The Bragging Thread

Yesterday, our project team put on a conference pulling in scholars from all over the country.

I not only managed to help arrange the conference, I was able to fully participate all day including the after dinner. At the dinner, I was able to talk extensively with a senior scholar doing the same general research as I am PLUS had an outside professor ask to sit on my dissertation committee as a reader.

Anyone who knows what I’ve been going through the last year health-wise knows this is a huge victory for me. Being able to be active for 14+ hours is major. Most days, I can go about 4-5 hours at the absolute most.

Of course I came home and slept for 14 hours and my body is super cranky today but I DID IT!

Congrats, @ChoateMom! Looking forward to welcoming you to the club. :slight_smile:

My oldest child used up the last of his vacation days and drove (can’t afford to fly) 14 hours is week to be at his best friend’s side when a parent died unexpectedly.

Ok I don’t care if I post in this thread a lot, but I’ve had some major victories in the last week and I’m currently on a success “high” and have no one around to share it with… so I share with you.

I passed my 2nd year review in my PhD program! Which means I get to stay in my program and now it’s on to prelims but I have an amazing committee who are all dedicated to helping me in spite of my many health challenges. (And it’s not just a formality… I happen to be friends with someone who didn’t pass her 2nd year review and was kicked from her program, which isn’t mine but that works very closely with my department.)

I only have one more draft of a paper due and then I will be completely caught up to where I’m supposed to be. This comes after taking incompletes in all my classes last year because I was in the hospital so much.

Ok done gushing.

^^^^I want to like this about 20000 times

I went back to school to take a statistics class (after 20 years of being out of the classroom) and I have 100% after two tests and various homework assignments. Feels good to use my brain again!

Congrats, romani. I know from having gotten my own PhD, and seeing my son get his, that nothing is a formality, especially at your stage. Having done it with your health challenges deserves alot of praise and admiration.

this week has been great! Passed my driving test, got into Brown and NYU, will be getting my car tomorrow ! So thankful that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and know my hard work and stress and nervous breakdowns (not caused my uni applications or driving but negatively affecting them) can actually amount to something good.

@shellfell thank you so much for the kind words :slight_smile:

My son was named Rookie of the Week in his conference for his sport. So excited for him!

I got into an 8 week computer theory program at Princeton this summer! I am so excited, ahhhhh!

S just successfully defended his PhD thesis! What a milestone, we’re so proud of him.

We got interviewed by BuzzFeed today and quoted in the reporters tweets. That was fun.

I was the only person in my country admitted to the executive program at work! And S2 got his driver’s license and a job!

Gave a talk about a chronic health condition near and dear to my heart today. Several of the attendees and the organizer thanked me and said it was the best talk they’ve had! They want me to do another next year when they have a session in chronic diseases.

Mr R earned Teacher of the Year at his work. I am so proud. After two horrible, abusive jobs, he finally has one that he loves and where his kids love him.

My anxious 9th grader made it through the day today without a meltdown and I ate my hamburger tonight without a bun.

Re the bun: small victories!!! Congrats on the meltdown free day!

Two of my nieces and the BF of one niece walked over to visit us tonight and stayed for hours–talking to H and playing games with me. The nieces have also agreed to join me for lunch on Tuesday when I’m hosting my sister and another niece and two grand nieces for sister’s birthday! We’ve also invited my SisIL (their mom). It’s so nice that they seem to enjoy dropping in on us. They are also very close to our kids.

I just got tickets to see Paul McCartney in September!!!