The Bragging Thread

The lows and highs of life. <3

This morning we found out a dear friend of the family died those she suffered from Alzheimer’s and was 95. :frowning:

I received a text about a 1/2 hour later from D2 - who received her first ACCEPTANCE into grad school! WOOOO! DOT - Doctor of Occupational Therapy program. She has been so stressed and received the email while she is at work on campus and is now texting me saying " I’m at work and I’m trying not to lose my mind!!" :slight_smile: <3

I just ordered my first ever piece of commissioned art. A painting of two cells interacting in an immunology image. The artist is a water-colorist who does science images. It will be the perfect gift for my scientist daughter. Excited!

Our DD defended her thesis yesterday. It was a great presentation and so nice to hear accolades from her advisors. She was the first student in these departments to ask for two advisors and get it. I was never certain that that was a good thing since both her advisors seemed to treat her as belonging to the other guy, so she didn’t get that much advice. However, she was on the very forefront of technology in her field and her experiments were actually a combination of both fields. She will be Dr. G after she writes her thesis and graduates in March! She is a sweet person, too. Very proud of her!

@esobay - the future (actually, the present) of science is interdisciplinary. It really helps to be well versed in the language of several fields. Kudos to her!!!

@katliamom - I am intrigued! can you please share the arrist’s info via a PM?

@abasket - congrats to your daughter!! Great news. :slight_smile:

Kid started her MBA program! Hope she does not bail out when hardcore finance classes start… keeping hopes that our family will be a Dawg pack soon. :slight_smile:

D and her bf provided cocktail hour entertainment for a professional association holiday party I helped organize. I think the organizers hired her just to be nice because she’s my D. However, before their set was even finished, they were asked to come back to perform at next year’s party and several people took their contact info. I was so proud of both of them.

I only cried once from a math test. Beat that

After what was undoubtedly one of the worst weeks of my life, losing a brother-figure suddenly over the weekend, today I welcomed my first biological nephew into the world! (That is to say, I have 2 niblings but both are from Mr R’s side.)

We can comment on the bragging thread… :slight_smile:
@romanigypsyeyes I’m so sorry about your friend- sounds like he was nearly a family member. :frowning:

But a new life - what a wonderful thing to brag and smile about!

When your kids go to “bumper sticker schools”, you barely want to say where they go, let alone they are killing it and thriving. But my S19 and D22 are. Both D1 athletes, both killing it in the classroom with magna cum laude GPAs and most importantly thriving. Feeling so proud and blessed. 1 semester to go and 1st semester down kiddos!

Very sorry to hear about your friend, @romanigypsyeyes.

@crimsonmom2019, our kids are now a bit older – both a year and two years out of grad school. We didn’t do bumper stickers. Both kids did really well in college and grad school and both are doing well in their work (one is getting national attention). We find we can share our enthusiasm and pride in our kids with some friends but not others as their kids may be having trouble launching or may really be suffering from mental health or other issues. But we are especially proud of them because each had a serious health problem and one also had serious learning disabilities and their current success in work and as people is very sweet. Some of our friends can easily share the pride and others would find it difficult. No reason to make the latter group feel bad.

@crimsonmom2019 I inherited a car with bumper sticker in the back window (a name you know well). I had a couple of instances (road rage like) where people actually commented on the bumper sticker. I thought it was better to graduate summa cum laude from this place in one piece than keep that bumper sticker on. Have never had a bumper sticker since. Though my kids go to some pretty great private schools and we have pride in that. Nope, too dangerous.

In the last two weeks, I gotten 2 awards at work. The first was one of the top awards my agency gives out and the other was for the highest profile report that I did this year. The award was a group award that recognized not just the report but how we did the work.

I love this thread, good news!

D is home for a visit and was incidentally sharing how she’s been using some tips we share with her to help improve the tough situation an online friend is in.

Told her a good online site to buy medications which many of my friends use which D in turn shared, she suggested the friend drink water instead of soda and other beverages and is helping the friend learn to cook. She also suggested that the woman ask her mechanic if he’s aware of any good, inexpensive cars that may be available as I told her that was how I found a buyer for my old vehicle.

I just recently shared a free cookbook as well, which she’s sharing with the friend.

I’m pleased and proud that D’s helping and being an accidental life coach!

DH finished MBA w/ perfect 4.0!! Will be taking his final combat fitness test tomorrow. And will finally retire from the military in 7 months!! <:-P

I am flying with D1 & SIL on Wed. D1 just informed me that her husband is giving up his first class seat for me (he got upgraded and I didn’t). I need to be nicer to him. :slight_smile:

All As. Me, not the kids.

I nursed twins for a full year and never gave them formula! I was so proud of myself back then, though in hindsight I was just crazy.