We were closer to her and her husband than my father’s parents. (Loved my father’s parents dearly, but they lived 2000 miles away and lacked the means to travel and had 32 grandchildren.)
We all hope your nuclear family expands, but being an Auntie is pretty awesome!

@romanigypsyeyes: If I’m not supposed to ask, then ignore me. And if it’s none of my business, just say so. But how do you know you can’t have children? Did I miss something?

@VeryHappy I PM’ed you. I have no problem sharing but want to keep a happy thread happy :slight_smile:

Both kids now have the summer figured out - one with a camp job and one with an internship. And both did this independently!

Met many of DD’s close church friends at a BBQ honoring the college grads, and DD was very happy we came. She is graduating with honors and her BSN this weekend. Whew!