The Bragging Thread


Pretty awesome thread isn’t it!

We get to brag about our kids and other stuff and our friends, relatives and neighbors are spared.

I think it’s brilliant.

YES!!! We have a WRITTEN form that is CORRECT that shows that D remains on our insurance policy! I’m going to give a nice gift to the lady at the insurance company who helped me through this challenging time! She was very positive and seems like a very nice person. Between her and me, we badgered the office enough to actually get action! D will remain on our policy now until she becomes no longer chronically ill or gets married. :smiley: =D> Periodically, we may be asked for more paperwork, but am SO grateful that the limbo is over!

They will process the paperwork today or tomorrow, so I’m telling the providers to go ahead and resubmit their claims any time from Monday or thereafter and it will all be good, using her original insurance card that they xeroxed when they provided service for D. PHEW! >:D< :-c

@HImom, I am so happy for you…but…this really should not have been so difficult, right? Just ranting over the state of healthcare in this country…

It’s crazy that the person who was sitting on D’s case for many months finally DIED and the case was transferred before someone finally ruled on it rather than passing it to yet another person! It is SUCH a relief to have health insurance again for D–it was very uncomfortable NOT having answers and not being able to tell providers how to get the claims processed. She can now get the healthcare she needs without worrying whether or not their will be problems getting it covered and processed.

I saw Peter Frampton in concert! After passing by other concerts, only to have the groups split up, or worse, pass away, ie, The Eagles!, I finally pulled the trigger and bought the darn tickets! So happy I did. What an amazing guitarist. Really enjoyed it. BUY THE DARN CONCERT TICKETS!

@Montegut, Do you feel like we do?!

@UWHuskyDad, OMG, I felt like a teenager when he did that one! Amazing!

My daughter has been in France studying all year, and now has a paid internship (yep, it’s PAID!!) giving tours in French in a 12th century cathedral. Her supervisor complimented her on her flawless accent and asked her which of her parents was French. When D replied “neither,” the supervisor was shocked and told her it wasn’t “normal” to speak French that well without having a French parent. Yep, this is an obnoxious brag, but you don’t know me!

And my son, who has Asperger’s and was afraid to go off to college, earned a 3.9 his first year at Oberlin. He also made a couple of friends!

@massmomm, obnoxious bragging is what this thread is for!

Just you wait until DS graduates. I’ll show you what obnoxious bragging is all about :))

I am so delighted–D just called me and told me she was just asked to be a bridesmaid for her cousin’s wedding! She’s overjoyed, tho shocked because her cousin has so many friends and is being a bridesmaid in so many weddings. I’m so happy that the two of them have such a special bond! :x

@Montegut I think I have three or four renditions of that song in my collection.

Here is something I feel like bragging - our 18 year old is about to graduate and he’ll start his PhD this fall. His elder brother will also join him after a two year work break. A friend of mine had advised me to warn them that they won’t inherit anything after I exit unless they go to grad school. Fortunately, I didn’t have to use that trump card. :slight_smile: And, we are done paying for college.

I attended an all weekend long soccer tournament with son19. His team lost their first 3 games by 2-1, all in final seconds. Team was rather depressed, team parents too.
Son19 scored 3 goals in a span of 10 minutes in the final game, and then asked to play goalie for 2nd half so he could stop other team from scoring. It worked, they won, everyone left feeling like champs. That was fun to watch!!
Proud dad moment.

@RightCoaster, those are the BEST moments!

Wait – what!!!

@VeryHappy We are fortunate to be living in a place where our flagship state university has one of a kind program for highly motivated children to get started with college education without having to go through 4 yr high school. They take in 20 or so such kids every year. Folks responsible for this program have done an excellent job creating a small college environment for these kids in a large state university. They do have to take classes with regular students but they have their own hub they can go to for socials.

Well – wow!! Congratulations to your son. What is his PhD in?

Congrats UWHuskyDad, that s quite the accomplishment.

Thanks! His field of study will be computer science/engineering.

Congrats on your son(s) achievements! Impressive. Although, I kind of wish he’d take a gap year before heading back for his PhD at 18. :slight_smile: