The Bragging Thread

@massmom, congratulations to your son!!

Not only did D pass OrganicChem, she pulled an A. Yes! She said this class took more studying time than any other class she’s had to this point and it caused much anxiety for her. She ends her first year with a 3.96 GPA.

@Massmomm : Your news is absolutely wonderful. It made me smile.

My D finished has finished her last assignment for high school. On time.

She has spent the last month turning in assignments and homework ON TIME, A big accomplishment for her. Two months ago, she was lost, depressed, and unmotivated. She refused to go to school many days…

She has also brought her grades up, to all As and Bs… and we recently found she is in the top ten percent of her graduating class.
I’ll be honest, I don’t really care about the latter, but it’s nice to brag about!

And, the big thing - she will graduate high school ON TIME. We honestly did not know, at one point, if she would.

She’s slowly circling in for landing at a good place. I hope she stays here for a while.

So happy for you and your daughter, @BeeDAre! What great news!

Great news @BeeDAre

Was stuck in rainy gridlocked rush hour traffic today, and a beautiful double rainbow appeared in the sky.

Great news @BeeDAre - I also have a DD that experienced anxiety and depressive disorder in HS - it became obvious during her junior year (and she later revealed that she had feelings of suicide at least one day a year since 3rd grade, yikes!) - my older sister had this problem as well and we ‘knew’ what to do and jumped on getting on the right medication and treatment. Want to encourage you and give you hope. DD graduated college with scholarship and on time with BSN - took national licensing exam yesterday and we have to wait 24 to 48 hours for result. Waiting to ‘brag’ about becoming a RN and finalizing her FT job.

Brag on other DD - she won a very competitive internship in her field for this summer and is continuing to do well in college, also on scholarship.

Thanks for sharing your news @SOSConcern. Yes, that gives me hope! And congrats to both your daughters!

Well, this may not be a big deal to the majority of people here, but I managed to figure out how to create a map document with the landmarks I needed on it, to email to newcomers coming to a group I participate in. H kept asking me where Paint was on my MacBook; I kept telling him I don’t have it. But I figured it out and am rather impressed with my tenacity. We’ll see how good it is when we see if any of the newcomers who have inquired about the group show up!

@BeeDAre - I’m late to post, but so happy to hear the good news about your D!

My future son-in-law just completed his 4 years of service in the Navy yesterday and will start college in September, which he’ll pay for with his GI Bill benefit. We’re proud of him for hanging in there through some tough times, and for having a plan that will get him where he wants to go. And we’re proud of our d for knowing a wonderful man when she sees him.

Congrats to all the CCers here for their good news. I keep forgetting this thread is here but I always love reading it.

S2 had an interview and problem-solved the directions for the building, which turned out to be somewhat incorrect. The secretary apologized but he had gotten there in plenty of time and stayed calm!

@BeeDAre , my daughter (the one in the French brag) also has anxiety and depressive disorder. It can be a lifelong struggle, but there is hope! Your daughter’s finishing on time and so well is no small accomplishment! If she is going to college right away, have a good support team in place for her–that has made a big difference for our D.

Wrote two commendation letters – one to president of my health insurance company and the other to my US Senator to thank their staff for help in getting D’s insurance limbo resolved. Just got back responses from the president and senator’s office thanking me and noting that the info is being shared with their supervisors. I’m sure they are happy to receive these rare complimentary letters. :smiley: :D/

Compared to some of your brags, mine is small but… I parallel parked my car on a busy street tonight. I am right between a brand new Corvette and a Jaguar. It only took two tries. :slight_smile:

@hrh19 such a worthy brag! the day I am able to parallel park is the day I shout it from the rooftops!

There are some days I can do it on the first try, and other days I can’t do it after five tries. That’s when my car slumps over because it’s embarrassed and crawls away.

It’s best when you do ace it on the first try…in front of a group of young guys. :wink:

I fondly remember D1’s newfound respect for me after she had been introduced to the concept of parallel parking in drivers’ ed. “Wow, Mom, you do that really well.” Comes from learning to park a huge 70s full size car in the city.

Tbh, I let my car do the parallel parking now; perfect every time and no curb rash. I have not yet had the courage to have it perpendicular park, because that requires a car to either side. Soon though :slight_smile: