The Bragging Thread

<p>Great news Romani…and Atlanta is WARM!</p>

<p>Congrats Romani!</p>

<p>Wonderful news, Romani:-)
Happy Birthday!</p>

<p>Congrats, Romani!!! Awesome birthday present. Knowing you from the posts on this forum, I am covinced that the school will be happy to get you. :)</p>

<p>Fantastic news, romani - many congrats. Well done!</p>

<p>And to 1ofeach - congratulations to your adventurous family, and to you for them all getting back down again. :)</p>

<p>Congrats, Romani & Happy Birthday!</p>

<p>Excellent news! Well-deserved!</p>

<p>Romani, I am so happy for you!</p>

<p>Congrats romani & what a birthday present!</p>

<p>Thank you all :). It was an incredible present!</p>

<p>Romani, I have also followed your well written posts and congratulate you on your choices!
I LOVE to see young people actually going out to change the world!</p>

<p>HIMom- wow, you rock! I am inspired to get this mortgage paid off before we retire…</p>

<p>Congrats, Romani. You deserve this.</p>

<p>This is miniscule compared to the many other wonderful things happening here, but it’s a nice, small triumph for me. S put in his claim to be reimbursed for moving expenses related to his job. Unfortunately, they wanted more receipts related to his plane ticket that was purchased in April–2011! </p>

<p>Don’t know about you, but I don’t keep many statements that are that old. Fortunately, we did have the Expedia invoice and got them to email us a more detailed one, confirming that it was paid by Visa. Employer still wants a CREDIT CARD statement! I took a chance and guessed which of the many Visa cards I likely charged the ticket on and called their toll-free number. Lo & behold, it was the right one and they will even waive the $5 that they usually charge for reprinting and mailing a duplicate statement. I will be able to get it to S for him to submit!</p>

<p>My brag – after slightly over three weeks I seem to be really and truly almost over this awful flu. Feeling actual energy to do something today. Forgot what this felt like.</p>

<p>Romani - I’m so glad to see such wonderful things coming your way. You seem to be rolling in the bragging rights, and that’s awesome because you’ve earned it.</p>

<p>Just a lot of awesomeness on CC in general, I guess! BTW, glad you’re feeling better sewhappy. </p>

<p>I have a minor brag but it’s really a reflection of my own negligence more than anything. Since we moved into our apartment while both working 50ish hours per week, and then I immediately transitioned into grad school, we have been using the second bedroom in our apartment as a storage room. (By storage room, I mean we put all of the boxes with things we had no immediate use for in there and tried to pretend they didn’t exist.) Finally, I have been utilizing break to clean out this space, and now it is finally usable as a bedroom, albeit with a few boxes in the corner. </p>

<p>But the real icing on the cake was I found a card from my grandma from graduation - with $250 dollars in it! I could have sworn I spent this money ages ago, but nope, there it was, in a card at a bottom of a storage bin! Needless to say I love finding money I didn’t know I had.</p>

<p>Congrats & happy birthday, Romani. I just read your news & it made me smile. Good way to start the day.</p>

<p>1ofeach: Wow! Congrats on an impressive hike & safe return from Kili! In August my S1 attempted to climb Mt Kenya, which is the 2nd highest peak on the continent. He had to terminate his climb at 13,000 ft due to severe altitude sickness (& possible onset of cerebral edema).</p>

<p>My little brag is about S1 who joined the ski patrol last year. This year he is no longer in training but an official patroller. Last weekend he had his first emergency: a 7-yr old with a broken leg on the slopes (tib-fib break at the boot line). He comforted a frightened & injured child, stabilized the leg, then transported the child to the lodge where senior patrol confirmed the fracture & sent the child to the hospital.</p>

<p>^^^Nice one! He must feel great.</p>

<p>12rmh18- So Glad your son made it off the mountain safely! Altitude sickness is scary and mysterious. It can strike even the most fit person. My hikers are now going through all their wonderful pictures and sharing lots of cool stories. Great to have them back home.</p>

<p>Catching up a bit here - congratulations Romani on Emory - what a great choice! Good luck to you. </p>

<p>My only brag is that I was in my first real improv show last weekend and people laughed.</p>

<p>Thank you all again. </p>

<p>Cartera, that’s awesome. I absolutely love improv. Going to a show tonight in fact. </p>

<p>Two more acceptances came today within minutes of each other: </p>

<p>Pittsburgh and Michigan. </p>

<p>I truly, not in my wildest dreams, never expected to have this many decisions. Every program emphasized so much that they wanted post-college work experience out of their candidates so I cast a wide net as I was coming straight from undergrad. Now I just have so many options that my head is spinning and I’m STILL waiting on more.</p>