The Bragging Thread

Woot! DD16 just took the CLEP test and tested out of all the entry level German classes (four classes, 16 credits!)

D started her internship yesterday and today finished a project that the department head thought would take her a month. D isn’t superhuman or anything, the project was being done in small batches whenever someone had a free moment. D was able to put 10 hours into it without other distractions. She loves her internship. They are already fighting over who “gets” her for the day.

@carolinamom2boys Congratulations!! What a great game!! Actually, the whole series was pretty awesome!

@jmek15 Thanks. The whole state is celebrating . First championship for any sport at Coastal.

My S was highly involved in the final budget resolution that just passed in our state - after a year of no budget!

I finished the chuppah for boysx3’s son and it’s hanging in the shul. Gives me goosebumps!

Congrats to boysx3! What a mitzvah, CountingDown.

Thrilled that H won the Master’s lottery for practice round tickets! We have been fortunate enough to have been given tickets to the tournament by the in laws’ friend, but we have never been to the practice rounds. We can take pictures! :slight_smile:

Good vacation with the girls and their SO’s. Gorgeous days on a coastal cove. Thankful for the down time with them, everyone getting along just fine. :slight_smile:

Woke up to strains of Glenn Miller in my head, and as I went about the day vocalizing one of his tunes my youngest son took out his clarinet and punctuated key parts of the song, quite surprising me. It was a joyful time.

That is so sweet, @countingdown! How is she doing?

The wedding was this afternoon, I would imagine the reception is still going on as I type.

Boysx3 sent me a picture of the chuppah set up at the shul on Friday, and it gave me goosebumps. She says to tell everyone hello and that she really misses y’all! She told me I could post how she’s doing. She is doing very well, working out with a personal trainer these days to gain back strength and flexibility. (She can lift heavier weights that I can.) She does shopping and errands in her neighborhood and manages just fine. She is still working on short-term memory and processing, but that has also come a long, long way. Probably the biggest issue is her eyesight; she has some blind spots that make it really hard to read books or computer screens or write on the computer. She likely will never be able to drive again as a result. But my goodness, she has the most amazing positive attitude and determination to seize as much of her life as she can. Her two grandsons are a delight, and as of today, she now has two DILs. I am in awe of her persistence.

Please give her our best!

I am happy to brag about her!

Just ran a 10k. Never ran a race before in my life. One and done. Off the bucket list. It was never on the bucket list.

Follow up: was not sore after the race! Yay!! And they handed out bracelets during the race for a free small pizza at a local franchise. Three guess wheat we had for lunch that day.

My S took 5 APs and got all 5s! Wahoo!

thank you all for the good wishes
the chuppah was super beautiful
my son and his wife loved it and the rabbi was very impressed with itand it made a special day even so much more special My son and his bride were tickled with all the comments they got on it It was so beautiful and it even included one of their favorite lines from the song of songs Now counting down is making a piece of art out of their lovely chuppah

Great to hear from you!

@boysx3, we are so happy to hear you are doing better and your family is expanding. We will take your news however we can get it.