The Bragging Thread

<p>axw, I am jealous!!!</p>

<p>Starbright, if acceptance of that position would negatively affect your CC timeā€¦ Oohh, donā€™t do it then! :wink: I know what you are talking about. Balancing life and work and enjoying both is more important than status and prestige. </p>

<p>Since this IS the bragging thread, I can brag away - on Sunday I ran my first marathon ever and did not die! But most importantly, I picked a dozen of ripe tomatoes from my garden!</p>

<p>I have one room back to normal after our disaster/flood remodel. Only one, but top to bottom clean. Ok, the piano hasnā€™t been tuned, but otherwise done.</p>

<p>Why is it that your stuff multiplies while it is in boxes?</p>

<p>My son was offered a position with a finance company at the end of his summer internship, and accepted it today. When he graduates college next May, he will be employed!</p>


the dark is conducive to reproduction. (note the increase in births 9 months after blackouts) :D</p>

<p>calgalā€¦congrats to your son!!</p>

<p>Lol mafool and thanks, thumper1.</p>

<p>My husband fixed the dishwasher! So relieved- we didnā€™t want to have to get a new one & I hate washing dishes by hand.</p>

<p>I once met Christopher Reeve (when he was in plays before the accident), got his autograph and have a photo of him putting his arm around me! He was the sweetest most humble man and I still carry that picture around in my wallet somewhere!</p>

<p>My husband does all the cooking, gets groceries, too, and makes my tea every morning for me.</p>

<p>My daughter won 1st place in a singing competition and got to go back stage after a Broadway show and meet actor Denis Oā€™Hare as one of the prizes. </p>

<p>My nephew completed his first Iron Man Race. Thatā€™s all I got. This is a hilarious thread-enjoyed reading everyoneā€™s little tidbits. I am an empty nester and this thread made me laugh out loud! We all have something to be proud of!</p>

<p>I got four of the nine shots I need for an upcoming trip out of the country. Today got two shots in each arm.</p>

<p>The wasp nest hanging from the front of my house is now easily more than a foot long.</p>

<p>And the one hanging in the pine tree is even bigger.</p>

<p>I need to do something about thatā€¦</p>

<p>My husband still washes the dishes in our home, nearly every day for 25+ years! Yippee! One of my least favorite things! :)</p>

<p>My A/C waited till the cooler weather arrived to bite the bullet!</p>

<p>Husband and I planted a garden by ourselves this weekend! And it hasnā€™t died yet!</p>

<p>But even better, my son has been going to office hours when he has problems in his classes. I can hardly believe it. I am so proud of him!</p>

<p>Bumping this upā€¦there has to be some bragging to do!</p>

<p>I still love being retired. Is that bragging?</p>

<p>Thanks for bumping this. I was going to look for it.</p>

<p>I am so proud of my father-in-law, and the wonderful school system he taught in for over 30 years.</p>

<p>A new high school has been built, and they named the library and media center in honor of my father-in-law, who taught English at the old high school building for over 30 years.</p>

<p>What a beautiful new high school it is! What wonderful kids were there to greet us! </p>

<p>Although the state of Mississippi is often ranked the lowest in education, I am so proud of the City of Biloxi for offering a quality education to their students, and for recognizing the efforts of their faculty and staff!</p>

<p>Montegut, that is a wonderful tribute to your dad!!</p>

<p>Montegut, Congrats to your FIL.</p>

<p>thumper1, of course Iā€™m still jealous of you. Iā€™m down to 2.75 years from joining you. H is down to 2.5.</p>

<p>Nothing to brag about here, but love to read what everyone writes.</p>

<p>I am taking research methods with a professor who is very distinguished in his field and whose classes are historically very difficult. When I was reviewing for the test with him in his office hours, he told me that I was way ahead of the rest of the class. Then, when I got the grade for said test online, it was a 100, which wasnā€™t all too shocking because he curves. Then he ran into me in the hallway and told me that the 100 I had gotten was real and not curved. And also, that my 100 was probably the 2nd or 3rd he has given in 25 years of teaching the class. </p>

<p>Additionally, I asked the professor with whom I do research if he would feel comfortable writing me letters of recommendation for graduate school. He said not only would he have no problem, but would be delighted to do so and added that he doesnā€™t often write stellar ones, but mine would be one of them.</p>

<p>^ aw hyperjulie that is great! I can only hope to establish a relationship like that with my professors. Hopefully by going to office hours, and asking questions my professors will get to know me.</p>

<p>As for me I just wanted to brag that I got a A- on my math test. I worked on that test. It may not be the hardest math class but when your battling post concussive symptoms, and migraines it sure feels great to see an A-. Hopefully this is setting a great foundation for future math, and science courses.</p>