The Bragging Thread

HUGE congrats. :slight_smile:

@ChoatieMom: Your son is now ChoatieLT? I love watching this evolution happen right here on CC.

Congratulations on his newest achievement. Your joy is like a wonderful holiday musical note.

How excellent @ChoatieMom from a fellow mom of a HS Class of 2015!

Congratulations to your S @ChoatieMom ! Thatā€™s great news. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with him.

D1 just found out that her dissertation is going to be published by a prestigious academic journal. Nice to see something extra come from all that work.

Congrats to your D @Nrdsb4! Thatā€™s a huge accomplishment!

Congrats @nrdsb4 and @ChoatieMom. Can brag but probably not openly disclose ā€“ my son and his business partner just received a major honor in a national business magazine for their new startup at the beginning of last week and another national magazine wrote an article about the company at the end of the week.

Two of my three sons have earned Masterā€™s Degrees this year, one in Business, one in Information Technology, Univ. of MD and VA Tech. Third son will get his MBA from Georgetown in May. I am so proud of them.

Congratulations and blessings to your son and your family, @ChoatieMom.

CC Members: I am thankful to all of you and your family members who serve. Thank you!

Congratulations, @Nrdsb4, @katliamom, @shawbridge,and @VaBluebird, to you and yours! Great accomplishments!

I am not sure this should be a brag or just sharing good luck/blessings. My youngest sister and her husband just celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary with a siblings/spouses dinner. When we were at dinner, we realized that, as siblings, we have a combined total of close to 200 years of marriage ā€˜experienceā€™. My H and I have been married 36+ years, and my other siblings have been married 38+, 41+, and 47+ years!

@hrh19 Sounds like your family has a lot to celebrate! Enjoy and happy Thanksgiving.

S1 just logged his 601st hour of volunteering at a local charity ā€“ the paid staff made him a certificate from scratch and have promised to stop trying to hire him (he has a f/t ā€œrealā€ job already)

22 year old Engineer DD2 is cooking and DD1 (24, married and a mom) is bringing some side dishes. DD2 is hosting! Will enjoy lots of family time - including more time with 7 month old grand-dau.

This comes under the category of ā€œI didnā€™t know you had it in you, son!ā€

Son comes home and repeats what a girl, who has a mild crush on him, told him. Another boy is trying to impress her by saying, ā€œI am just like <my sonā€™s="" name="">, but better!ā€

A couple of days after learning her Dissertation will be published in an academic journal, D1 just learned that a book she wrote with her Ph.D advisor will be published and ā€œmarketed heavily.ā€ When it rains, it pours.

Not really a true brag but more a big thank you! Someone on this thread suggested I send a story on to Readerā€™s Digest for publication. And I found out today it may get published!
Iā€™ve dug around trying to figure out who that was (quite a while ago) but havenā€™t been successful yet.
But so fun!

I am not going to brag about my kids. So unseemly. :wink:

I will, however, brag about myself.

I just turned 70 last week. I just got a new job yesterday. I start tomorrow.

Yes, itā€™s only a part-time, interim position, but they really want me, they really want me! I didnā€™t seek this out; it fell into my lap from someone I used to work with. I think itā€™s hilarious that ā€œat my ageā€ Iā€™m going back to work.

Iā€™m going to miss my lady-who-lunches lifestyle, but itā€™s only 20 hours a week for three to six months.

Theyā€™re going to pay me good money, too!!

Congratulations @VeryHappy ! That is wonderful. And only 20 hours a week should give you time for an occasional lunch. I think working part time like that in retirement would be perfect! Enjoy!

Congratulations, @VeryHappy! And donā€™t forget that there is Happy Hour when lunch doesnā€™t work.

I know a lot of you donā€™t think this is good but S17 just officially got elected president of his fraternity. It was pretty sure he would get it but now it is official. He is very happy and will go to Executive Academy at national headquarters over the holiday. Iā€™m proud of him keeping perfect grades and being able to do this. It is a large fraternity.

When both the architect and builder canā€™t find the plans for a project we worked on 6 years ago, the lady in the plumbers office (me!) rescued them!