The Bragging Thread

My daughter and her boyfriend pulled a woman out of a burning house last night. I’m very proud of them.

Toledo, say more.

They live in Brainerd, MN and were on their way to dinner at Olive Garden. (Kudos to Olive Garden for giving BF a free dinner afterwards.) As they passed a house, the noticed some brown smoke around it. D was driving and BF said to do a U turn. It was a one story house and he ran up to a broken-out window. A woman was screaming from inside. D called 911 and BF broke out as much glass as possible and pulled the woman up and out. She was in her late 50s, covered in soot, and definitely confused. They said it was like she couldn’t get up high enough to get out the window and couldn’t think to find something to stand on.

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Wow! Impressive! Congrats!

You raised her right!!

Sears wanted $130 just to come look at my dryer.

So I found a youtube video on how to take my dryer apart, saw that the belt broke, bought a new belt on Amazon for $10, and fixed it myself!

Probably saved $150! B-) :-bd :D/

Flu and all, I passed. I’m now a PhD CANDIDATE so everything is done but my dissertation.

They cut my orals short because they felt bad for me and told me to go write an essay. I can barely talk. Oh well. I am going to go home and sleep now.

Congrats, romani. That’s a great accomplishment for anyone who’s healthy, let alone someone battling the flu.

Congrats, Romani! So happy that this is over for you!! Please rest a bit. :slight_smile:

CONGRATS, Romani! Give your body a rest!

Congrats Romani! Huge step!


^Apparently my pocket wanted to post. Ignore that.

So DD had room in her schedule to do concert band at her flagship school her final semester. She participated with it freshman year, but engineering courses had her not be able to sign up for 5 semesters. She accidentally left her wood clarinet at home, so did her audition with her plastic marching clarinet. She spent a few hours before the audition working up the music. She got first chair, and is also concertmaster (walks out on the stage and tunes up the band). She didn’t even go look at the posted list - a friend called her and congratulated her. A nice way to end her final term.

So happy for you, @romanigypsyeyes. I was going to go to the Urban Dictionary to look up 1w22. :slight_smile:

Trying to figure out how Romani could possibly sleep! Yea for you!!!

OMG! DS just found out his senior rank and it put him at number 10! This is amazing since he was homeschooled until 9th grade so he didn’t have the opportunity to take as many weighted classes as his peers. It always rubbed me the wrong way that even though he had a very high GPA his rank was lower because of less weighted classes.

In our school the top ten students get recognized during graduation and lead the graduation procession as apposed to being in alphabetical order. Our name is near the end of the alphabet so I’m so excited that he’ll near the first in line instead of at the end!

New DIL just found out that she passed her state exam for licensing in her profession. She already passed the national exam. So now she’s licensed, and she’ll get a nice bump in her pay. Proud that she passed both exams on her first try.

Very proud of D2 of getting into her first choice law school, and be told I gave her the best reaction, which included me screaming and jumping up and down (I am not an excitable kind of person).