The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT


The differences are in the courses required for the degree. BM requires more theory and aural classes, BFA has more applied and slightly more dance requirements. You can line them up side by side per the catalog links below. I imagine students can choose the option that better suits them:



Not sure how we are going to get through this process - we have only sent out a few prescreens and are obsessively checking portals ! How long do you expect to wait ?

@Melanie97 It’s an agonizing process, each scholl has their own way of notifying, some are quick, some do it all on one date for everyone. Best I can say is deep breaths and yeah keep checking those portals.

YEs it is going to be a LONG YEAR!

MARCAS has schools up

Prescreen results are arriving and auditions are being scheduled. It’s getting real!

here too!

how are the results coming in? seems like the applications are higher than ever , some schools only have less than 5 audition dates, seems daunting to think that 1000+ applicants and only ~200-300 get to the auditions stage. last year we were at PSU arts day & they said they saw 1800 applicants & auditioned 456, ( & thats only bc they go to all unifieds AND have 5 on campus dates) then they only have a class of 12-14…seems very intimidating to me, thinking I’m not alone but trying to stay positive…

Well I only submitted 2 prescreens so far - and got one yes and one deferred to Acting BFA ( Emerson)

@NYYFanNowMTdad I agree that the numbers are daunting and nervewracking and it is quite a competitive and highly selective process. One thing to keep in mind is that NOT ALL of those who are applying (or auditioning) are true contenders for admission. There are plenty of unrealistic applicants when it comes to highly selective admissions. Putting MT aside, this is true, for instance, in highly selective regular colleges, like ones that accept fewer than 10 or 15% of applicants, and I observe that SOME apply who don’t have the qualifications to be considered and have a very unrealistic outlook. Such schools (Ivies and the like) are hard enough odds even if an applicant is truly qualified (as not all who are qualified will be admitted). BFA in MT admissions is a bit like that. There are applicants who apply to very competitive BFA in MT programs who do not have what it takes to be considered. Of course, there are PLENTY who do have what it takes to be considered for admissions, and not all who are qualified will get a spot in a particular BFA in MT program. But the numbers don’t tell the full picture because not all the applicants are truly in contention for a spot. Of course, it is still competitive no matter what. I truly believe that for those who are highly qualified with the requisite artistic skill sets and academic qualifications will not be shut out of a MT program if they have a well crafted, appropriate fit, balanced college list. Sure, they will get some rejections. It goes with the territory. This is true for regular admissions even for tippy top students too), but won’t be shut out of college if their list truly fits their qualifications. I have yet to see a highly talented BFA in MT applicant get in nowhere. Remember, your student is not just vying for a spot at ONE school. So, when you see those numbers of applicants, those kids are overlapping with the big number applying to many other colleges, and each kid can only attend one program. Then, take out a certain percentage who won’t be considered in the first place. It’s nerve-wracking to be sure. But if your student either has significant benchmarks or has been evaluated for having what it takes to attend a BFA in MT program, and have the right college list for themselves that is also well balanced, they are unlikely to be shut out of going to college for MT. Keep the faith.

@soozievt thanks as always for your insights, you certainly know more about this crazy process than I do. I have read a lot of the analytics type threads by @EmsDad and @artandtechmom …my only " push back" would be that in terms of the prescreens, with the massive increase in applications/student and the increase in prescreen schools, ONE individual could take up many prescreen slots 10,15,20 of them at various schools by one student…as far as final selection yes they can only choose one, so maybe the balanced list convo should also include having enough schools that dont include pre screens in future years? to maximize you chance of an audition thus improving chances to get a YES to an audition BFA MT program…just a thought as it seems pre screens and lowering percentage of passes is making the odds worse even if some of the pool isn’t really qualified… not sure if that makes sense? but my point is as far as prescreens the same kid could occupy a slot at 20 schools…of course welcome your much more experienced insights. thanks!

@NYYFanNowMTdad That analysis does make sense, yeah. Still, once you pass the prescreen, the odds get better, and the non-contenders are out of the pool. But yeah, having some non-prescreen schools on the list makes sense.

Keep in mind, also, that sometimes those tippy top talented kids aren’t even applying to certain MT programs and aren’t even in the talent pool for those programs, and so include some less competitive programs on the college list. While most BFA in MT programs have very low acceptance rates, the overall talent pool for each program is not equal in its concentration of top talent. Some programs are less competitive than others, even if their acceptance rates are low.

My daughter submitted a prescreen to Cincinnati * which she knows is a long, long shot * at the end of August - August 26th. Any idea how long it takes to hear back?

First Prescreen result: Emerson redirect. When we converted song videos to m4v they came out less full sounding than the substantially bigger mov files that the website would accept. Now holding our breath for the next.

Also already have 2 academic admits with merit aid but “so what.”

So…does an acting redirect at an acting heavy school mean anything? Didn’t think this would get to me so badly but Grrrrrrr

@Melanie97 CCM is new with prescreens, so who knows . But most try to get back in 2 weeks. But you could email and ask.

@ MTisNUtz - I got an acting redirect to Emerson as well. Luckily, I didn’t really want to go there but figured I would toss one out early since the fee was only $10 . Moving on - really going to be a long, hard few months with a lot of waiting!

@MTisNutz , some schools allow acting majors to take private voice lessons and dance classes for an extra fee. So depending what other acceptances you get, how you feel about the school itself, etc, it’s not bad to have an acting redirect in your pocket! It certainly beats a rejection!

So anyone gets a prescreen verdict from Cincinnati.? Waiting on week 5 here and nothing!!! Please share if you do!

The Coastal Carolina prescreen is the only one of mine that has chosen Option B ! I have a question about their Wild Card video if anyone knows? It says to only submit if you play an instrument?? So I guess it isn’t really a “wild card” but an instrument video? Has anyone seen this and am I maybe interpreting it wrong??

A “Wild Card” video is optional for CCU.
Submissions should be no more than 60 seconds.
Please upload only if you play a musical instrument.

@DramaLove2020 I interpret that to mean that IF you play a musical
Instrument that would be the place to show it. Otherwise use the wild card as you wish. But as always you can email and ask that instead of guess