The Bragging Thread

<p>I got in to my first grad program!! So excited!!</p>

<p>Congratulations Romanigypsyeyes! With all youā€™ve been through you deserve good things in your life.</p>

<p>Excellent! What subject? What degree?? That is awesome!!</p>

<p>The one I got in to was St. Louisā€™ MPH in Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness program.</p>

<p>The rest Iā€™ve applied to are international health/maternal and child health programs. This was the odd one out.</p>


<p>And Iā€™m not ignoring PMs Iā€™m just on phone and I canā€™t respond :(</p>

<p>Congrats Romani! Great news! Hope there is money to follow!</p>

<p>romani ā€“ Public Health is going to be a huge field. Very good direction for you to be taking. Congratulations!</p>

<p>Thanks :). As most people who have seen my posts know, Iā€™m very interested in improving population health. Iā€™m so lucky to be going in to a field that is in demand, even if it isnā€™t necessarily well-paying. Iā€™d much rather have job security than a high paycheck. </p>

<p>thumper- me too! The admissions director said on the phone that he doesnā€™t normally discuss aid with students but heā€™s taking my application to the chairperson to discuss directly. I am beyond excited. </p>

<p>They literally made my decision in a matter of hours. I got an email confirming they received the app around 2:00 and the admissions director called me around 6:00 to talk and admit me. :smiley: </p>

<p>Iā€™m still bouncing off the walls. No one in my family has graduated high school on time let alone entered a grad program! Iā€™m still waiting to hear from a lot of grad programs but Iā€™m so happy that I started off with an admission decision lol.</p>

<p>Wow, Iā€™ll bet this is a great omen and you get into everything you applied for, with a full ride. Hey, how about full ride, stipend, and a job offer waiting when you graduate (in the acceptance letter)!!!</p>

<p>That is fantastic! And I hope that when youā€™re running it all, a few years after graduation, the high paycheck will come too.</p>

<p>Ha- bd, hereā€™s hoping. Iā€™d be happy to get some kind of tuition break! </p>

<p>(But I like your plan, too. A LOT!)</p>


<p>Congrats. Great field.</p>

<p>kuddos! ā€¦</p>

<p>Congrats to Romani!</p>

<p>I just made the last tuition payment for DS! One down, one to go. :D</p>

<p>Now if he would just kick the job search into gearā€¦ :cool:</p>

<p>I had four of my lady friends for breakfast this morning to look at my new house. They were very complimentary and seemed to really like it.</p>

<p>For some reason, that was very important to me.</p>

<p>Romaniā€¦congrats! the first one is a relief!!</p>

<p>Romani - so very pleased for you!! Sending hugs of congratulations! :)</p>

SO very happy for you!!! You have worked really hard, and you have had so much less help than so many on CC ā€¦ I am thrilled that good things are coming from your hard work. :)</p>

<p>Just joined- now for the bragging, here as opposed to elsewhere.
I got a 237 on my PSAT; I got admitted into the most prestigious summer program in my state; I won my first level four tennis tournament; I missed one question out of all of the multiple choice questions on my finals; I am getting a full page feature in the yearbook for ā€œacademic excellence;ā€ I won 40th in the nation for an essay contest ($200 prize for me); I placed first for my instrument in my region; I am the president of the national honors societies for Spanish, English, and Music; I won an award for excellence in AP Spanish, having taken Spanish since I turned 5; I am taking 6 APs this year as a junior; I have been to 17 different countries; I am third in a class of 700; I have a 3.98 unweighted GPA and a 5.0 weighted GPA; I have accrued over 200 hours of community service over the past three years.
My bragging is done- until next year, Bragging Thread!</p>

<p>Wow, great news! Congrats to all! :)</p>

<p>OK, I think weā€™ve FINALLY paid our LAST tuition & fees payment for our 2nd kiddo (first kid is fully employed and employer has program to pay for any additional schooling). We also paid off our mortgage! Weā€™re very happy here! YIPPEE!! We even hedged our bets by buying tuition insurance this time, just in case!</p>