The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@iowamtmom the class of 2022 had several of us that did not use coaches. It can be done! It’s a lot of work - you need to be organized. I think the hardest part for the kids is selecting good songs and monologues. Lean on any teachers you have and reach out for suggestions as needed. Keep in mind that your local teachers might be out of touch with what MT admissions reality is so keep your eye on CC. (We’re in ND and definitely found our teachers to be out of touch with the realities of admissions.) Feel free to PM if you have questions or need an ear. I’m sure @JavaJo would be happy to answer questions too - our kids are in the same program, and she’s an Iowa mom too.

No, you do not NEED a coach. I would think the majority of applicants, ourselves included, have navigated this process in the past successfully without one. No question a coach would be a really valuable help and more useful to some kids than others. We could not have afforded one, the process is so expensive to begin with, so I don’t think you need to feel extra pressure by not having one: this process is stressful enough. Best of luck to all of those auditioning over the coming weeks, it is an adventure and emotional roller coaster quite unlike anything else.

@iowamtmom Like others have said, you don’t need a coach. We used one but it was mainly for the in person auditions, which ended up actually saving us money in travel. Something you may want to look into are coaches that offer ala carte services like monologue selections. I have heard MTCA does this and you can Skype/Face Time in for meetings. If you need help perfecting the monologues or songs, you should be able to find a teacher who can Skype/Face Time (if your local team can’t help). Mainly what we used was a ton of information gathered from here, books, and FB groups. My son relied heavily on his local teachers. If you are starting the process now, you will be fine.

I didn’t use a coach - but have a voice teacher. I passed all but 3 prescreens ( 15) and had two early BFA acceptances before Xmas so it can be done!

I know some people were wondering earlier about hearing back from Hartt after December auditions. D auditioned Dec. 8 and got a yes in her portal a few days ago–the notification was dated Jan. 3, but we didn’t see it until last night! At the info session on the audition day, we were told they would notify everyone by Jan. 15, so we weren’t sure whether we’d hear before then… She didn’t receive an email–we just happened to check, so if you’re waiting, maybe take a look?

This is her first artistic acceptance–such a relief!! BAL to everyone with upcoming auditions!

@toystorymom Congrats! So exciting!

Thanks, @MommaCat! She’s happy to have an acceptance under her belt going into NY Unifieds! Despite having a decent response to her prescreens, getting that actual acceptance based on a live audition is really a confidence booster! :smile:

Congrats @toystorymom ! That’s awesome news. :slight_smile:

Great news @toystorymom ! Congrats to your D!

@toystorymom That’s awesome news!! Congrats to your D for sure!!

@toystorymom, congrats! That must be a huge relief. We are on pins and needles waiting to from Hartt for that same audition date. Good to know it will arrive in her portal and not an email.

@toystorymom I am so excited for you and your daughter. What wonderful news and what a tremendous relief indeed before Unifieds! Congratulations!!

@toystorymom Congrats!

Thanks everyone! Our goal was just to have a few options in the end, and this is a great one to get early… Hartt is definitely high on her list.

@ElizaDoolittle–will keep our fingers crossed for you!! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

Awesome news @toystorymom! D has friends in this program that are incredibly happy. What a weight it must lift for you both!

Anyone have any secret weapons for cold care? D is currently battling a nasty head cold This weekend’s auditions are approaching fast and while his career and talent are MT Goals, I know D would prefer not to walk in The Room with Harvey Fierstein’s voice.

@Sitzprobe - we’re in the same boat. Sinus infection over Christmas break that cleared up with antibiotics so thought we were in the clear. Nope! We’re doing several OTC options, throat coat tea, vaporizer, and I made her an appointment for salt therapy for tomorrow night (I’ve heard good things about salt therapy, so fingers crossed) We fly out Friday morning for an audition on Saturday. A friend told me to make sure she takes a decongestant Friday am before we get on the plane because of cabin pressure

Zinc tablets, Zicam spray, Vitamin C, Humidifier, and cover your ears every time you go out in the cold

We are waiting too @ElizaDoolittle for Hartt from a November audition. Fingers crossed for you!!

Chinese magic loquat syrup! Nin jiom Pei Pa Koa. Works a charm for singers.

Congratulations @toystorymom ! Hartt is a great school! My son’s mentor went there and we have seen many actors from there at summer stock and at our regional, all wonderful. She’s got a great option to consider!