The Bragging Thread

While we were on the phone talking about something else, DS mentioned that he and his GF may consider to get married in 3 years. It is the first time he has ever mentioned this. (even though it is still 3 years away, at least he has started to mention this.)

A lot can happen in 3 yrs, but interesting he mentioned this.

It is true. Cross our fingers.

Congratulations, mcat2. Your sonā€™s next three (or four) years are going to be incredibly busy. He wonā€™t have time to get married. =)

@hrh19, Thanks. They will have time if they ā€œelopeā€ ā€“ just kidding here. This is because it will not be acceptable to them to do it in this simple way, as far as I tell. At one time, I heard one of their potential vacation spots was Las Vegas. I actually had a thought: Would they actually ā€œget it doneā€ while they were there? Neither of them has any interest in gambling, and I guess the GF really did not care very much about having a ā€œvery cheapā€ vacation. So no wonder I had this thought secretly at that time but I dared not mention this to either of them of course. In the end, they flied to visit her relative instead of a vacation trip ā€“ still doing something ā€œproductiveā€ because her family seems to be very important to her. I actually think it could be the case that it will happen within 3 years, or never. If it is the former case, they likely had to compromise by doing something simpler because neither of them will have much time (but not as simple as a civil ceremony.)

A little different from most of the posts here, but Iā€™m so proud of how my D has taken charge of her health in college. She was always pretty sedentary in high school (esp compared to her very athletic sisters) so I was worried about her health in collegeā€¦ but sheā€™s been so disciplined and self-motivated! She does Pilates 2-3 times a week and has started running a couple times a week as well (even though she runs like ā€œa reluctant basset hound,ā€ to use her words). She probably wonā€™t ever be a super-athlete, but sheā€™s energized and happier.

It goes to show how some students really need college for a fresh start. I think D was self-conscious of her lack of athleticism compared to her multiple-varsity-sport siblings, so focused on her strengths (academics) in high school. Now that sheā€™s out of the house, sheā€™s starting some new things on her own terms :slight_smile:

Our 9th grader got an award for Outstanding Soloist at the final Band concert this week. He plays the trumpet and quite honestly DH had already put the camera away because they had given out the awards for his band. There are 3 Bands. But this was for out of all the bands.

@ducksinarow, thatā€™s excellent! Even if you arenā€™t athletic, strong mind and body go hand and hand (when one is able bodied, of course). Kudos to your daughter for discovering this!

My daughter (HS junior) was offered an internship today! I am so happy for her, because this follows some disappointing rejections from summer programs. She was due for a ā€œwinā€, and this internship is a very good fit for her.

Ducksinarow, that is music to my ears. What a cool brag, indeed. :slight_smile:

My kid who hated running run a 10k not so long ago and enjoyed it very much.

Good day today. Found out my son ('17) got a 36 on the ACT, and that Iā€™m good to start my new job in two weeks :slight_smile:

@NoVADad99, congrats to you both. Sounds like your son can now be DONE with standardized tests.
I hope you have a shorter commute with the new job.

My S is not giving in to senioritis: 99 in AP Calc BC and 97 in AP physics!

Thanks @1214mom. Yes, it will be a much nicer commute :slight_smile: And YES to the end of standardized tests!

My college sophomore daughter received two awards on my birthday last week. One for leadership and the other for service.

@novadad99 double congratulations. Super smart kid.

My adult D has just become a certified sommelier with the Court of Master - that was a tough and rewarding 2 years in the making. Art and fashion design remain in her life and the certification provides her with just what she needs to get going on her international adventures.

Our cadetā€™s boat won gold at the New York State Championships today. Go Army Crew!

DD1, who quit her job to attend a 12 week software bootcamp, is about to accept an offer for a software engineering job.

Had a wonderful two days enjoying DDā€™s graduation and other ceremonies, and meals together with both DDs.

Applied for a job at a place I hope to work, and actually met socially one of the bosses (PhD) a few nights ago - he said the other PhD is who does the hiring, but meeting was a good start to hopefully getting an interview.

@mominva: That is wonderful. Congratulations to your daughter.