The Bragging Thread

<p>I went to work with a smile on my face and came home the same way!</p>

<p>Congrats to hyperjulie and fumafoo. What great students you are! Keep up the good work! We are very proud of you!</p>

<p>Congrats to Montegut’s FIL, too! It’s nice to read happy news.</p>

<p>My son just called to say he was accepted for a rotation in neurosurgery at the Cleveland Clinic. I’m so proud of him, but a little worried, too. It’s such a big responsibility. Is it normal for moms to worry?</p>

May I recommend a book called When the Air Hits Your Brain: Tales from Neurosurgery by a Dr. Vertosick? It is an insiders view of neurosurgery, the ups, downs and so forth, worth reading:)</p>

<p>Well I could never read it, but it would make a great Christmas gift for my son. Thanks for recommending it.</p>

<p>My H diagnosed ( after my insistence that there was a new noise) & replaced my water pump. Now if he could only figure out what is wrong with his car.</p>

<p>I’m eating peanut butter m&m’s. </p>

<p>Be jealous.</p>

<p>Son who graduated in May just called. His loans are coming due and he doesn’t have a real job yet. He had gone online, researched loan consolidation and repayment options, laid out a plan that makes the most of the money he has available to himself now, but still is flexible enough that when he gets a real job he can accelerate the payments. He wanted me to walk through the plan with him. I must say he had done a really good job and made really good decisions. I am so proud of him.</p>

<p>My S just go word that he received the AP National Scholar Award. I hope that gives him the “lift” needed to pass his very tough Multivariable Calculus class at Cal that he says he’s “failing”…</p>

<p>Congrats to all!</p>

<p>My little experiment is going great! So far, I have not bought a single item that has a label “made in China”, I’m saving a lot of money (because checking the labels makes one think twice about purchasing the items), and I’ve acquired some quality things (but not too many).</p>

<p>Good thought, BB. The same thing happens when I read the labels on food items…</p>

<p>LOL, I do that too. If the label reads like contents of chemical waste, I do not bother with buying the food no matter how yummy it looks. :)</p>

<p>My DH admitted he was wrong about something very important to me. What an amazing gift.</p>

<p>S2 emailed that he made an A on his Statistics mid-term. He’s never been good at anything math related and made a C and D on the first two quizzes. He has to make at least a C in this class to graduate in May. So an A on the mid-term is reason to rejoice!</p>

<p>D1 just told me that her firm is sending her to her alma mater to recruit, only 5 people are going and she is the youngest. It’s a meet and greet with cocktail and dinner to follow.</p>

<p>Great news from all of you!!</p>

<p>My son had a great internship last year - he took it unpaid but at the end they gave him some money. A few weeks ago he learned a paper from that research was accepted for publication in “Biochemistry” and he is listed as a coauthor. :)</p>

<p>He found out after riding my old bike across country by himself in 48 days.</p>

<p>Biochemistry is a very reputable journal, so congrats to your son! A little money does not hurt, either. :)</p>

<p>New brags for today:</p>

<p>I asked the professor whose test I got a 100 on if he would feel comfortable writing letters of recommendation for me for my graduate school applications. He said he would be glad to do so and would have very good things to say about me. Also, he said that he wished there could be 15 more of me in his class. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Then, this evening I let a resident do my hair and a bunch of people said I looked pretty. I’ll just say that’s not a compliment I get a lot.</p>

<p>Just talked to D. She was very pleased that she got a package from me with EXACTLY what she had needed, 3 out of my 3 boxes. Most recently, it was cooler and drizzly and she was thinking about making perhaps split pea or other soup. Lo & behold, what should appear on her doorstep but a care package from me with–split pea soup mix and minestrone soup mix, as well as assorted beverages. </p>

<p>One of the other care packages with beverages appeared just after she had run out of beverages! The third care package appeared with fiber & energy bars just as she was running low on provisions. :)</p>

<p>Sounds like people are having great things happen for them. :)</p>

<p>D was told by her instructor after she directed a vignette in class that he would please like to be invited when she’s nominated for an academy award for best director! She was very pleased as that was the highest and only compliment he gave.</p>