The Bragging Thread

<p>Congrats to percussiondad. There’s nothing like a financial incentive to make retirement a reality.</p>

<p>Best of luck PDad. My DH is planning to do the same next summer. In addition to leaving his job, we’ll be moving to across the state…a new stage of life adventure…a little scary but exciting.</p>

<p>My wonderful son is surprising his dad by coming home for Father’s Day. He only had a week at home before he left for his summer job, so son missed Dad’s birthday in early June, and we assumed he would also miss Father’s Day. They are big Superhero fans, so the release of Man of Steel for Father’s Day was perfect timing!</p>

<p>I’m so proud of my D that I just have to brag! Her boyfriend wanted her to duck out of work early on Wed in order to see him on visitors’ day at his boy scout camp where he works. But she is only 2 weeks into her internship, so she made the mature decision to not ask for time off. I’m so glad I didn’t need to help her see this.</p>

<p>Proud of D3 for finishing strong in high school. She raised her rank 2 percentage points her senior year. She already was guaranteed a spot in honors in her college, and nothing short of failure would have derailed that. But she worked very hard to the very end and I’m really glad. I think it shows something about her character.</p>

<p>S1 will travel to Las Vegas this week in support of security for Vice President Biden’s visit.
Next week, S1 travels to Africa in support of security for President Obama’s visit to Senegal. S1 is a Navy Spec. Ops officer… Explosive Ordnance Disposal.<br>
[Tip</a> top security for Obama’s Africa trip | News24](<a href=“]Tip”>Tip top security for Obama's Africa trip | News24)</p>

<p>Proud off D2.
She was just offered the best of 3 jobs where she was in consideration - one that meshes well with her career goals, and offers a good salary and impressive benefits.</p>

<p>Talking today with the head of summer camp programs where D volunteers and one of the teachers as they began set up for this summer in my building, they piled on the praise for D’s work, her maturity and born teaching abilities. Directors at two sites are fighting over her. So proud of her.</p>

<p>Brother got a 720 CR on the SAT. I cried because he was almost held back in second grade for not meeting the reading benchmarks.</p>

<p>So glad for your brother. Our D started reading only late in first grade. She was worried, but she skipped the “normal” progression and started with myths that were beautifully illustrated. She still loves reading, as we all do. :).</p>

<p>Okay this is probably not a big deal to many parents on this forum but I am going to write it out anyway because I am proud - my son found out yesterday he received the IB Diploma and became an AP Scholar with Distinction and his college account shows him with 34 transfer credits (sophomore?) and the IB exams haven’t even hit his account yet (actually some of those credits were from the SAT score which I didn’t even know counted). </p>

<p>AP Scholar with Distinction - YEAH!</p>

<p>IB Diploma Programme Graduate - Exhaling because I’ve held my breath for 2 years!</p>

<p>Off to college!</p>

<p>All those credits will be verY helpful threeofthree. Congrats!</p>

<p>My youngest has dyslexia and had lack of phonemic awareness. Didn’t learn to read till third grade. (Her sister taught herself @ 3)
She started off reading Harry Potter & wrote for the student newspaper & her dept magazine at her college.
But what I am most impressed by is how compassionate & centered she is at 23.
She struggled so much growing up she easily could have gone a different way.</p>

<p>Good to read that there are many who blossomed in their later years. He, too, is level headed and humble. I think the fact that he wasn’t a top performer all his life helped shape him, but that’s just my speculation :)</p>

<p>After 30% of my department was laid off, and I became the lowest on the ladder, I wrote a resume and started looking for p/t work as a foot in another door. At 50+ this is basically terrifying. I had my first interview today and I didn’t embarass myself or pass out from fright! That’s a win!</p>

<p>Congrats greenbutton! Interviews scare the $#@! out of me.</p>

<p>Yesterday, I was told that I got an RA position in the Uni apts for next year! I am so happy because I had been put on the RA waiting list and didn’t expect to get anything. It’s going to be a huge financial help and I don’t think my parents will have to pay anything out of pocket for both semesters and I don’t have to take out any loans. :stuck_out_tongue: That’s the best part.</p>

<p>Congrats, writer1992! That is wonderful news!</p>

<p>DD got a nibble for a job today. She was told to call for a 10-minute interview and it lasted more than an hour. Now she gets to wait some more, but it is a start.</p>

<p>Thanks, Classof2015! I’m kind of nervous but really excited. It’ll be my first apartment! And I get to meet a ton of new people. :D</p>

<p>Writer1992 Congrats on being and RA. My D was one for 2 years and absolutely loved it. the financial part if it a REAL big bonus.</p>

<p>greenbutton, good luck on your job hunt, interviews always terrified me no matter what of the desk I was on. Before i retired I had hired at least 40 people for various positions and every interview drove me nuts because I was really bothered by making a decision over a 30 to 45 minute interview. Most worked out but some didn’t. I don"t think I could take being interviewed now.</p>