The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Has anyone ever done a walkin at Unifieds for a school that they didn’t pass prescreen? On other walk in we’ve done that we had not applied to they did not inquire about that just let us audition.

@MTquest24 I have the same question

@gold24 we have a family friend who is graduating from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. While she feels she has had great training, what she is finding is that all her networking is in the UK where she is unable to look for work. Food for thought.

@flippedout I wonder if anyone has done it in the past?

Hi everyone! So what I’ve read online and heard from a few college reps at Unifieds after asking, it is totally available and welcome to ask to do so. But, they want transparency - so like be honest you didn’t pass the prescreen. But, that you wouldn’t want to “throw away your shot” if they are taking walk-ins. (get the hamilton reference? haha). People have done it before, and if the college is taking walk-ins, I say go for it. I planned to do it at New York Unifieds but none of the schools I didn’t pass prescreens on were accepting walk-ins, bummer.

Does anyone know of schools around unifieds that will be there that are not on the unified list? I’ve heard they exist but don’t know how to find them!

@MTquest24 - there’s a thread that lists all of the schools that audition in the unifieds cities on this forum.

Can anyone speak from personal experience about the quality of the dance training at Indiana University in the MT BFA? TIA!

No from Montclair via email notification to check portal status, auditioned at NY Unifieds …even with several acceptances from the fall, the " NOs" still sting, still try to justify how did D get a " yes from X" but a no from Y" . I know there’s zero rhyme or reason from reading these threads from past years…but this is the venting thread so… anyway I hope people who are waiting for their first YES got better news than us…NEXT

@NYYFanNowMTdad with an Oklahoma City yes under her belt, your D could get all No’s from here on out and still attend a Top 10 school, so she is in a great position! I hope she gets some more Yes’s, of course, but as I believe you told me in an earlier post, “they can only go to one!” Great advice and I’m hoping for at least one YES to a perfect fit for my daughter. I still think I’m agonizing over it all much more than she is!

First time poster here! Thanks for all of the insights so far!

My D will be auditioning for Ithaca at Chicago Unifieds. She received an email that states, “For the warm-ups, please wear something that you are comfortable moving in. This may or may not be the same clothing you wear for your audition. You will have time to change before your audition.” She is looking for direction in what to wear – does this mean athletic wear (leggings and a fitted top) or just pants and casual top? Thanks in advance.

@Timesfour most girls at NYC Unifieds wore a leotard and a dance skirt or fitted dance shorts for the dance calls.

@NeensMom thank you for saying this, & while I understand it and agree intellectually, it still stings a bit emotionally…I only say this for future parents to know they arent alone in feeling this way…I TRULY DO HOPE EACH KID GETS THEIR FIT…actually at least 2 so you have a choice.

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I also want future kids/ parents to know that none of us go through this process unscathed- sometimes when you are going through a rough patch & you are reading about others happy news it makes you feel less than…I dont know of anyone who goes through this without some amount of pain, frustration, bewilderment, and disappointment.

Has anyone heard from Belmont, January 11th auditions? The waiting is killing D and myself!

@NYYFanNowMTdad @NeensMom
What an exciting but stressful time. Last year in our family it completely dominated the head space and depleted the bank account for these months. Our kid similarly got a big early yes, but it only partly mitigated feelings of rejection from some of the “no’s” that came after. We really do subscribe to the notion that these kids all end up where they are meant to be. Above all in this process, try to enjoy the time together with your child travelling, auditioning, laughing and crying. We have special memories of that and kinda miss it this year. Just kinda. Best of luck to all at the Chicago unifieds and other auditions. May the odds be ever in your favour…

@CanaDad thanks & nice hunger game reference, I think ill take D for bow & arrow practice tonight :slight_smile:

@NYYFanNowMTdad - So true! Literally just talking about how it’s impossible to “Heartbreak Proof” to a friend on the outside who was wondering “how are we possibly keeping it together”. Also putting it out there for future families: we talk a lot about D Running Her Own Race. I’ve had her bookmark articles with interviews from some of her artistic idols where they talk about being completely shut out out at college auditions and finding success after a gap year or through another path. Also speaking to local artists who are working and carving out great lives in this field without a Top 10 School MT BFA. Those articles and conversations As well as the mantra “Comparison is the Thief of Joy” fuel D when she’s depleted from these rejections.

I would ask first. Last years boco had openings in Chicago but got pretty upset that people who didn’t pass auditioned so ask when you sign up if it’s ok.

My son is a MT major at Syracuse and was helping at the afternoon auditions! It is one of the few schools where there is true crossover. The actor singer track gives those acting students access to voice classes that regular acting students may not get. Acting and MT students have the same opportunities in all productions.