The Bragging Thread

<p>Congrats to all on their great news!</p>

<p>D says she’s still on track to graduate in May. She came home relatively healthy and S bought his own plane ticket & will be with us from Christmas Eve until 1/2/2012. He paid for it with his own money! Am so GLAD not to have to be buying plane tickets for him any more!</p>

<p>He still seems to be enjoying his job. Told him one of his monthly trips to Orlando for work, we should get together and see some of the sights around there, including Epcot and Harry Potter World, which none of us have ever seen. Will see if/when we are able to coordinate that.</p>

<p>I was offered a full time position with the library that I’m working at after only being there 5 weeks. My boss thought I was graduating in late December, but I’m not graduating until 2013 haha. </p>

<p>I’m working 6 days a week and interning, along with full time school and I’ve managed to have a very good social life and help my father run a non profit.</p>

<p>Nothing too special, but far greater than anyone expected to come out of my dysfunctional family. Heck, my new job even started a 401k for me and my employer matches my contributions up to some percent. Not bad for a 20 year old still in college in this economy!</p>

<p>Great news, Roman! ^^^ :)</p>

<p>Congrat Donna, and fishymom!</p>

<p>Just got home with my new iMac. Finally moving into the 21st Century.</p>

<p>S1 is finally leaving a horrible, horrible job – he was offered a much better one, starting next Monday, with benefits effective immediately!</p>

<p>And S2 was just offered his first grown-up job out of college, for a great company at a great salary, which will provide great experience.</p>

<p>My buttons are bursting!!!</p>

<p>…and your screen name is perfect. Congrats!</p>

<p>Congrats, veryhappy!! Now all yo need is for yor employer to give you a separation package and you will have hit the trifecta!</p>

<p>Great news VH!! Your turn for the perfect job (and house) are next!!!</p>

<p>Thanks, Toledo, Thumper and jym. I’m hoping that the good news for my sons is an omen for me. I am soooooooo ready for something positive to happen!</p>

<p>The separation package and a job offer from where I interviewed for the second time yesterday would be wonderful.</p>

<p>So proud of my wonderful husband. He washed a trunk full of clothes, bedding, towels, from my mom’s assisted living room while my sister and I sorted through all her junk. We would not have been able to do the move without you!</p>

<p>I finished the multiple part of my ap calculus midterm 20 minutes before the second person finished!</p>

<p>I went to the gym for the first time ever yesterday, and I’m going again tomorrow. </p>

<p>It’s a baby step, but I hope this is the beginning of a move in the right direction. There is no excuse for someone with my resources to not at least attempt to exercise and eat a little better.</p>

<p>I’ve been invited to interview at 2 of the 5 graduate schools I applied to for next Fall. I’m so sad to leave behind the wonderful experience I’ve had in college, but so excited to start the next chapter in grad school!!! :D</p>

<p>Great news about the grad school interviews.</p>

<p>^^^So proud of you, Grace!</p>

<p>Just recommended by the US government to receive a Fulbright research grant in Sweden … I’ve got about a 50% chance of actually getting it now</p>

<p>Thank you both, thumper and Montegut!! :slight_smile: I will keep you all posted as I continue to hear back.</p>

<p>I’m also performing in my school’s production of “The Vagina Monologues” this March and was told by one of our assistant directors last night that I’m pretty much ready to perform…she had no notes for me! I haven’t really done any performing since high school and I’m VERY excited to get back on the stage :)</p>

<p>I love reading this thread!</p>

<p>My son cleaned off the top of the refrigerator before our guests (some of whom are tall) arrived, without my asking him to do so. The rest of us are too short to see the top of the fridge, and I found out he had done it only after a tall guest put something on top of it.</p>

<p>bjs_7, that’s awesome! Congratulations on getting this far!!</p>