The Bragging Thread

<p>S1 will be interning on an independent film this summer. Second time he’s had the opportunity - was able to in summer 2010 as well. Very happy for him!</p>

<p>congrats to all you dear parents…it is a pleasure to see the updates and good news from the old guard on this board.</p>

<p>oldfort, congrats to D2 and her proud family!</p>

<p>I really love reading all the good news. </p>

<p>S gave me the OK yesterday to tell, so… I’m going to be a grandmother. There were twins, but one was spontaneously aborted about 3 weeks ago, but so far so good for the other, gender as yet unknown. This is our first.</p>

<p>gloworm - congratulations. That’s great news. Who cares what gender it is, as long as he/she is healthy. We are not quite there yet, but I would love to have some little ones around.</p>

<p>sewhappy - thanks, we are very proud.</p>

<p>gloworm, we’re all jealous!!</p>

<p>What happy news Glo!</p>

<p>Gloworm, magnificent! The way I hear it, grandparents get to skim the cream - do just the best stuff. :)</p>

<p>S-2, as writer and director, just won “Best Student Film” at the G.I. Film Festival in Washington, D.C. The film’s lead actor was S-1. Twenty others from Chapman/Dodge worked on it. Oh and I catered it. </p>

<p>I’m grateful that an audience steeped in modern military realities found his short film worthy. </p>

<p>Last April, S-2 got to show the film privately to his WWII-veteran grandfather who had inspired the storyline. Today we learned same grandfather (age 92) has an inoperable cancer. So I guess this all happened just in time.</p>

<p>wow—paying3—what a fantastic acheivement</p>

<p>DD just got into grad school at Georgetown! It was much needed good news as son crashed and burned his first year in college, he’ll be taking year off to regroup & attend therapy. (Sigh.) So yea, DD’s big news made our year!</p>

<p>katlia and paying3, glad there was some good news to soften the bad.</p>

<p>Thanks for the congrats, all. We will be grandparents from 5,000 miles, at least for the first 2 years, since we don’t retire till June of 2014. Visits and Skype will have to suffice, but we’ll spoil as best we can under the circumstances.</p>

<p>It’s very possible, Gloworm. A friend told me her children made a Skype visit time for her toddler grandbaby, then surprised her with child in high chair and their farewells that they were “going to rest.” She managed to entertain with a storybook and puppets. She added she liked the “alone time” with her grandbaby.</p>

<p>oh my, p3t! Modern technology babysitting!</p>

<p>Well, when it comes time to “babysit” by Skype, the language will have to be decided on in advance. We can only do English, Spanish and French. Of the local dialect we know nothing.</p>

<p>After my first day at a new job [still only “contract,” but both they and I have expectations of it developing into an employment relationship], I’m happy as a clam.</p>

<p>Very Happy…so glad to hear you are VERY happy!!!</p>

<p>Thanks, thumper.</p>

<p>I’m proud of my DD for knitting three of her favorite teachers scarves to present to them at her graduation.</p>

<p>I’m proud that S2 who never scheduled a college class before 10 a.m. is now arising at 6:30 every day and making it to his internship on time…a minor miracle!</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear the good news, Very Happy.</p>