The Bragging Thread

S2 ('19) has made the Texas All-State Choir in both Freshman and Sophomore years…but cannot brag on him because he is the only one in his school that made it…Seniors gotta hate. Thanks for this thread. Sure wish he would finish the Driver’s License thing though… :slight_smile:

I accidentally hit the wrong payee one morning when paying bills online, and selected one I should have removed from my account as it was for an insurance policy I cancelled a while back. Well, several phone calls (and long holds and transfers and disconnects) and I actually got my refund in the mail today!

DD2 just elected student body president for next year. Is current junior class pres., math club head, acapella choir director, varsity athlete, dorm proctor. Straight As. Proud, very proud.

S1 got all As and A- last semester at college!

Well, it’s taken me a little longer than most but I am finally done with all my coursework for my PhD and will now be getting my MA! I had no interest in getting the MA on the way to the PhD but since I have had a hellish first two years in my program, I want that symbol of my achievement. This has been by far my hardest fought for degree.

I took incompletes in all of my classes last year because of the stupid lupus and I turned in my last paper to get rid of that incomplete last night. I am so relieved and happy!


My son just finished defending his Masters thesis. (Successfully.) His next step is to write his PhD dissertation proposal. He can’t wait to be done with this damned degree! I am a proud mama today!

Congrats to all newly minted Masters! :slight_smile:

Managed to get away with turning 60 today and no one at work finding out (they knew it was my birthday, just not the number…)

Happy Birthday, @FallGirl!

<:-P <:-P <:-P @FallGirl!

ChoatieCorporal earned an A- in Survival Swimming. How many college pools feature battle effects? How many swimming programs purposely try to drown the student? (Well, that’s what it seemed like to me.) Happy for him, but glad that’s over.

Congrats to him! Is making the Olympic water polo team in his future? :slight_smile:

I wonder what would qualify for a D- in that course… :slight_smile:

If you drown, you fail. If they can resuscitate, D-.



D, a rising junior, just received her grades and pulled it out with straight A’s (one A+) again. She takes 18 credits each semester, this semester a balance of STEM and language classes, and finishes her second year with a 3.97GPA overall. And, more importantly, she has found her tribe and is having fun!

@ChoatieMom that survival swimming stuff is not for the faint of heart. My son is a great swimmer and said it was one of the mentally toughest things he has ever done. Hats off to your son.

We have a newly minted Navy Ensign in the house. Commissioned two weeks ago and off for more training next week.

@ChoatieMom his description of jumping off the 30 foot platform with night vision goggles and people splashing water in your face while you try to get in a life raft sounds pretty similar!

Happy birthday falls girl!

oops- I tried to correct the aotucorrect to close the gap between the “fall” and the “girl” and instead it apparently added an “s”. Oops, sorry. Hope it was happy!! @FallGirl