The Bragging Thread

<p>My grad mentor thinks my first experiment may be publishable! This is an experiment I conceived of and designed mostly myself, working off a journal article that I also found without direction from my mentor. I can’t believe I actually have interesting data!</p>

<p>So cool, hyperJulie!</p>

<p>Conrats, Julie! Seems to be turning in to a much better week for you :slight_smile: (If I’m not confusing you with someone else…)</p>

<p>Thanks! And yes, romani, my week is definitely getting better. Congrats on getting insurance!</p>

<p>I have another brag on my D! She won the “Girl of the Year” award for her school from the Lions Club today! She never even told me that she was nominated. The award was given to someone whose community service is exemplary-her teacher knew about her working with the after school program and sent her name in.</p>

<p>Thanks, Julie. Haven’t gotten it yet though. Still waiting on the underwriting process (or whatever the terminology is…) :(</p>

<p>I meant your hopefully imminent insurance. :)</p>

<p>Love this thread and wanted to tag it so I could read it whenever I need a pick-me-up!</p>

<p>Son handled a very tough travel day all on his own. He worked out logistics, weighed pros and cons, and rolled with the punches. He didn’t lose his temper and just relaxed with a good book as he waited for delays. His dad and I couldn’t be more proud of him, how he handled this on his own. So thankful for all the prayers and the angels watching over him for a safe journey, but so proud that he handled a very stressful situation without missing a beat.</p>

<p>montegut, good for your S it is always reassuring when they take onthings like that on their own. I remember my S going back to the States for classes after Christmas a few years and unknown to us the US had changed its policy for the Student Visa in that it now had to be signed every semestre instead of once a year and the change took place while she was gone. They refused her entry into the States but she was able to make the right phone calls and get it all straightened out at the border crossing by herself and told us about it later. It didnt even phase her, as you said she rolled with the punches and knew what to do.</p>

<p>DD just accepted MIT’s offer for grad school - the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the School of Architecture + Planning where she’ll study for her MCP (Master of City Planning) and possibly get a dual degree, MS in Transportation. She even received a half fellowship! (She majored in Latin American Studies at Pomona '09 and has worked as a transportation program planner for the Mass Dept of Transportation for almost four years.) My H, S, and I are so proud of her!!!</p>

<p>S2, who was always an average joe, never got any accolades in school, never a teacher’s favorite… graduated from college last July after completing a required summer internship. He got a job in Sept. (decent hourly wage w/paid benefits) and has worked really hard at it. After a little more than 6 months on the job,S2 was told by one of the company owners this week he would be getting a raise in his next paycheck!</p>

<p>Lots of good news!</p>

<p>After 19 years of driving a wagon, I bought a brand new red Volvo C30 today. It is so cute and fun to drive, yet it does not look like a teenager should be jumping out of it either.</p>

<p>MDMom, I wanted that sporty Volvo, but I got an S60. Gotta say it is pretty sporty too.</p>

<p>I looked at your S60, thumper1. I wanted a two door.</p>

<p>You two are making me nostalgic for my Volvo 850 I traded in after 17 years. I took DH’s car and he got a new Subaru. I miss my Volvo. I may get a Volvo again when I get tired of DH’s old car (and it’ll be alot sooner than 17 years).</p>

<p>You are making me want a new car!! Mine is 8 years old but still going strong…</p>

<p>Little Mother, great news!
I am curious how your daughter got involved in transportation when her major was Latin American Studies?
I find it reassuring with so much talk of non STEM majors bringing you nowhere in this job market. Good job with both the job and MIT!!</p>

<p>Well, shellfell, if you own a Volvo, they give you $1000 off the top.</p>

<p>artrell -</p>

<p>Thanks - and she did it all on her own! During her semester abroad in Santiago, Chile, she took an urban studies course from a prof who was very enthusiastic about the topic. Back on campus, she took another urban studies course and decided that she really wanted to do her senior thesis on Transantiago, the public transportation system in Santiago. Funded by a couple of grants from Pomona, she spent a month the summer after her junior year researching the topic in Santiago. Fast forward to post-graduation and back home - she networked with people she knew who were involved in transportation, one of whom worked at Mass DOT, did a number of info interviews there, and when a job opened up was asked if she was interested in it! This past year, she was project manager for a big study that got press time in The Boston Globe.</p>