The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@rickle1 I really feel for you and your daughter. What devastating timing. I hope that taking the day off of it today will hugely help! And hopefully a doctor can help even more. This process is already challenging enough for all of us. I am so sorry that this got thrown at you.

@rickle1 , saying a prayer for your D’s fast and complete healing.

Thank you everyone for all your support, really means a lot!!!

Hope she recovers quickly. I saw a broken foot during Unifieds my son’s audition cycle so I wonder what that girl did as far as the dance portion. I wonder if schools would accept a dance video perhaps from prescreens with an updated video once she can dance? Worth an ask.

Oh no @rickle1 ! Sending your D all my prayers and positive thoughts for quick healing.

^^ her theater directot at school suggested a video as well. We’ll see what we see.

Oh no @rickle1 ! Rest, ice, compression, elevation and ibuprofen! The good news is voice and acting are really more important than dance for admissions at many programs (unless dance is her strong suit?). I would get a doctor’s note so if she’s not at close to 100 percent you can let the programs know that she has a sprained ankle and ask if you can submit a video dance audition when she is recovered. There’s no point in trying to do even a “movement” call if she can’t move freely. (Whoops - missed a page of posts and I see that’s already been suggested. Well I second it then)! Pulling for her!

Oh @rickle1 I’m so sorry to hear that! So frustrating at this point in the process, sending hugs to you both. We have had so many sprains between dance and sports. A week can make a huge difference though if she’s a good patient and stays off it, keep it wrapped, elevated and iced, even when she thinks it’s better, moving to a compression sock for daily wear helps etc. It’s the swelling that’s the bugger and after there can be stiffness for a month or more. Turmeric pills are great for inflammation as an alternative to ibuprofen whIch we use for the worst days but too much is hard on the stomach.

I agree videos are a better option than risking further injury and most programs use the dance call to assess levels vs part of the assessment. (I say that with some sadness as that is my D’s strongest element and she would be devastated to miss the dance call regardless !).

Fortunately for D dance is her weak spot (she can move fine but you’d never confuse her for a chorus line dancer). Hopefully the adjudicators will be sensitive to the issue and not want her to push it (because she’s the type that would).

Compression socks are a good idea. We have resting, elevating and in a brace for when she wants to move around.

@rickle1–so very sorry to hear about your D’s injury!! As has already been mentioned, she may be able to submit a video–especially if she’s already submitted one for prescreens? I know Ithaca doesn’t even do a dance call at Unifieds and says they just reference the video submitted for prescreens. Definitely seems worth asking the schools… Best of luck & hope she heals fast!

I need to vent! Now that my S has some very nice acceptances rolling I am not liking that fact that they want answers WAY before May 1st. Between Unifieds, JTF, shows and college visits he isn’t going to be in a position to make a decision until Mid April. I totally understand why…they have programs to fill but REALLY!! He jumps through all these hoops and now they want to shorten the time frames. Not Fair!!


See post #617. VoiceTeacher (MT faculty) stated there is currently a one year moratorium of enforcement of the May 1st rule due to an investigation from the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice.

A suggestion during the conversation last month was to reach out to the department heads. Let them know that you are waiting on information to make a final decision, and that you anticipate a decision late in April.

Hope this gets resolved in a positive way for your son.

@MTSthistime and @toystorymom
Did you do early decision for Hartt? Are your acceptances for MT?
We are anxiously awaiting Hartt!

@Dramamomma918 , Hartt is rolling admissions, but he auditioned 12/7. Portal updated 1/3 but we didn’t see it until a few days later. We had also heard of earlier rejections and acceptances so I don’t think they notify all at once. Oh and yes, MT.

So I was fairly calm about this process, but after looking back to post 617 and reading up to now, I am now completely freaking out. It sounds exactly like a D-1 athletic recruiting process. Pressure, Rule Bending, Dog eat dog, along with the super low % of success. I picked the wrong month to quit drinking.

And so far I’ve heard of 2 schools that are asking for a decision early. It is a Statement of Intent to Enroll. Both of those say it is not binding but still …

@Dramamomma918–D auditioned at Hartt on 12/8, and from our understanding anyone auditioning in Dec. was considered early action & results would come by 1/15. The notification was in my D’s portal & was for MT. Best of luck!

@Jasklo - but are you still smoking and sniffing glue? Don’t panic, most programs will not pressure your applicant to commit before May 1, it really isn’t dog eat dog at auditions at all. Last I heard there were only a couple of programs that ask for early commitments (and may I say, imo “shame on them”) and they may not even be on your list. Hang in there!

i’m stuck in between two colleges at the moment: rutgers new brunswick and fordham, both business school. i’m waiting on my state school university of maryland college park, university of richmond, and university of washington seattle. i got accepted into NYU shanghai but i applied for ED to stern business school. i had to deny the offer becuase my parents don’t support my desire to study abroad :(. for reference, i have a 1350 sat and 4.26 weighted GPA.
i’ve always wanted to be a music major. i’m an opera singer and i play piano, so my heart has been with classical music for all my life. in my hometown, howard county maryland, the arts are looked down upon because everyone here either wants to be a doctor or computer scientist. it’s frustrating to see the arts schools die out since a lot of people only participate in music for clout or for colleges to see and then they quit when they get into college. it’s like we can’t follow our passion anymore.

@sunliu94 - this thread is in the Musical Theatre Major Forum so everyone here is either an applicant or a parent of an applicant who is following their passion! :smiley: They wouldn’t jump through these crazy hoops for any other reason…