The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@WDWMom - there was a post two years ago I think where someone received an acceptance by mistake, they were called and told it was a mistake and their D was actually rejected. Do not recall which school.

DePaul does NOT cut after freshman year, maybe that was the case a long time ago but no such thing now, D is a freshman there.

@modanbsmt001 If it were me I think I would be tempted to just show up to the audition with confirmation email printed up in hand, and act like I didn’t even see the other rejection email. The old “Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission”. That’s just so insensitive that they did that to your daughter and to you! I’m really hoping it’s just a mistake. There’s already so much stress and these kids are riding an emotional roller coaster, to have something this egregious piled on is horrible… and on her birthday on top of it. My heart is hurting for both of you.

@WDWMom Just FYI - Univ of Arizona is not a cut program any more.

I got my NO from CCM today after submitting in August. It’s absurd and not professional at all. I expected a no - but I expected it in October. Not two days before unifieds!

@DramaLove2020 sorry to hear this but you have had great results already, BAL at unifieds

Sorry not all the results from CCM are what was hoped for, but so glad that all of you who applied are finally getting closure on that chapter at least! BAL to all our kiddos auditioning this weekend…super excited for everyone!

CS Fullerton doesn’t audition for admission, it “juries” students every semester after freshman year and every jury gets harder and harder to pass. Something like 90% of their freshmen get weeded out by the end. They’re up-front about it and because they don’t audition incomjng freshmen they give “a chance” to students who didn’t go to performing arts high schools or have the money for training before college. That said - I would never want my kid going there, the risk of losing your major is too high and I can’t imagine it’s a healthy environment. I have a friend with a sophomore there and I live in fear of hearing that their kid has been juried out.

@modanbsmt001 oh I hope it’s a mistake, given everything it seems reasonable to think someone screwed up. With your best Disney princess voice tell them the situation including flights and hotel and if they aren’t responsive you can go full Cruella! I do remember the previous situation which was an actual mistaken acceptance to a program! Another school said that had happened and they allowed the student to come and they did great. I hope they make this right for your daughter and you given the $$$ invested, they should give her 15 minutes to shine! Hugs and happy birthday to your D!

@modanbsmt001 Like others have stated, I hope this second notification is some huge mistake on their part and that your daughter’s audition will go through in a couple days as planned; I wouldn’t say anything to your daughter yet in case this is the case (Happy birthday to her BTW).

To have a pre-screen pass in October and then three months later, three days before the audition for this school is to take place, to revoke it is incomprehensible. I’m almost at a loss for words.

Please let us know how everything turns out. Wishing for the best!

I echo the sentiments posted here. It is just awful. I would be tempted to just show up. They are so disorganized they probably won’t notice. Also I will add that getting a rejection of a prescreen days before unifieds didn’t help us out too much. Would have preferred to absorb that news in October. Something really wacky is going on at CCM and now I really believe “rejection is Gods protection” on this one.

I want to add that they should have to pay for any financial hardship you have. Not being able to cancel a flight and hotel adds up and the school needs to reimburse you

I agree. I really think I would show up ready to audition. If you made a hard copy of the appointment confirmation, bring that as well. Really hoping for the best for you on this one. Your situation is just insane!

CCM Update: It was a mistake. I spoke with a lovely lady over the phone who confirmed it was a mistake and deleted the message from my D’s dashboard. Fortuately my daughter did not see it and does not know what happened. It would have crushed her. She has 2 other auditions before that so I didn’t want her rattled. I just hope this didn’t happen to anyone else. If it did definitely call them right away. It looked like some sort of mail merge email. They may have included some of the wrong people. Thank you all for the prayers and advice. I really appreciated it. This is such a stressful process with so many ups and downs. Counting the days to April when it all concludes…

Dad of CCM freshman here. I’ve been reading all of these stories about waiting for prescreens and some of the inevitable rejections; my kid isn’t even in this race this year but I had to take a couple of Tums just thinking about it. Then I read @modanbsmt001 's story and needed a scotch. Holy roller coaster Batman.

They will need to do a post-mortem on the whole new prescreen process this year. The faculty are at arm’s length from the admissions office, and they have been short staffed in the office and clearly overwhelmed. If you were one of the families just notified in the past couple of days, I’ll bet that you were in some kind of final decision pile that got left until the very end. From the kid’s facebook group, the faculty were not aware that there were still pending decisions and that some people hadn’t been notified. They are all lovely people and I’m sure they will work to make this better for next year.

Good luck to all of your upcoming auditions!

To add to more of the craziness…One of my students was “reminded” yesterday about his Wright State audition on Sunday. This Sunday. The problem is – he auditioned for them at CAP Atlanta, but didn’t get a callback. Apparently, they told him he was supposed to get a callback?? But they didn’t have his info and just found it. His audition was scheduled for him. So, it isn’t just one school. They are very stretched. Educational institutions cannot afford to add staff just to oversee thousands of prescreens and auditions. If they do, they’ll have to raise tuition even more. But I agree, there has to be an easier, more efficient way of getting through the season without the anxiety, stress and disorganization for the students, parents and schools. Both of my students going through the process this year are gap year and I am not sure either of them could have done this in a regular school year, with AP classes, dual credit courses, school productions and the rest of a normal senior year!

Wow - that is crazy!! But congrats on that he was suppose to get a callback! Hopefully he will be able to attend the audition if he’s still interested in that school!!

@modanbsmt001 yay!! I’m so happy it was a mistake - I can’t even imagine the stress of that! BAL!

Stood in line for Combines this morning. It really wasn’t too bad although I wish I had worn a second pair of socks. I arrived around 6:45am and ended up getting in with no problem; a little more than halfway in the line. I would say there were maybe only about 5-10 line sitters - we could tell who they were because they had chairs, sleeping bags, etc! They were also the ones who got there @ 5am (first guy in line was there at 4:45am and he was a hired place holder). Overall the whole thing was very civilized - everyone stood and talked and the time passed pretty quickly. IMO definitely worth it to get in front of 6 more schools.

OK so here is the skinny on Combines at NYC Unifieds this am for future people that are interested:

I got there at 5:45 am( was 15th online) 6 people ahead of me were hired line sitters. they charge $45/ first 2 hours, $20 each additional hour $5 ADDITIONAL PER HOUR for weather below freezing (this morning qualified) or inclement weather.

first in line was a line sitter who arrived at 4:45am . they only represent 1 person on line not a group. the mood was good, most people congenial no kids till at least 8 am. IT WAS DEFINITELY COLD :)!!

at about 7:30 the guard for the building allowed people in the lobby. it could only accommodate about 20 people others stayed outside till 9am when we started going up in the elevator… we had a friend who arrived at 6:45 am & they were number " sixty something" . Max of 80 allowed to schedule…some people definitely got shut out. There was 1 coach there from out of state I overheard saying she had 10 student coming down & I said that could cause a riot and I explained some of the issues from last year, they ultimately had 2 adults, 3 kids, so i’m not sure what ended up happening. us NYers get a bad rap but I felt the " I’ve been doing this for years attitude" a bit arrogant and off putting tbh.

then we registered, college reps were mainly student representative in the 9-10 info session…but in the audition room SOME of the Big wigs were at the table…Matt Edwards from Shenandoah was he was awesome- seen hauling folding tabes and chairs, Kaitlyn Hopkins from Tex state and Robin Lewis from Rider were not at the audition table for combines as I think they had other callbacks ( scheduled auditions at the same time, but reps from each school were absolutely there). dance call is later this eve split into 2 groups 5:30 ( 40 kids) and 6:30 ( other 40) . you were able to sign up for any audition slot that was available when you got to the desk

Holly Johnson from Shenandoah was nice, organized and super- approachable.

I hear this is what the real world of OPEN CALLS is like so I feel like it was a good experience for my D. Holly said pertaining to SHENCO last year they had 72 kids audition, they offered 12 call backs and offered 1-2 into the program…not bad in my opinion.

Any info pertaining to " what if you were already denied in a prescreen" was not really addressed, I honestly don’t think the people we had access to knew the answer to that. it hink if you can wow them in the room then you get a call back- we shall see…

Anyway thats all I can think of hope that helps class of 2025 & beyond :slight_smile:

The energy at Pearl and Ripley is great for my kid, its hectic but its only day 1 and we are loving it…BAL ALL!!

@theatrekidmom Unfortunately, a plane ticket at this late date is about $700 and not doable. He was very interested in them, but it just wasn’t meant to be, I guess! Sadly, they are not at Unifieds and his other “extra” weekends are booked with other non-Unified schools.