The Bragging Thread

An entire day and no complaints about the lid being up or down and no overflowing tubs. Boasts…gotta do it when you can!

After being sick for several months, it appears that one of my autoimmune disease (Rheumatoid Disease/Arthritis) has achieved remission!!

Unfortunately my Lupus isn’t there yet but one is better than none! This means I get to taper off some of my meds and stay on others for maintenance. It happened so slowly that I didn’t even notice it until I did a physical with my Rheum and he noted that I didn’t have pain in the rheumatic joints anymore.

Good news is good. I’m tired of bad news from my docs :slight_smile:

Great news, @romanigypsyeyes! Wishing you continued recovery and improvement!

@romanigypsyeyes - Great that you’re feeling better!

I’ve had probably my most successful semester of grad school so far. This semester:

  1. I published my first first author paper (actually pretty late for this, as a fourth year) in a high impact journal in my field.
  2. Said paper was featured by the organization who runs this particular journal in a newsletter featuring “exciting” research from their journals.
  3. I finished my prelims/comps, and passed without revisions.
  4. I received a merit-based internal fellowship for next year, which means I don’t need to TA for my fifth (and hopefully final) year of graduate school.
  5. My advisor approved the first draft of my dissertation proposal without any suggested revisions to go to my committee (he was pleased with it as is).
  6. I lost 30 pounds (so far).

Sorry for all the brags! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Once I formally propose my dissertation (in a meeting with my committee members) I will be officially ABD!

My son will be moving to Fargo, ND, for his one-year internship. His financee doesn’t let grass grow under her feet: She has already received two job offers in Fargo and has chosen to accept one of them. I feel like my son is in good hands.

i just won an official Survivor Tribal Council pen (actually it’s a marker). my wife picked it up at the TV station and brought it to my office. i used it to pretend vote her out. she didn’t like that.

A short video my D17 made for her Video Production class was selected for viewing at the district’s film festival!

My D13 got her first ever paid summer internship job! She doesn’t have to wash towels at the campus gym all summer anymore!!

I got a Mother’s Day card from my son today! Maybe I did raise him right!

My 15 y/o got an internship with a vet office. Hoping he gets ideas…(but not the kind where you bring home all the strays!)

My son got an internship. It won’t be paid, but he can get credit for it. He’s very excited, and I’m excited for him.

I have officially lost 75 pounds!! 58 since the end of January (I lost some last year but then gained a bit back). I still want to lose more but I’m so happy!

I BELIEVE D’s case is finally resolved in our favor. After working diligently from September, we got an email saying that the case was approved and has been sent from disability to benefits–HURRAH! It has definitely been a journey! I can hardly wait for D to get a valid medical insurance card and sort out all the bills from Dec thru now.

ChoatieCadet finished his last freshman exam this morning. Although official recognition does not come until the Firsties graduate on 5/21, he’s feeling like a “Plebe No More!” So happy for him. And, he comes home on 5/22 for 13 days. Counting the minutes to that first hug. I always think I’ll never let him go. :slight_smile:

DD checked her semester grades today and I am so excited for her.
As a premed/bioengineering major she has a 3.84 gpa.
We definitely need to celebrate today even if it is Friday the 13th.
What a wonderful Mother’s day gift.

My kid became a persona non grata! :slight_smile:

Real estate in our area is in short supply and gotten pretty expensive, so we decided to adopt an intern for the summer while our oldest is away for his own internship. One of the parents we know from our area is in charge of hiring interns for her company and was having a terrible time finding places for them to live. Here’s to hoping it works out for all involved.

I’m free, AGAIN. :smiley:

I just graduated from training as a volunteer crisis counselor for Crisis Text Line.

Well was just nominated and accepted a new role to be an international co-spokesperson about a disease condition I have been advocating on for over a decade. We will be getting travel expenses to participate in many international events as “the patient face and voice.” It is an honor and privilege and will likely be fascinating and LOTS more volunteer work!

Got the last available spot in the class I really, really wanted to take! :smiley: