The Bragging Thread

D1 just signed a contract to co-write and edit a book with her Ph.D advisor, to be published by American Psychological Association. It will hopefully end up being used as a college text book someday. Not unheard of for a grad student, but certainly will be a nice addition to her resume!

She got a promotion - her first job out of college and a promotion after less than a year - with a nice salary increase !

A week on the market and 2 offers >$100,000 above asking for their SF condo.
DD and DSIL will start looking for the suburban single family home.
Maybe grandparenthood IS in my future!

Holy cow!

S2 got into the 3 grad schools he applied to, 2 with merit money. So happy for him. Now he just needs to decide which of the 2 offering merit money heā€™ll attend.

The house we were trying to buy here in Seattle went for $200k above the ask and sold in 3 days - to be torn down. Good to be on the selling side in some places. Good luck to them in their search for a new home, hope the search pays off, and the extra money helps them to get something nicer. It is a tough market out there.

My D got into Yale for grad schoo!. She probably wonā€™t go there. I know it is lame to walk around saying my D got into Yale but wonā€™t be attending- so I will say it here. :slight_smile:

I am feeling the need to brag about my in laws, who are featured in their local news story about love. In June, they will celebrate their 67th anniversary. We are so lucky to have them with us at 89 and 90 - both in relatively good health.

What a nice post, @kelsmom. It made me smile. How nice to have such good role models for love. :slight_smile:

Yippeeā€“took all our 2016 financial docs to our CPA so they will have our taxes ready to submit before the 4/18/2017 deadline. :-). It always makes me happy to get that passed off.

My son just went through an entire year of employment and financial hell and is just starting to emerge. But heā€™s busy rearranging his life to help out his sister. They may not have had the ā€œstatsā€ and the accolades a lot of kids have, but they are very good to each other.

My kid who struggled through college, withdrew, got dx, got re-started and eventually graduated is a guest lecturer this week for his alma mater. As he said, life has a weird sense of humor. But I know he is pleased, and I am proud of him for not passing up the opportunity to share his hard-won perspective. He didnā€™t let his regrets shame him, and thatā€™s a hard thing to do.

@greenbutton - I need to learn how to do that.

donā€™t we all :slight_smile:

Have had 5 horrible days in a row with FILā€™s sudden onset dementia and cruel cruel words and actions towards DH.

Today found out that D1 has been named a PEO Scholar Award recipient ($15K for her last year of Ph.D program, so she wonā€™t have to TA) and D2 just found out she made Law Review.

I canā€™t brag to anyone else, so this is a good release!

Great news @Nrdsb4 !

(Sorry about FIL. That is going to be very hard for you all, so itā€™s good to celebrate the things you can!!)

PS: I bookmark this thread just to hear some good news on CC!! Itā€™s nice to see amongst all the bad and snarkiness!!! Yay!

when i opened this thread, i thought iā€™d be a little jealous - as we have had some disappointments our way lately - but actually this is an encouraging thread; and people seem humble about their loved ones accomplishments. so now i like it! hopefully iā€™ll contribute some time.

Here to happy dance about medical news, job opportunities, personal accomplishments. Yea!
All different people across the board. Just feeling good!

Gave my retirement notice. My last day of working ever is 4/28.
