The Bragging Thread

My D (MFA acting student at Brown) is working at a repertory theater this summer and just had great reviews of her two big performances in the local papers.

@Bromfield2 Trinity rep is world class. She must be very talented. It’s a great program. Hopefully she can be part of the Christmas carol. Each year they change it and try new twists. It can be sold out for weeks

DD2 has her first after college professional job starting in a week, the same day DD1 returns to work from maternity leave. Great to have them establishing themselves nicely.

D has been asked to featured in a website promoting her MBA program. Apparently only a very few people are asked.

Really pleased DD2 is looking for a church ‘home’ in her new city (in our faith, several choices). She is settling in nicely with job and her apt home.

We watched our son in his dress whites receive and don his new class ring at the West Point Ring Ceremony Friday night. It was incredibly moving. The speaker explained the 183-year-old tradition of the rings and how this year’s rings contain the gold from 69 donated rings that were put into the crucible for this year’s melt, two of them from the class of 1919 connecting this year’s class to its 100-year affiliate and those who have gone before them in The Long Gray Line. The rings also contain some of the World Trade Center steel that was added to the 2016 melt.

Then, he had me in tears when he presented me with a necklace that matches his ring, another West Point tradition. The hug that accompanied it was also a gift that I will treasure always. Sometimes this kid takes my breath away.

You have a lot to be proud of @ChoatieMom. Thanks for sharing.

@ChoatieMom - Your son is a blessing to your family AND our nation. Thank you.

That’s awesome @ChoatieMom . Thanks for sharing.

DD just aced her first every college prelim. So proud and excited for her!

Does she go to Cornell? That’s the only place I know of that calls tests prelims :slight_smile:

S just learned he received a 36 on his ACT! Nice to be done with that at beginning of junior year.

My son just finished the final step (before paperwork) for his Eagle Scout project last night when he hosted a large community event. It has been a LONG and challenging project that involved coodinating many different steps and skill sets including a large building project, a collection project, as well as the community give away event. I was so proud to watch him interact with the public and really lead so many people including younger scouts, adults, and young participants through the final event. Now to get the paperwork finished before junior year and testing really ramps up.

@ChoatieMom That ceremony sounds amazing and so does your son! He is destined to do wonderful things I’m sure. @bamamom2021 Good luck to your son on his Eagle award, its quite an accomplishment!

I am particularly wow’d by both the kids joining our military and the kids working on community projects such as scouting provides. My son did 8 years in the USAF and my daughter was awarded her GS Gold Award and those are two of my most proud parent brags.

A more current brag though
my D, a college senior, received a job offer yesterday from a Fortune 100 company for after she graduates. It involves a move across the country from MA to Seattle but I think she’s going to accept. The salary was fantastic and they provide a signing bonus and a travel stipend. She’s beside herself. She has to make a decision by mid-October and they will rescind. It also comes with a 12-year contract of sorts in that she would have to pay back the signing bonus if she doesn’t complete a year. Woo Hoo, #2 is almost launched !

Congrats to your daughter and to you @NEPatsGirl!

@brantly No, she does not go to Cornell but I did, so that’s my verbiage :slight_smile:

So very sweet Choatie Mom! Congratulations to S.

I know lots of you are anti fraternity but my S got a nice cash award for his grades at parents weekend and was awarded their “True Gentleman” award for the member that embodies the desired traits of the fraternity the most. He was very pleased with that. I think he was more pleased with the 106 he got on his first physics 2 exam because he hates physics! (Has his second test tonight and has been studying like crazy for it.)

I got a job as an application reader for a major west coast university. I had applied for so many jobs without even one callback and then last week I received the email saying I had been chosen. I’m pretty excited; it doesn’t pay much but is good experience.

Just passed 10,000 followers on twitter and 1000 on Mastodon :smiley:

Is your Twitter handle the same as your username here? Or do you prefer to keep that anonymous?