The Bragging Thread

<p>Congrats swimmer! </p>

<p>loved the video NJres…</p>

<p>Wow VH! That is a very worthwhile brag!</p>

<p>DD will be home tomorrow night! OK guess that’s not a brag! But we are SOOOO excited!</p>

<p>I got my Christmas Cards done!!! It took me two years, but I got them done! ;)</p>

<p>My kids are both home from college for Christmas. Yay!</p>

<p>But the real brag is - today, one of them got up before noon. ;)</p>

<p>Fabulous, thumper! I’m sure you can’t wait to give her a big hug.</p>

<p>We’re going to be grandparents!!!</p>

<p>Being a grandparent is one of my goals in life. I can’t wait. Congratulations, my-3-sons!</p>

<p>Congrats on kids home, on time, and spawning more kids!!</p>

<p>I’d like to be a grandparent too…wink wink!</p>

<p>I (along with the rest of my cohort) earned a 4.0 GPA my first semester of grad school! Good to know I can succeed at something of this caliber.</p>


<p>DS is home for good after his 7-month internship. He did a remarkable job throughout, with a fantastic final presentation, and was invited back for a summer internship 2 years later as he has already had one line up with a different company next summer. He came home 2 weeks earlier, switched vehicle and took our Odyssey back with him. DH and I had already taken days off from work, planning to help him move back home, but he insisted on moving by himself. I was so relieved to see him pull the jam-packed van into the garage after his 9-hr drive home. The internship was a valuable learning experience for him, and I can see that he is more mature and very independent. I am glad that he can take good care of himself, and very proud of this 20-year old young man.</p>

<p>^^^Wow, 20 years old! Can’t even fathom my 20 year old doing what yours does.</p>

<p>My brag is my nephew’s toddler son. Oh, my goodness, such a beautiful child, and smart, smart, smart! He knows his colors, his numbers, so many words. I expected a running around screaming 18 month old, not this intelligent child who wanted to interact with all of us on so many levels.</p>

<p>Also have to brag on his oldest daughter, 8 years old. She and I spent an hour going through her turtle book, where we discussed the different species, their habits and habitats, markings, etc. A blossoming naturalist!</p>

<p>The middle girl is a sweetie as well, giving off bellie laughs while playing with my son, who is a child magnet.</p>

<p>I can hardly wait to be a grandparent. My son is so good with children. Now, if only he could get a date. Those young ladies out there really do not know what they’re missing. He would be quite a catch!</p>

<p>Our daughter arrived home tonight! We are so proud of her. She completed a two year Peace Corps assignment teaching science in Rwanda. She misses her village and Peace Corps friends, I’m sure. But we sure are happy to have her home!</p>

<p>Yay!! Glad she is home for the holiday.</p>

<p>Congratulations, thumper! I know it’s been a long wait!!!</p>

<p>Congrats, thumper! Glad she arrived home safely and that you’re all together.</p>

<p>Yay! Youngest son just accepted to med school!!! </p>

<p>(this process has been brutal and to have the first acceptance in the bag is an awesome feeling!!)</p>

<p>Wonderful news, Thumper! I remember us talking about this quite a bit when she first left. I’m so happy for you both that she’s home. Enjoy!</p>

<p>Wow Thumper…what a great accomplishment for your D!
Congrats to your son Mom2collegekids!</p>

<p>musica…thanks!!! We’re thrilled!</p>

<p>Thumper…I knew that your D came home, but didn’t realize that she’d been gone for 2 years. Wow. Amazing!</p>