The Bragging Thread

Ds2 is finally on the cusp of releasing his first EP. Presaves start tomorrow. I am so excited for him. He doesn’t seem at all nervous. He’s ready to start marketing it.

I got a sneak peek at some affiliated website that’s still in the works. I am really proud that he’s finally taking this leap.


Maybe I’m the only one – but, what’s an EP?

lol I’ve gotten msgs so you aren’t the only one. Sorry!

EP is a music project. Stands for extended play – more than a single but not as long as a full album. In his case, his is a four-song EP – three originals and one cover. He has enough mastered music to do one of these each month for, literally, a couple of years.


What kind of music does he play?

Mostly the indie country genre. On this EP, the cover is Tyler Childers, if that name means anything to you.

Interestingly, my fave song of his is a kind of angsty millennial anthem, but most of his stuff is country-flavored. He writes so much about our family so I love almost everything he writes.


He’s definitely in a very marketable genre. I wish him the best!

My S’s band had an EP release show last weekend. They play metal influenced instrumental, so it’s for-fun-not-for-profit. But they really enjoy writing & playing music, and the show went really well. H and I had a great time. Fortunately, we are metalheads from way back.

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My son has adopted my love for single malt scotch. So, when he wanted to let me know that he had finished a particularly hard project that he had championed within his group at work he did so by texting me an image of him holding a glass of single malt with the caption: “a celebratory toast!”. Then I looked at the picture more closely noticed the bottle of Laphroaig 25 Year Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky on the table. My first reaction was “you’ve got to be kidding me”, then I smiled.


Today, my socks matched !


My son does Indie too! Trumpet player!


We went to what was D24’s last school Halloween carnival at school last night. She wore same costume that she did last year. Asked her why she didn’t do the costume contest. She said, “Well, I won the contest last year and I wanted somebody else to have a turn this year.”

That’s my kid. Thinking of others! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs: Very proud to have raised a kind human.


It’s kind of a weak brag, but I’m pretty proud of myself. After weeks of hives and intense itching, I finally figured out what was causing it. I’m allergic to psyllium. The problem didn’t start until quite awhile after I started taking the supplements, but a day & a half after I stopped taking them, the itching stopped.


Oh my. Hives and intense itching are awful. Brilliant of you to figure out the cause.


Minor brag…

Today I finished my first composition notebook diary in German! I started in late January and try to write one page on most weekdays. Tomorrow I will start book #2.

A little over 2 years ago, I didn’t know any German except maybe nein and auf wiedersehen (from the Big Bad Wolf queue at Busch Gardens!) Now, I listen to podcasts during my 30-60 min runs. They are for German learners, but some of them say they are for advanced German learners, and I can still understand a lot, if not most, of what’s going on! I also watch videos and read a lot of children’s books and/or chapter books for German learners. I’ve come a long way!

Speaking is still my weak spot. I may bite the bullet and join an online conversation group in 2024. I don’t like talking on zoom in English, so this will be way outside my comfort zone. But seeing how nobody in my area speaks German, and we don’t have any local classes, zoom it might have to be…

If you told me 3 years ago I would be doing and loving this, I would have thought you had lost your mind. I did not enjoy learning languages in school and had no desire to really try until recently. It blows my mind, but I am glad I tried something new. And grateful to H who pushed me into Duolingo - He started learning Spanish…


DD’19 just got back from a regional conference for work at which she and two other young colleagues were presenters for one of the sessions. They had a packed house and heard buzz around the conference that it was one of the best presentations.

Besides that she is really doing well as head of a department managing two budgets and boss of a couple dozen employees!


For the first time since I’ve been paying attention, so at least six years, my cholesterol is lower than 200!


Got to read D24’s Common App personal statement now that all of her apps are submitted. She hit it out of the park. It was so good that it made me cry, but in a good way. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Super proud of her.


The EP is out! (see above) He seems really pleased with how it’s going. He even got featured on an influencer-type playlist yesterday so that’s great. I have no idea how to measure “success” except that he’s happy, and that’s really all I want.


D had a vendor meeting where she was given full authority to buy new lab equipment. Although she is new to the lab, she is the most experienced RA and her PI values her knowledge.

In my professional experience, 22-year-olds don’t get to make major budgetary decisions. I’m so proud of her! It’s awesome to see the little girl who grew up collecting bugs and water samples getting to do what she loves.


That’s terrific!!

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Can I brag about (finally) solving a plumbing problem?

Over in the Random Question thread I discussed water coming out of our dishwasher overflow “air gap”. I had recently learned about that drainage system and thought cleaning via the dishwasher might clean the hose. So I ran a second cleaning and watched the overflow on a test rinse cycle and it looked like all the water was still coming through the overflow.

So I stuck my head under the sink and said, hmm, any blockage must be in this hose and oh look it seems almost flat. Husband came home and I told him my theory and yes, there was a clamp to loosen the hose from the garbage disposal. I let him do the dirty work and he pulled a wad of guck out of the hose and another guck plug from where the hose entered the garbage disposal.

Ran another rinse cycle and ta da! No overflow!

I told husband I’m not a plumber but I am a plumbing analyst! He said I probably saved a couple of hundred dollars. We were both happy.