The Bragging Thread

Kiddo #2 just had another first author article published in the premier journal of her primary medical specialty. It’s her 3rd article in the last 18 months. Plus she published a first author article in the premier journal for her secondary medical specialty.

That’s pretty good productivity for a young (non-academic) physician.


Wow!!! Congrats! I’ve been on a diet (though nothing as impressive as your feat!) and have been stuck at a plateau for a week. I have lost about 15 of the 20 I want to lose ( I will be ok with losing 3 more, but I want to lose 5) and I just go up and down by the same .2-.4 lb) . How’d you break through plateaus?


I hit a number of plateaus through my journey. When this happened I would up my level of exercise a bit – but the most important thing was to try and not get so frustrated and stick to the plan I had.


I just reread you post… WOW, half the former weight. Well done! Congratulations on making a plan and sticking to it.


After many many years of failed attempts, I finally nabbed a badge to next year’s Comic-Con. It’s a senior priced ticket for the Sunday session, so don’t expect to see anyone famous. I just want to see what it’s like since we live so close. I have until next July to decide if I want to cosplay :wink:.


Woohoo…she passed!


Congratulations :tada:, but what did she pass?

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@thumper1 : That’s wonderful!!!

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So happy for son graduating veterinary school in May 24. He was asked to sit in the University President’s box and give a 5 min speech about his experience at the school. The Dean of the vet school and the Dean of the opposing school’s vet school would be there too. They also let him bring his wife. After his speech they presented him a $30,000 scholarship for his last semester! He was so excited.

The scholarship is for a student in the top 10% of the class, has an interest in small animal medicine and surgery and has an excellent chance of being accepted into a residency program at a renowned institution.

So very proud of him!


My children and their partners and dogs were here for 5 days and I did not ask a single prying question, get them up “early” bybeing noisy at 9am, and I made them do allthe dishes and make lunches. Go me!


Headed to the Nutcracker. Wearing a black print corduroy jacket that my grandmother made for me in high school… (same Nanny that sewed a ballet costume for me in 1st grade, with cute tutu). Decided to pull out the black velvet skirt she made, which I had kept for my daughter (who turned out to be more of a tomboy). Yay - skirt fits too :wink: