The Bragging Thread

My junior just finished the year with 5 A’s and 2 B’s (an 89 and 87). That has NEVER happened before, and we are over the moon about her finally connecting with her academics and being mature enough to do the work that needs to be done. She’s both thrilled that she’s doing so well and super mad at herself for the “almost A’s”.

She said yesterday “now that I know I can get A’s, I’m going to get A’s”. You go, girl! :slight_smile:

A more modest brag - DD finished her toughest semester (2nd semester junior in engineering) with nothing lower than a C and nothing higher than a B, but high enough overall GPA to keeping scholarship and at this point will not be in jeopardy to lose. Working for a professor and taking 2 classes this summer, will finish on time May 2018 with double eng major and having completed two excellent internships in her eng field. We see a job on the horizon too, and no student debt (and will have money still in the bank).

On other DD - honeymoon airline tickets (overseas trip) purchased by the couple and things all lining up for July wedding.

@MotherOfDragons that’s awesome, love it when things finally “click”. Now that the bar has been set, I’ll bet ya she’ll meets that goal !

@SOSConcern great news about the scholarship! and finishing a double major in time. Looks like you’re about to launch another successful DD.

DS18 is graduating hs in 6 days. He went through a very rough patch his first three years in hs. He kept his grades up but behavior got worse and worse. A year ago I was afraid he would be arrested or thrown out of school. Over the summer last year he turned his entire world around. He is back to the wonderful kid I knew as he was growing up. He got his focus back, volunteered at a hospice, worked all year for a vet, was accepted at all the schools he applied to, all the Honors colleges he applied to and was accepted to an early admit to vet school program! He has found an awesome job with an equine vet for the summer and is heading to England for his graduation gift. I’m so proud of how he has turned himself around!

DD20 is taking baby steps. She finally has been working at a job for 7 months. Before this 3 months was the longest. She even voluntarily went in to work an hour early this morning to help out because they were going to be really busy today. That is a first! She also signed up for a summer class at the CC. She still has no credits so we will see but I’m proud she is at least finally trying.

My son who just finished his junior year of college got a 3.5+ GPA, and has started his for pay summer internship.
Hopefully this streak continues and he lands a great job before he graduates.

We had a family reunion this weekend for the first time in years… probably close to 5 since the majority of us were together?

Despite our family generally not really getting along really, there was no fighting, no tension, and lots and lots of laughs. I was kind of dreading it because things have been really uncomfortable in the past (for many different reasons) but it was a blast (at least among the cousins).

Finally S1 gets a summer paid internship. Was starting to push for summer camp job again!

My soon-to-be HS graduate daughter has a close-knit group of four best friends and they have been nothing but kind and supportive of each other for the last six years. No drama at all. All five of these kids are kind, compassionate, mature, responsible, intelligent, and just love to create their own fun. Silliness abounds! They have all resisted the somewhat toxic social culture in their high school which puts them in the extreme minority for not drinking and partying every weekend (or any weekend). Nobody would find a single objectionable thing on any of their social media accounts, unless you call making silly faces and dancing like goofballs objectionable. They have all made thoughtful college choices and I am almost as proud of the other four as I am of my own!

My D just got accepted to a small LAC near home! She is in her second gap year after having some mental health challenges. Not sure if she will commute or dorm or go FT or PT but I am happy that she wants to pursue more education :slight_smile:

We received a notice that our daughter was going to receive an academic award this year at her HS. Since she is a very good student but not brilliant, we were expecting that she might possibly get the “Best Work-Study Student” award AGAIN (she got that one two years ago and was mortified about it). She ended up getting the 4 yr Principal’s honor roll award AND the “Best AP Studio Art” award which really surprised her. Her art is beautiful - but unconventional. She can’t really look at things/objects and draw or paint them in any impressive way, but she creates wonderful pieces of what I can only call “free flowing doodles” with real objects like people/animals/boats/landscapes featured throughout. Kind of like what you see in those adult coloring books, but much more intricate and creative. And she started drawing that way when she was in 2nd grade before that style of art was even a thing. She never plans what she draws, she just starts drawing and somehow she ends up with a wonderful conglomeration of shapes, patterns and colors. She has told me that her art teacher has had to insist that she was “done” with a piece a few times. She told him, “no, I want to add a few more things on this side”, but he says, “NO, you are DONE”. She was in a gifted and talented program for creativity in elementary school - her teacher didn’t understand how they could test for that, but it has certainly proven to be a strong trait of hers. So she was really happy that she was chosen over a student in her class who is a wonderful artist in a more realistic sense - he can draw beautiful life-like portraits and animals, etc. She wants to be a psychologist, but I’m hoping at her liberal arts college that possibly she can design a major/minor curriculum that would be a good foundation for her as an art therapist. We were really proud of her for being recognized for her unique talent!

I just made an updated emergency card for my wallet. I saw my ob/gym today and realized my old wallet card had 3 MDs on it that I am no longer seeing and doesn’t have a current listing of my medications. I called my pharmacist about how to list some of my Rx and dosing.

My college junior daughter is love love loving her internship! Daily texts or calls home about how she just had the Best Day Ever. She is in a niche field and now surrounded by people who are as excited about the same thing she is. The site is doing a great job of adding in professional development talks which have given her a lot to think about. She found out that over 100 people applied and only two were hired!

Total parenting moment - Is there nothing better than a super happy kid?

My D and SIL just now graduated from med school…woo hoo!!!

Dr. Dr. give me the news!

My D decided last minute to add the math 2 subject test yesterday. It will likely help her. After dropping her off at an ungodly hour on a Saturday morning to testing location, I returned home to discover my 14 year old out of bed, showered and doing homework. That never ever happens. She usually surfaces around noon on a weekends. Who are these kids?

My D made the Dean’s List this semester. (3.74) She also was just informed that she has been awarded a $5000 scholarship for her upcoming senior year from the place she volunteers at. She had to turn in her transcript for another scholarship (rotary club) she has and that association invited her to a breakfast to meet other members so that she could network. They would like to help her find job opportunities once she graduates next year.

Time flies- it’s already my and Mr R’s 2nd (wedding) anniversary.

Congrats Romani and Mr.! I wish you many, many more!

I have wanted, for awhile, to eat at the CIA, Culinary Institute if America. It is considered one of the best culinary schools in the world and certainly the best in the USA. I also have a nephew who graduated from there and has worked at some of the top ranked restaurants in the world. He us based in NYC.

Well I ate there tonight and it was a treat. It was so fun to be waited on by the students and to be able to look into the kitchen and watch them work. The campus, in NY, is very impressive. I was surprised at how beautiful it is. And everyone walking arond campus was in their “uniform.” I was impressed!

My major, shameless brag! I recovered from a B+ on the midterm (duh! sent in a wrong version of the file!) to an A+ in my favorite course. :slight_smile:

Correction.Culinary Institute of America. Sorry I did not catch that.

Sounds delicious! Yummm.