The Bragging Thread

<p>Congrats Romani. I hope you get in at your top choice.</p>

<p>HIMOM… You’re my hero! </p>

<p>I can’t wait until the final college payment has been made OR the mortgage has been paid off. We are back to the salad years while we have 3 in college at the same time for at least 2 years. I do Hope to have the mortgage paid off about the time we retire.</p>

<p>It is very freeing to have accomplished many of our lifetime financial goals! I am so happy for all those who post in this thread–it’s one of my very favorite to hear of so many wonderful things happen for so many. Nice to be able to celebrate with those we have come to have as our virtual buddies in this journey!</p>

<p>Have to brag on my vet who is a true Cat Whisperer. All of my cats are rescues, and just getting them in a carrier is a major feat. The fact that this young lady is able to clean a wound, treat it, give multiple shots and flea treatments, to my “Panthers” is amazing. And she remembers all their names and asks me about every one of them when I come in. So lucky to have her!</p>

<p>My daughter got a paid EMT job. She is thrilled!</p>

<p>That is awesome, thumper. I really respect EMT’s, how brave they are and how they keep their wits about them in such dire circumstances. Very handy to have one in the family!</p>

<p>For my brag, my oldest son just got elected president of his fraternity. Now you might not think that is too exciting, but for my son, an introvert for most of his life…it is completely out of character and it is great to see him smiling all the time. He’s taken a number of leadership roles in student government and student activities, talking in front of thousands of people, raising money from CEO’s…which has completely baffled us. Who is this person?</p>

<p>thumper1 - that’s great news. Very impressed that she is able to have a plan so soon after she turned.</p>

<p>busdriver11 - it is a big deal to be elected as the president of a fraternity. It is a lot of responsibility. I am sure he will get much out of it.</p>

<p>Happykid got herself safely from Gig1 in city A, to Gig2 in city B, to Gig3 in city A in three days all by public transport, without any tote-and-fetch on my part, and with only one night on a friend’s couch. I think she’s ready for this career she’s chosen.</p>

<p>Our nephew just got into Baylor Med School! We’re thrilled with him and will be curious about his other options as well. His folks would love him to go to our local med school but have saved and earn enough that he can go pretty much where he chooses. YIPPEE!</p>

<p>He will love Baylor….Go Bears!!!</p>

<p>2 for 2! Just got in to Minnesota’s maternal and child health epidemiology program!!</p>

<p>way to go, romani!!!</p>

<p>Wow, you all have such monumental brags that mine will seem tiny by comparison. But-at her exhibition last night, we heard from both of D’s teachers (8th grade) that she’s a great student, helpful to kids who need it, and one of the class leaders. The principal wants her as a student rep at middle school recruiting night and the foundation that supports the school wants her on a student panel. If you all knew how long and hard we looked for a school where this girl fit, you would understand how thrilled we are about all of this.</p>

<p>Congrats to all of you on your brags.</p>

<p>^That’s great news and certainly looks bright for your daughters future!</p>


<p>Minneapolis/St. Paul would be a great place to live. Better than St. Louis, in my opinion!!</p>


<p>Thanks! A large chunk of my extremely small family lives in Minnesota, very close to Minneapolis. I really like Minnesota but it’s just so bitter in the winter >.< </p>

<p>I really, really like the program though. And being close to family would be a huge perk :)</p>

<p>Great news Romani! Two good choices already. It IS cold in MSP but everyone I know who lives there LOVES it!</p>

<p>Am happy & proud–met with estate attorney today and we’re proceeding with getting our estate finalized so that we will not be a burden and have our wishes carried out! YIPPEE!! Have been meaning to do this forever! The silver lining is at least now the kids are adults and no longer need guardians!</p>

<p>Happily, the young man we are working with is a family friend but NOT a family member, so it won’t be as complicated. He is in his early to mid 40s, so he should be around as we and the kids get older instead of some of the others we spoke with who are so old I’m not sure they’ll be practicing, much less living, long enough to be any help to our kids. Also got my brother to agree to be our executor.</p>

<p>My husband, daughter and son-in-law just climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro together. So proud of them!</p>

<p>Sorry for so many brags but I had to share: </p>

<p>I GOT IN TO EMORY!!! This was my DREAM school for Global health and I’m deliriously happy. This is the best birthday ever! Off to continue celebrating :D</p>

<p>Congrats and happy birthday, Romani.</p>