The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Is there an “MT Acceptances by School for Class of 2024” thread started yet? If not, when does that usually start? And who starts these things?? Do we have an administrator?

@SingerDancerMom Anyone can start a thread. Just search to make sure there isn’t one. If there isn’t, look to the Class of 2023 for formatting!

@AnxiousNovice I definitely would suggest applying to LIU! I am a current BFA Acting major here and LOVE IT! While, as someone mentioned our facilities are not great, the training, faculty, and BFA program as a whole are absolutely stellar. And actually, there are plans for renovations to happen over the summer for the theatre department so the facilities thing may not be a concern by next year. If you have any questions please let me know! They do do walk-ins at Chicago unifieds.

@SingerDancerMom @lojosmo I believe there is already a thread for acceptances that followed the 2023 format.

Only one started so far is Final Decisions for 2024. @SingerDancerMom. Feel free to start one for acceptances! :slight_smile:

this one was started around this time last year & was very helpful to me in figuring out which schools have fall auditions and rolling artistic acceptances

Here is the link to the 2024 Acceptances thread that has already been started.

Okay guys…I just started a thread for all of us. If anyone would like to make improvements on it, please do so. I am not an expert…just trying to help!

Wondering if anyone has any info regarding Univ. of Northern Colorado MT? Anything helps :slight_smile:

I’d love to hear more about Northern Colorado as well.

Just wondering how many headshots do you take to unifieds?? I’ve heard 2-3 per audition. Didnt want to run out, but dont want to order too many. Would an order of 50 sound normal? I have a feeling i need to be ordering more.

@tygerpig It’s a crap shoot. Some schools don’t even want one. Texas State wants four! The number of headshots is usually in the audition requirements list they send you.

A good rule of thumb is 1 headshot per audition plus 6-7 extras. 50 might be a bit of overkill, but you’ll be happy to have a few extras for walk-ins.

@tygerpig - I don’t know of anyone who ran out during auditions but I know many applicants end up with too many. :smiley: My D only needed one set per audition and one school had everything digitized so they didn’t even need a paper headshot or resume. I think 50 sounds like plenty unless you are doing more than 25 auditions.

@tygerpig My son did 4 auditions in NYC and used 3 resumes/headshots. 50 sounds like way enough - probably too many. Assume 1 per school unless they specify more than that like apparently I just read Tx State wants 4. And then have a handful of extras.

Keep in mind with the money spent on headshots, that your student will likely be using it for the next two years… besides for auditions to get into college, but also for auditions for shows at the college and for summer work. So, actually 50 doesn’t sound like too many to me!

My thoughts-25 to 30 headshots because they will want new headshots before A-1’s

One question, does anyone know whether Penn State Chicago Unified provides a pianist or not?

I thought you meant how many headshots to bring to Unifieds. My bad! My son ordered 50 headshots from the printer.

@jianzhou Yes, Penn State Chicago Unifieds will have an accompanist.

@DancerMTMom How do you know that Penn State will have an accompanist? I just couldn’t find it anywhere.