The Bragging Thread

What a great thread! Who says athletes can’t hang? The S is hanging in there with a 3.78 (a major and double minor I’ll have you know) at the end of junior year! So proud of him!

I’m rather proud of the fact my DS BLAMED ME for his 3.69 GPA his first year of High School - I ranted that I should have been a Tiger Mom! I felt good about that because I always fear I ride my kids too much!!!

D1, a 2017 college graduate, has been promoted after being in her job for 9 months!

D1 graduated with distinction (top 10% of her Chem E class) from Purdue with a degree in Chemical Engineering.

Congrats to both you and your daughter! What an accomplishment!

Kiddo finished up his junior year with three A+s in EE and has been selected for grad school after he commissions next year. He will remain stateside. My tee shirt is wet with tears.

Congrats, @ChoatieMom!

D finished MAR this year and starts PhD program, also at Yale, in the fall. Good stipend and will be a doctoral fellow for a little extra money. And got her first non-campus apartment. Successful adulting.

Congrats, everyone. Those are some smart kids!

It’s been a month and it’s just starting to sink in.

DS completed a rather remarkable undergrad career! Summa Cum Laude, PBK, named departmental award, Amgen scholar, Goldwater Honorable Mention. He got into 7 / 10 grad programs will be attending Yale with a Gruber Science Fellowship!

Another anecdote that you can take the merit scholarship and still flourish!

Wow!! Excellent!

My D works really hard. She never asks for anything. She is kind and humble. I feel like many times she gets the short end of the stick…and never gets credit for all the kind and awesome acts she does each day. She got a full tuition ride to a school she really wants to attend. It seems for once, the girl who never gets noticed hit it out of the park.

Aww, what a fun thread! I try hard to restrain myself from bragging about my kids in general - and that’s my personal brag! But I have a lot saved up so pardon me while I gush…

My oldest daughter has made Dean’s List every semester of college, carrying 18-24 units instead of the usual 15-16. She’ll graduate next May with 2 degrees having crammed in 7 years of education into 5 years. She has a dream paid engineering internship this summer and will likely have a full-time job offer before she starts her final year of school. And through it all she’s been a really good friend, sister, daughter and grand daughter. She’s just a stellar human being with an amazing work ethic and morals.

My younger is finishing up 4 years of high school that she filled with accomplishment and success on her own terms. She has embraced every opportunity she’s been given and really made the most of her time in school. She ran unopposed for student body president last year - she’s so well-liked and respected by her fellow students that everyone knew she’d win. They had to take the “most likely to be elected President of the United States” honor out of the yearbook layout because she got all the votes and they only do “shared” senior honor pages. She got into a dream school for college and now she’s earning money working at a crummy food service job in a high-pressure environment to save money for next year’s expenses. When we went by her shop last night she was working her buns off serving people ice cream like there was nothing else she’d rather do in life. For a kid who was labeled as “destined for low-achievement” in elementary school because of a learning disability she has succeeded beyond our wildest dreams and watching her be her amazing self fills me with pride and joy.

Whew. Feels good to get that out!!!

I will preface this with a statement that DD’19 is in a small rural school where the competition is NOT intense. Very very few take APs, etc.

I asked for her transcript for use in applying to colleges this summer, and it showed her ranked as 1 of 57. I don’t know if there is a chance #2 can overtake her, so we’ll see if DD can hang on to it!

Son is away from home for the first time (except for one night sleepovers within a 10 minute drive from his parents) during a 4 day trip with 11 friends. He planned the whole trip himself and organized every aspect of it, coordinating all his friends.

Today he texted that he had negotiated a room change when the rooms were not adjacent to one another as requested.

Wow, I am 48 years old, and I still have never booked a hotel all by myself. (Spouse does the booking.) I am so impressed with my son’s independence.

So proud of my son’s adjustment to BS and stellar grades! Equally proud of his maturity in dealing with a difficult roommate.

S finished his last class of his sophomore year yesterday. Started his summer internship today. No moss on him!

My son in law got his bachelors degree summa cum laude in Health Sciences a week before the wedding!

I am going to brag for my former boss! Her son just published another cool local news story in the “big” paper! :slight_smile: Glad to see a young journalist thriving.

After a LOT of false starts, it only took a week to finally get the nebulized medication my elder needs to breathe! Now, I’m hoping I can get his 2nd breathing medication before he runs out (which will happen in a little over two days). , between insurer, Medicare and the pharmacist, plus the MD’s office, it’s challenging. The distributor doesn’t even have the Rx that he was on anymore and can’t get it anywhere in our state!

I also got the elders’ addresses changed for their medical insurance, their Rx drug coverage, for Medicare and SS. It was MUCH tougher than I had imagined. I am SO glad we could do it over the phone and via fax instead of dragging breathless people to sit and wait and wait and wait in an office for their turn. I did it with H and it was interminable, but with frail, breathless people, I can’t even imagine! Phew!