The Bragging Thread

@rhododendron seriously. I remember one time in Mexico, my grandpa pulled in to a super tight parking lot (if it could even be called that) and managed to back his super long pickup truck into this tight space like it were nothing. I know he’s got decades of practice but dang. So impressed, same with my parents.

Recently had to parallel park in front of a restaurant with outside dining that was crowded with patrons enjoying brunch. Got it on the first try and a table of six gave me a rousing round of applause =D>

My darling H has been working diligently with my dad for over a month on his CPAP. It’s making a HUGE difference in dad. Dad is much calmer and more cheerful (used to be very irritable and sleepy and grouchy). Today, H installed the app on the phone and a link to the desktop do dad can track his progress on the quality of his sleep and how long he wears the mask and how well it fit. Dad was very interested in it. :smiley: =D>

My D, who as I have commented here somewhat endlessly ;), broke off her 5 year relationship recently.

Today she moved to a new apartment. She rented the uhaul, enlisted friends and did the move as a newly single person. She has become empowered in ways she never knew.

I have a job interview on H’s birthday. Looking to re-enter the job market and I have been hoping to work for this company. Maybe this will be the time! Monday June 13.

Wishes for success, @SOSConcern!

Good luck @SOSConcern.

It’s our first wedding anniversary today :smiley:

Congrats! Time flies! DS’s 1st is next week!

Yay, Romani! Plans?

We’re going swimming and having a nice romantic dinner at a cheap restaurant by our house :stuck_out_tongue:

But really we’re going to a resort this weekend with an indoor water park. I’m not sure how much I’ll physically be able to do but it’ll be a fun time :slight_smile:

my middle son has gotten into grad school at Va Tech. I am soooooooo happy. All three sons will be graduate students come this fall. Isn’t that amazing with a 7+ age range that they all end up at this point at the same time. (one is a year ahead of the other two, but still)

S has been studying in Germany this past year. He received the highest grade in a class of 160! In thermodynamics. He is set to receive a certificate and some Euros at an award ceremony next year. He won’t be present since he’s coming back to finish his senior ear. He was pretty funny and admitted he wanted the certificate more than the Euros. Haha…stop giving away my money dear child!!! :).

S also received a job offer from one of his professors. Prof wants to teach next year’s course in ‘non-linear chaotic vibrations’ (huh???) in English and asked him to assist and TA. Bummer he won’t be there to take advantage of the opportunity. And kind of him to offer assistance via email.

D is putting all her ducks in a row to leave a position which she’s held for 2 years. It is and would continue to very negatively impact her physical and mental health - no one should have to log 60 billable hours a week during non peak times. This past year of insanity is garnering rewards. Numerous offers are coming thru. She’ll have choices. Oh…and she gets to move and be with her BF of 4 years…oh wait…not a BF much longer…ring is bought and being sized. Announcement to follow soon…H and I LOVE this guy.

Makes me so very happy and content that their past - sometime difficult - but wise and smart life choices are bearing such rich fruit.

H and I are going to be grandparents! We’re beyond thrilled. D and SIL are ecstatic! We can’t tell anyone IRL until August. Shhhh!

My baby graduates from law school tomorrow and has a job starting in October!

Wow! What wonderful news on here!! June is an awesome month, isn’t it.

Ran my first 5K this morning - at age 59! And beat my goal time.

D17 started her internship today (her first job ever), and had a great day. :slight_smile:

She got an offer, from her first choice firm! They can now walk or bike to work (an amazing feat in southern CA). It comes with a raise in base pay PLUS overtime during busy season. Sooooo happy for her!

D2 dealt with what I’ll call office politics (but potentially more serious) and came out ahead. I’m into ‘life lessons’ and this was a biggie.