The Bragging Thread

<p>We have lots of lovely things planned for the next two weeks. My birthday is on the 20th and we are leaving to visit my parents in FL on the 19th, and we decided it would be fun to celebrate my birthday with them, but do something fun on our own this weekend, too. So this weekend we are going to the most beautiful beach on Lake Michigan on Saturday and spending the day there, 3 hour car ride and all-- we love road trips! And then on Sunday we are going to a fancy restaurant for dinner and coming home to a big chocolate birthday cake. I get to wear a pretty fancy dress and everything! Then next week we are seeing Bon Jovi on Thursday, leaving for Florida on Friday, and going out to dinner with my parents on my real birthday Saturday after spending the day at the beach. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I canā€™t wait! Iā€™m raiding the picnic thread to decide what to put in our new cooler for the beach trip.</p>

<p>I am thrilled that both kids have great and relevant jobs this summer that will help them when they graduate! And they are making good $$!</p>

<p>S1 has grown into a delightful, respectful, charming young man. And damned good looking, too. Iā€™m just amazed. I enjoy spending time with him, even if weā€™re doing nothing at all.</p>

<p>Isnā€™t having our kids be interesting and attractive people the best reward of all? I know it makes me very happy. ;).</p>

<p>Makes me happy. :)</p>

<p>Thatā€™s why, after all these years here, Iā€™m still VeryHappy. ;)</p>

<p>DS has been at his new job for less than a month and has already been the topic of conversation (in a good way) with the top brass including the co-founder of the company. He has found his people.</p>


<p>My son gave me a big hug through the phone today. Iā€™m planning Momā€™s funeral, dealing with the siblings, and I really needed a hug from my big guy. He gives such great hugs that I can even feel them through the telephone.</p>

<p>I just made my last car payment today- 19 months early! Made my last apartment payment yesterday and I move away from the roommate from Hades in 9 days. </p>

<p>I also am quitting my jobs (moving) and taking a WHOLE MONTH off just for me before grad school starts. I havenā€™t had more than a week off of work since probably junior year of high school. I am SO EXCITED :D</p>

<p>My youngest came home for the weekend ( albeit she spent most of her time with her friends) She seems to be loving her classes & her school ( she was looking to transfer as a sophomore)
She also recently got a job * and an * internship!</p>

<p>Plus I had a long text message conversation with my oldest earlier this week- its not much, but itā€™s a start.</p>

<p>My non-college son who has more ups and downs than I care to count and has been working two part-time jobs was just offered a full-time job with great benefits. I think Iā€™m dreaming. I donā€™t want to wake up.</p>

<p>^^Whoo-hoo!! (I tried a PM ā€¦no luck!)</p>

<p>D. is just holding herself together, pushed to the limits in her rotation. Proud of her saying, ā€œI will adjustā€, there is nothing else that can help her, barely any time for shower, no lunch breaks (12+ hours), no sit down for a minute. She was happy to find out that she has Sundays off.</p>

<p>D was selected for a leadership conference at Deliotte and made the drive to downtown this morning in the rain safelyā€¦ A good day in our householdā€¦</p>

<p>EK, Iā€™m so happy thereā€™s some progress between you and your daughter. Many wishes for more brags on that front :)</p>

<p>My nephew is the sweetest thing. He is sensing the discord in the funeral plans, and he came up with a great suggestion for a post funeral reception. Winds up itā€™s a place that Mom and Dad used to go for dates. This way, no oneā€™s feeling will get hurt and everyone will get to enjoy some of the best New Orleans food around!</p>

<p>Another brag: My son is very social, but heā€™s stuck with a core group for the past three years at his college. Iā€™ve been very nervous, as they are all living off campus next year, except for him. But this summer, he is in a suite of kids heā€™s never met, and it seems theyā€™ve become good friends. They play games together, go to movies, all the same things he did with his ā€œcomfort zoneā€ group. This makes me so relieved for next year, and for his graduate school options, where maybe he will be willing to spread his wings and seek out new relationships and grow more as a person.</p>

<p>YIPPEE!! Sounds like good things are happening in your life, Montegut! Sorry youā€™ve had these bumps in the road, but sounds like things are looking up!</p>

<p>DS popped the question today. Iā€™m going to be a MIL. So happy!</p>

<p>What wonderful news, juniebug! Congratulations!!</p>