The Bragging Thread

<p>This is always my favorite thread to read. Excited to add my happy brag about DS who is graduating in a couple weeks. He will be attending an amazing MFA program in playwriting this fall. It is his dream program and they only accept 3 students. SO so thrilled for him.</p>

<p>my daughter graduates next weekend!! no idea what she is going to do. her talents are all over the map, so we shall see. hopefully moving back to the west coast is part of the plan
back rooms all set up for her just in case, even with microwave, mini fridge, etc. we plan on working together in some capacity.</p>

<p>S1 (U.S. Navy Spec.Ops officer) will finish up a six month deployment to Bahrain and return to the USA in three weeksā€¦hooray!</p>

<p>Best news in a long time here, pack. Hugs to all of you!</p>

<p>I survived my first year of grad school and leave for my National Orientation Directorsā€™ Association internship at Lynchburg College in just 8 short days!! :slight_smile: Hereā€™s to being a 2nd year SAHE grad!</p>

<p>I sang the national anthem tonight at the CT Education Association representative assembly. I have the recordingā€¦on my iPad via imessenger. I have no idea how to move it elsewhere!</p>

<p>Wishing for a like button.</p>

<p>romani, congratulations and well done! Sending you a virtual graduation bouquet. ;)</p>

<p>DS graduated summa cum laude in chemical engineering this weekend, which only around 2% of graduates in the school of engineering achieve.</p>

<p>Hopefully the next brag will be when he gets a jobā€¦</p>

<p>Congrats to all the others grads as well!</p>

<p>D, a photo major, is actually selling some of her pieces! :eek: And her proud parents arenā€™t her only customers! ;)</p>

<p>Oh, AND one of her graduating friends paid D to shadow her all day during Commencement festivities. D now believes that event photography is her calling. :)</p>

<p>Today my high school jazz band that Iā€™m part of played at the hatch shell in Boston, after being recognized as one of the best high school ensembles in New England</p>

<p>Just completed junior year college S found out that he passed his first two PRAXIS tests! Just one more to take! I thought he wouldnā€™t take these till later, but now they are out of the way and Iā€™m thrilled to only have to pay the fee once!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to Romani. I donā€™t always post on this thread but your post about finishing your last exam warmed my heart.</p>

<p>Double brag here: S1 submitted his application for grad school. Unlike HS, where I nagged him about completing his college essays, this time HE nagged ME about reviewing & editing his grad school essay.</p>

<p>S2 finished his junior year with a 3.8 and made Deanā€™s List. After the sophomore year from hell (fraternity on double-secret probation, burst pipes flooding his dorm room, legal troubles), seeing him him succeed is really sweet. He begins a paid summer internship on Monday. My boys are growing up.</p>

<p>Congrats to romani and to everyone else for nothing but good news. My D graduates this Sunday summa cum laude for which we are all very proud. She wants to wear as much bling as she can so all of her honor society hardware will be worn with her gown. She has also hit pay dirt for summer employment. She has found a job as a chaperone from June 6 to June 28 working 18 hours a day but will make $4000 for the month. Then she will have 4 days off and starts another job that will last the whole summer. This is great for us as she starts Grad school in September, and this will be her personal spending money, should do fine considering she has lived in res as an RA for last 2 years but in total she has spent $3000 in 4 years of college for personal expenses and that was gas included. We are so proud of her for dealing with so many things like being in another country and at times having to deal the problems that brings but always managed on her own and only once calling us for help.
Congrats to everyone out there with the awesome news.</p>

<p>Congrats to all of the graduates, and everyone else too! So much good news going around.</p>

<p>My brag is that I have officially finished my first year of graduate school! I donā€™t have to deal with my horrible TA assignment anymore, have received As in all of my grad classes so far, and my advisor wants me to submit an abstract for a poster to a major conference. </p>

<p>Also, today in our meeting, my advisor told me, ā€œI get the impression that you are quite gifted.ā€ Not sure if I agree with the compliment or not (Iā€™m pretty lackluster compared to most here on CC), it at least means that he doesnā€™t think Iā€™m stupid. :)</p>

<p>Congrats Julie!</p>

<p>Wanted to brag so much tonight about my S1 to family and friends on f/b, but with the tornadoes and devastation, I just couldnā€™t. And now I feel like a heel doing it here too. ugh!! </p>

<p>I WILL brag about him!!! Just not today.</p>

<p>My D graduates from med school on Saturday. Itā€™s been such a long road for her through undergrad and med school, when I think about it, I could just burst into tears that she made it through.</p>

<p>jammin, we need to hear good news to try to balance out some of the heartache. Good news doesnā€™t negate their pain nor cause them more pain, but just gives us a lift (IMHO)</p>

<p>and my brag ā€¦ </p>

<p>DS got invited to participate in the European math competition this summer. It is from his connection with Budapest Semesters in Math. If he can go, they will fly him over, train 4 days, take him to the competition and put him up for the whole time.
This is the kid that almost didnā€™t make it to graduation from HS, but UCSB/CCS turned it around and now he is a 4.0 math/cs double degree. and invited to Europe! YAY</p>