The Bragging Thread

<p>The boxes are unpacked!:)</p>

<p>D graduates Stanford on June 16. She got a job a little over a month ago at a high tech firm in SF as an Engineer. Picks up the keys to an incredible apartment on Friday. She is living her dream. </p>

<p>We are so close to freedom. Donā€™t know who I am more excited for, her or us!!! Wins all around in our family!!!</p>

<p>It is an exciting time of year. Congrats all.</p>

<p>DD had a follow-up interview yesterday and has another interview on Monday for another position. Woohoo.</p>

<p>Good luck to your D MD Mom.</p>

<p>Not really a brag but happy newsā€¦ S1 (Navy Spec.Ops) returned from his six month deployment (Bahrain) on Monday. Wonā€™t be able to see him for a couple of weeks but so glad heā€™s back in the USA.</p>

<p>I have only recently discovered the joys of reading all these posts. Packmom, My kids are 26 and 24 and I still have lunch with their preschool teachers at least once or twice a year. They played a big part in making my boys the good men (I believe) they are today. You deserve the peace of mind and joy you feel having your DS home safe. I hope you get to spend some good time with him.</p>

<p>Enjoy the reunion, PackMom.</p>

<p>My D got 6/6 from both panel members reviewing her 8th grade portfolio (a multi-part assessment of a major project in every subject she has, including PE). The panel especially complimented her on her poise, depth of coverage and thoughtful speech. She continues to make me proud to be her mother-people compliment ME on her, but she is the one doing all the work.</p>

<p>Wonderful, Pack! Best wishes to all of you. My partnerā€™s best friend finally got home-home today after a year in Afghanistan. Heā€™s been in another state for a week or so and flew in today. Happy reunion for all but weā€™re pretty sure his dog was happier than the rest of us combined.</p>

<p>Looks like DS will be getting the offer from his dream company. Happy day!</p>

<p>Great news, everyone - congrats!</p>

<p>Iā€™m going to pick out my engagement ring this Saturday. My partner and his friend (a jeweler) have been working for over a month (unknown to me lol) to create a ring and they came up with one thatā€™s absolutely gorgeous. Iā€™m going to try on one this weekend thatā€™s similar to it, and be able to use whatever software she uses to see the ring-to-be from 360 degrees, to make sure I like it and then I just have to wait for that day lol. </p>

<p>I ended up going with blue diamond over sapphireā€¦ primarily because I fell in love with a blue diamond that I found (man-made obviously) and we bought that before the ring. Now weā€™re making a ring around it. </p>

<p>Iā€™m so happy :)</p>

<p>Wow, so many good things for Romani!! Congratulations!</p>

<p>Thanks, VH! Everything in my life seems to be coming together and I couldnā€™t be happier. Now if only a job would open up for my partner in the new town weā€™re moving to, everything would be perfect! lol.</p>

<p>Wow, that rings sounds gorgeous!</p>

<p>My special needs D went for her first ever GYN appt today.
We had discussed every detail and I thought sheā€™d understood to the best of her ability to understand. She sees an amazing nurse practitioner who is patient, gentle but doesnā€™t sugar coat anything.</p>

<p>DD asked me to stay for exam so I did but it was difficult. She cooperated so well through all the discomfort; I am so proud of her. </p>

<p>Weird brag I guess but then my life is that way sometimes.</p>

<p>best thread everā€¦</p>

<p>Congratulations, romanigypsyeyes!</p>

<p>Made final ring decision! As itā€™s going to be a custom ring, itā€™s going to be a while til I get it. I also told boy he still needs to do a memorable proposal :p</p>

<p>Weā€™ve also picked a tentative date of June 2015. </p>

<p>Iā€™m so happy. Sorry for recent thread domination. Weā€™re keeping it relatively quiet until the official proposal so I need to let the giddiness out somewhere!</p>

<p>romaniā€“you know you have always been one of my favorite posters. Mazal Tov! I am so happy for you! And I am happy you share your giddiness here on CC</p>

<p>Well, I have been off the computer for a few weeks now so it has been fun reading all the news since I was last on. Congrats romani.
Well my D graduated, got an apartment in another city and lucked out on a couple of fantastic summer jobs. She has one right now that lasts 3 weeks but she will earn about $4500 and then another starting in early July in the city where she is going for her Master, hence the apartment already. On my side I was laid off into retirement 2 weeks ago and am really enjoying it so far. I was offered a significant incentive to retire so the decision became easier. I am really hoping to enjoying the summer and am trying to plan for winter which is the time of year I am most worried about. It is so easy to become house bound and I am a social person so I am looking into volunteering at the childrenā€™s hospital and seniors homes with my dog. Just recently got him certified as a companion dog so now it is to get my foot in the door. My W is not too thrilled about my retirement though because she has to work for another 6 years but hey I can now do all of the house work, laundry, etc so that our weekends are ours and not wasted on the those things. It is a real change in my life. Anyway good luck to everyone and I love reading others good news.</p>