The Bragging Thread

<p>Thanks, friends! It is definitely harder to study at our age.</p>

<p>Sorry, thumper, I have 2 more tests to go. The next one will be harder, and the last one will be a killer. But… As soon as I’m done with those puppies, I will be free to play WWT. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>PackMom, that is great!! Congrats to your family!</p>

<p>Small brag, but … S just got back from an 11-day tropical ecology lab in Costa Rica. He did nothing to get ready for it, so I jumped in. I dragged him out to REI, outfitted him in lightweight, fast-drying clothing with SPF50. I sprayed everything with permethrin to keep the bugs away. I put together a mix & match wardrobe that, with the toiletries (including SPF50 sunscreen!), etc., all fit in a carry-on light enough to actually carry.</p>

<p>He got home early this morning. He was the only one who never burned. He was also widely recognized as the most prepared for the trip. He told everyone that he would have been no more prepared than they were … but his overachiever mom is to be thanked.</p>

<p>Okay, so some may say I should let a 20 year old sink or swim. But he doesn’t want or need much from me these days. I do what I can and take whatever I can get. I am just happy to have been able to help him have a comfortable trip! :)</p>

<p>kelsmom, how wonderful that he acknowledged that you got him so prepared and that he appreciated it. Those moments are few and far between!!!</p>

<p>They both have jobs. In the same city. The fiancee visa has been approved. Waiting for the official transcript for her H-1B visa and hoping that comes through so they don’t “have” to get married this fall. :wink: We met S1’s future ILs and they are totally delightful people who I’d enjoy hanging out with even if our kids weren’t engaged. </p>

<p>Just got back from long trip with DH. Climbed Masada at sunrise to celebrate ten years of survivorship. </p>

<p>Life is good. I am thankful.</p>


<p>Mazel Tov on all counts Consolation! What a wonderful post…</p>

<p>Wonderful news, countingdown!!! Congrats!!!</p>

<p>Please don’t go backwards on this thread because sometimes life goes backwards.
Bragging can happen and then need to be rescinded if we are talking about our offspring. Or maybe just mine.</p>

<p>To countingdown and all others in ths same boat:love it! my brag that can’t be taken back. Nineteen years ago I had to pick oncology treatments and surgery options. Must have worked since I’m still here!</p>

<p>so sorry, meant to congratulate Countingdown…</p>

<p>brain blip ;)</p>

<p>Fantastic, Dragonmom - you absolutely deserve to brag on that!</p>

<p>I got the highest score in my class for my Lie Groups class. This was a class I couldn’t even attend because of a timetable clash, and I went through extreme depression during it. To know that I got the top mark feels amazing. Makes all my work seem worthwhile.</p>

<p>Yay! DD has landed a big girl job. The salary and benefits are good and she is very excited. It involves lots of travel, though, with extended assignments that may last four to six months, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s everything she hopes it will be.</p>

<p>D2 just gave a speech in front of her senior class and families. I was more nervous than her. She got a standing ovation from her classmates.</p>

<p>I auditioned at this foundation for a better cello, and I got it! I currently have a $20,000 cello right now (:</p>

<p>D1 graduated with her BA this weekend. Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude. Double major, with departmental honors in one major and the top departmental prize in the other. Awarded to the student in the major who “best manifests… the ideal of the liberally educated citizen”. Also has a good job with benefits lined up post-graduation. As her younger sister observed on the way home, “She sure set the bar high for me…”.</p>

<p>It is hard to be a younger sibling when older one is a high achiever. Congratulations.</p>

<p>Well… in this case the younger one is wildly bright in her own right. Test scores are much higher than older sister’s (6 point gap on ACT), and younger one’s HS grades are a bit better. But D1 turned on the jets in college. D2 is not so disciplined… maybe this will be some incentive. :)</p>

<p>Great news yesterday! Congrats to Splash, oldfort, intparent, and their kids, and to daheeza too - well done, all.</p>

<p>Bragging about my dh this morning. He just received the results of his medical subspecialty recertification exam - 94%! This is, I think, the third time he’s recertified. He came home from the test bemoaning the ways it’s changed and thinking he didn’t see the point behind several questions. He was one happy guy to see that he must have gotten the point after all.</p>

<p>The best part - when I asked if this was the last time he’d have to recertify, he said yes. Certification is granted for 10 years. So that means that he really DOES plan to retire before he’s 70. 69 does come before 70. :D</p>

<p>frazzled1 - congrats. He studied too much.:)</p>

<p>Really! He bought a new exercise bike, put it in d1’s old room, and chugged away watching continuing ed DVDs for 2 months before the exam. Hasn’t touched the bike since (and that is not a brag).</p>