The Bragging Thread

<p>I got accepted to graduate school! Now to find out about funding… A lack of it could be a deal-breaker. But I have an interview with another school later this month! </p>

<p>It seems all of these months of this nightmare of not getting in anywhere have been unfounded. :)</p>

<p>My son, the musician (now applying to grad school for speech path) who was the front man and lead singer for a band (Winston Audio), just released his first solo project. It’s the first part of a full album. If anyone has a mind, take a listen. It’s been a labor of love for him and I could not be prouder!</p>

<p>Here’s his FB page. you can listen to the songs for free.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Good luck with the speech path applications…I’m a speech path and it’s a great career.</p>

<p>S got accepted to every law school he applied, 13 overall, 7 of them in top 10, with some scholarships(and hopefully more to come in the next couple of months). We are very proud. :)</p>

<p>churchmom, </p>

<p>Taking a break from tons of work. congrats to him. If I don’t do Facebook can I still listen?</p>

<p>churchmusicmom … really enjoyed his music!!!</p>

<p>parabella! congrats! he must be a great student to have those kind of acceptances!!</p>

<p>THANKS, parent56!!! </p>

<p>Gloworm, yes. You can go here:</p>

<p>[Daniel</a> DeWitt](<a href=“]Daniel”></p>

<p>Thank you menloparkmom! He was an excellent student, he is now a pretty decent teacher( according to his students and their improving academic performance) and hopefully will go back to being a great student again. :slight_smile: He is now like a kid in a toy store, looking at all the great possibilities, programs, clinics, and so on.</p>

<p>D got a job!!! She interviewed yesterday and was offered the job immediately after the interviews. Great money (a lot more than I make), fully paid medical/dental/vision, unlimited time off, and a wonderful company. The job is perfect for her. She gave her 2 weeks notice at Starbucks today and is happy beyond belief. One fully launched, one to go …</p>



Wow, I need a job like that. :D</p>


<p>I thought that was interesting. The reason they do it is because people were holding off on using all their limited days “in case.” What happened was that the end of the year came, everyone had time left, and they couldn’t all be off at the same time. Folks ended up losing their time, and it caused problems. They find that their employees use the time responsibly, and they DO take vacations (D asked that flat out, because it is one thing to say your time off is unlimited - another to actually have a company culture where it is okay to take time off!). </p>

<p>I know I would love to have that, too! :)</p>


<p>Yay for her!</p>

<p>My brag is that I am back online after 4 days w/o service. No charge, of course. It was Att problem. Deserved credit will be generous.</p>

<p>Also, I received my official acceptance letter of retirement from the SB.</p>

<p>kelsmom - congratulations. I know you have been worried about your daughter. She must be so happy - right job, good money, what more could you ask.</p>

<p>Our good news-DC was accepted to the graduate school of choice. Now we can cheer from the sidelines, fumbling with our wallets, as the plans unfold. </p>

<p>Kelsmom-that is the ultimate good news (beyond all being healthy). So happy for your daughter and your family.</p>

<p>Travelnut, that is good news! My friend’s D has been accepted to a grad program but is waiting for an acceptance for one of the ones she REALLY wants. Hard to believe, after being so worried about getting accepted to college in high school … it starts all over again for many! At that point, some of us are just too old for that. ;)</p>

<p>Great news Kelsmom! Fabulous!</p>

<p>How many more days gloworm?</p>

<p>Kelsmom, I am so happy for your D! I remember you saying how frustrating she has been in trying to find a permanent job. No wonder she is over the moon!</p>

<p>My brag: I gave my boss seven weeks’ notice. While he is not doing much to prepare for a successor (and is in fact, in denial that I am leaving), I am not taking it on as my problem.</p>

<p>S1’s fiancee is doing very well in the job hunt, which means she and S1 will likely be on the same continent (and even the same city) this fall. I am hugely proud of how S1 has supported her search and has let his future employer know that he will not make certain decisions until he knows where his fiancee finds a job.</p>

<p>Such fabulous news, kelsmom! I know you must all be absolutely thrilled. Celebrate!</p>