The Bragging Thread

<p>I may just do so. My professor just dropped this semester’s research down from a three credit to a one credit so I do have a bit of leeway.</p>

<p>Sounds like this might turn out to be a win-win. I’d pursue it ASAP before he gets other students.</p>

<p>I have the best cat in the world.</p>

<p>I am still working and my H. is still working today. Our kids are where they wanted to be today. I hope it will all be the same tomorrow.</p>

<p>WooHoo - my new grad has a job. A real “in your area” “has benefits” type job. </p>

<p>One good thing makes a bunch of bad things seem manageable.</p>

<p>^^ YAY, jobs with benefits!</p>

<p>I made 7 cups of grape jelly today. First crop from our very own grapes, so really home-made with emphasis on HOME. One concord grape plant. Tasty and a bit TART.</p>

<p>And yes it set up, part of the brag since I’ve often made fruit syrup.</p>

<p>Found 2 (!!) ripe tomatoes in my garden today! Yipee! Summer is finally here!</p>

<p>I’m on the committee to search for a new Dean of our school. I just got a call from the Provost of the university, who chairs the committee, to say after two months of collecting recommendations from within our school and our larger external network, MY name has come up a number of times. Holy smokes. He was calling to ask if I would be interested in being considered for the job because it would mean, of course, I would have to immediately leave the search committee.</p>

<p>I was very honoured to think some of my colleagues think I’m cut out to be a Dean. But I immediately said no. The much higher salary and status would be very nice, and a great solution to my soon empty-nest, but I think I would not enjoy that role as much as my current job. I love my research and lab, and the quieter life.</p>

<p>starbright, come on! Go for it. Too bad I can’t locate the quote about the soldier who did not want to become a general. :slight_smile: Think BIG. We are rooting for you.</p>

<p>A friend had to be acting dean because the “real” dean was battling cancer. She held the position for 2 years & helped hold the school together until they could convene a search committee and hire someone permanent who WANTED the post. She is very relieved that she is now able to step down & take a breath & start planning a sabattical. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>It is certainly an honor to be recommended by colleagues for the promotion, but it is of course something that needs to be carefully considered. H has turned down many promotions so he can continue to do the work he loves rather than more supervising & administration (which he dislikes).</p>

<p>D apparently has been "secretly’ asked to attend a “secret” meeting that is likely an invite to her state U’s “secret society.” I guess the society is not a secret, but invitations are, meetings are, and much of what they do is. Except for a few things they do overtly on campus. They apparently take around 25? new members a year. She was called out of an important and public meeting, where she was taken to a hallway and whispered to. She then had to go back in and act like nothing happened. That is all I know. It is all a secret, except for what is on Wikipedia!</p>

<p>When I was in college, one evening, after a particulary satisfying dinner, I sat at a dining hall table with a friend or two (witnesses) and placed a white, styrofoam coffee cup on the table, standing on its base (as they normally do), placed my right forefinger on the rim and pulled it down so that it touched the tabletop and returned to a standing position.</p>

<p>I did this 411 consecutive times without a miss – and I finally, FINALLY, have a forum to tell the world!!!</p>

<p>I can now go to my rest in peace.</p>

<p>(this will surely give away my identity to those who know me…)</p>

<p>So far, I have made it through this week at work without biting any-one’s head off. This is not at all unusual, but it has been unusually difficult!</p>

<p>I did so well growing a certain type of fruit that are known to be difficult to grow, not for amateurs for sure.
I have to pat myself on the back this year. :D</p>

<p>Just finished a COPD Education Day that was attended by over 160 people. Speakers included the chair of the Department of Medicine at our med school, a nurse researcher talking about her Skype telehealth program, an asthmatic harmonica player and others. There were 16 exhibitors we also provided some prize drawings and lunch and ecototes for all attendees.</p>

<p>Best of all, the respiratory therapy department and school of nursing are now talking about adding teaching ALL their students about smoking cessation counseling AS PART of their curriculum. Key people for both were there and we were all chatting about it. :)</p>

<p>My H has had the last 4 days off and I haven’t killed him. Yet…only 3 more hours until workday :slight_smile: Thank goodness he doesn’t have one of those jobs where he can retire at 55!</p>

<p>I got an 8-letter word (7 plus the one already on the board) that spanned TWO triple word spaces! (sergeant). 140 points :)</p>



<p>Thanks Bunsen. But HImom has nailed it. </p>

<p>Funny enough I was just reading files on potential candidates when I decided to take a break and read CC. I know part of me should push and go big, but it’s just not me. I am trying to slow down, not start up. I’ve never aspired to bigger things, and even being department head and chair of a few senior committees, or when I served on this very high profile govt review board… were just not very fulfilling to me. I know the perks- like $$ and status- would wear off fast. </p>

<p>And gosh, they work 24/7, and way too much schmoozing and socializing…I wouldn’t even have time to go on CC anymore!!</p>

<p>My friend is a three-sport varsity athlete (All-Conference and Captain for all three sports) and is headed to either uPenn, Princeton or Harvard to play football (30 ACT and 4.5 GPA mind you). The kid doesn’t study for ANYTHING and gets A’s on everything. When he’s not involved with sports, he’s teaching special needs kids how to play baseball. He’s dating one of the hottest girls in school and he doesn’t drink/smoke or party. Did I mention he was a former Kohl’s model?</p>

<p>Prestige & status & $$$ do wear thin, especially if the work you LOVE is displaced by pushing paper, schmoozing and supervising which may not be a love, it sounds like. I do what I need to of those things but really like to be in there, making a difference in my own way. Happy to let others do the air kisses and socializing. I prefer to socialize with folks I really WANT to be with than those I HAVE to be with.</p>

<p>H has been happy to duck as often as he could from these “advancements” which would have required paperwork & supervising (still his least favorite things). In the long run, doing what you love and getting paid for it is a pretty great thing and hard to beat. To me, it produces a better quality of life – that has worked very well for us!</p>

<p>As an aside, I know someone whose office wanted to promote him so much, in spite of his reluctance that he finally had a supervisor who created a job tailored for the things the worker was already doing (which greatly exceeded his job description) and had him & anyone else interested apply for it. Lo & behold, Mr. Reluctant got that promotion which came with a significant raise, so sometimes good things DO come to good people, even those who aren’t trying to grab the limelight. :)</p>