The Bragging Thread

<p>Sorry, BBMB is Biophysics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology</p>

<p>Congrats swdad and welcome to my world. S1 is getting his PhD in physics and I don’t understand what he’s doing either.</p>

<p>I just drove my new (slightly used) car home and actually figured out how to program the garage door home link all by myself! I think I can use the phone too! Bluetooth, hands free!</p>

<p>Another parent here who has no idea what my S is talking about when he discusses his research as a PhD student in Astrophysics!</p>

<p>My DD got an award for chemistry freshman year, including a monetary award . Too bad she don’t hear about it until today… By the way, she graduated last June. But they are going to mail out the check right away! </p>

<p>Actually it might be just as well, because she plans not to work until she goes to grad school in the fall. Every $ is another day of the free life.</p>

<p>I am getting a new car. I have been driving a wagon(not the same one) for 19 years.</p>

<p>^^^woohoo…love that new car smell:)
I got a new Prius almost a year ago and am still in love with it.</p>


<p>I hope when the check arrives it’s not past the date by which it can be cashed.</p>

<p>My 8th grader volunteers at an after-school program for low-income minority kids. She wants to be a teacher. Yesterday a little kid was stressing because he didn’t understand his 1’s and 10’s, so she created math manipulatives out of the materials they had in the room (the “sit-on spots” for the kids). He soon understood and “loved” his homework after that. The program director asked her to work in that location this summer instead of the one she was at last year (in my building) because the kids are bonded to her.</p>

<p>I know this is an entirely different path than most kids on this forum, but boy, am I proud of this kid! She has never wavered from her plans to make it easier on minority kids in school compared to some of the experiences she had. And she is. And they love her for it.</p>

<p>^^^That is fantastic. You should be so proud of her!</p>

<p>Sseamom-against the rules but had to praise Sseagirl! We need great teachers like her.</p>

<p>sseamom, that’s amazing!</p>


It’s not against the rules in the bragging thread, only in the “get it off your chest” thread. :cool:</p>

<p>I read an article that said women tend to make lower salaries than men, in part, because they are less likely to negotiate their salaries. So I got a 13% raise this year, because I asked for it!</p>

<p>They also just hired the person that will be replacing me as soon as I can train him so that I can be promoted. :)</p>

<p>I’m a speaker of several languages yet a master on none including my mother tongue.
@packmom, love my Prius too! :)</p>

<p>I think I’ll finally have health insurance come May 1st! :D</p>

Now that is something to brag about. Congrats I know how long you’ve been trying.</p>

<p>Sseasmom, You are right to be proud, I am proud of her and I don’t even know her!</p>

<p>Congrats Ema!</p>

<p>S2, second year Elect Eng student, interviewed for a summer data center tech job at a top bank. They called back and asked him how he thought the interview went. They told him they had never done this before, but they were offering him a promotion before they even hired him. They placed him into an internship for recent college grads in the area of designing applications and systems for Capital Markets and Treasury. (summer)</p>

<p>I am proud!</p>

<p>D2 just got notified that she has been awarded a scholarship from a local teacher’s association! She’ll be a junior in the fall. :)</p>