The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Looking forward to Chicago Unifieds and two more school visits within a week following. Then she’s done. Can’t wait for this to be over and decisions made. The waiting is the worst part (for me).

Anyone going to Wright State this weekend for 2/3 audition? I have heard the campus is mostly a commuter school…and only MT students remain on weekends? Thoughts? Anyone have a kid in the MT program? I have questions… Thanks!

My daughter got waitlisted today for the university of Alabama. Can anyone tell me more about the waitlist world and the chances that it could turn to the accepted world

The inconsistency of responses from schools is mind blowing. It is mind taffy trying to figure it all out. Keeps you up at night.
There are some really cool athletic youtube stories you can google about football players who were walk ons who stuck with it and then were in the NFL etc… Really shows that determination and GRIT are the key to succeeding.

Ithaca “movement call” was basically a ten minute warm up. Everyone at NYC Unifieds just wore their audition clothes and didn’t change bc it was extremely minimal movement. As you know, they see your dance from your prescreen dance call that you had to tape separately.

@lkcmom Hi waitlist advice: Ur child should email Head of the Department to tell the program they are excited to be waitlisted and would accept an offer if given one if that is indeed ur hearts desire. Let them know your level of interest and commitment. Programs want kids that want them. Get an email relationship established. It helps to move off a waitlist as others decline offers. Waitlists can move late April to June. So it’s stressful, but a part of the journey. Also if ur child decides to take an offer elsewhere tell the waitlisted program, so someone else gets a slot lower on the waitlist than ur child. Remember the “Golden Rule” here. Don’t stall on decisions and let programs know your decisions, so others can sleep at night. Reduce the anxiety all around and be kind and decisive so those on waitlist aren’t in purgatory and movements happen before deposits need to be done for housing. A special blessing of love sprinkled on all waitlisted. And kids absolutely come off waitlists and get a slot in a program.

@onette Thank you for the info!

@Kkrazie great advice THANK YOU

Anyone have experience with Millikin Dance call. It says on website be prepared for ballet. Does that mean hair in bun?

My D registered for Wagner’s Audition Day some time ago. The confirmation email said that we would get an “Audition Day Schedule” in February. Since it is only 2/1, I guess I should just be patient but we have a tight travel schedule that weekend so it woudl be helpful to have rough start and end times and a sense of whether this is an all-day, half-day, or 2-hour event. Does anyone have any experience or info on this?

Another question… When my D and I first started exploring college MT programs, MMM was one of only a few schools that offered a performance-oriented (and therefore audition required) BA with some specific concentration in MT. Now I notice that the program for which she is auditioning is a BFA in MT. I saw some online comments about this program being brand new this year. Does anyone know anything about this change and/or have any experience with the transition?

@flippedout Sorry if this reply about Staten Island hotels is too late to be helpful but thought I would post it just in case you are still looking. We are staying at the Hampton Inn and Suites, 1120 South Avenue. I would have liked something closer but there isn’t much and Hampton Inns are reliable, affordable and include free breakfast. It is one of the three I found recommended on the website. It is basically at the same location as the Hilton Garden Inn (and pretty close to the third, Comfort Inn) and the travel time from any of the three hotels is about the same (15-20 minutes by car). If anyone has found something closer and/or better, I woudl love to know too.

I saw some suggestions for Brooklyn, Manhattan and Embassy Suites at the Newark airport. We are driving so the airport does not make sense for us (and Hamptons are Hilton properties so we still get to use our Hilton Honors). As for Brooklyn and Manhattan, we visit NYC regularly and love both areas so if you are going for the whole weekend those are good suggestions. My D has a full day tech rehearsal in Boston the day before Wagner’s Sunday Audition Day so we are getting in late on Saturday night. I am sure that others are correct that the travel time from the other locations (including airport) are not bad on a Sunday morning but my D wanted to wake up on the island and not have to deal with bridges or ferries. Since the travel time to the school looks to be about the same, this is probably just psychological on her part but I did not want to add to the already-monumental stress.

@MTdreamin Thanks for posting the very helpful overview of the Wagner Audition Day schedule. Do have a memory of the approximate start time? Also, my D is also auditioning in the afternoon for the Music program. Did you eat lunch on campus or remember if others did?

Don’t know about Millikin, as D is not auditioning for them. However, she has auditioned for many schools whose dance call included ballet. My daughter is a ballerina, so she takes ballet calls very seriously, and she did NOT put her hair in a bun. Her thought was that she did not want to look too different from her audition hair (which is loose and down). She wanted to make sure anyone watching her would recognize her at every stage of her audition, and she thought a bun might inhibit that.

FWIW, she is finding most MT to not be ballet trained, and most do not follow the dress code of ballet class. In many of these audititions, people wear t-shirts and shorts, so she figured hair would not be a big deal, and it hasn’t been. She just pulls it back into a ponytail and moves on.

@depejohnson We are also auditioning this weekend “on the way” to Chicago Unifieds. In NYC for MMM today, then flying to Chicago tomorrow for 7 auditions (and hopefully some walk-ins since 4 of the 7 schools are re-directs to BFA Acting programs), leaving there on Friday to fly to DC to drive to Shenandoah audition next Saturday. AND my daughter is sick (had no voice AT ALL yesterday).
This is way worse than I could ever have imagined but, like you, we cannot afford to do multiple trips that involve flights. Hang in there.

Yikes @AnxiousNovice ! I hope your daughter recovers quickly. S getting sick this week is my worst fear. He left for Chicago yesterday and the rest of us woke up with coughs and fevers this morning. I’m praying S magically avoided it.

@NYYFanNowMTdad So sorry to read that your D got a No from Montclair. My D got a no from CCC and we both had a similar reaction. WHAT? The audition felt great and she had already gotten in academically with a nice scholarship and an acceptance to their Honors program and CCC is not billed as being as difficult to get into as so many of the other schools on her list. So now I am up against the “If I didn’t get into CCC how am I ever going to get into XXX?!” Trying to rationally remind her (and me) that there is no rhyme or reason does not really help. Not looking for advice on this, just (like you) looking to rant and also to validate your frustration. You are not alone!

@LadyMjolnir I am sending your son all my best karma to stay healthy. Hopefully my daughter is consuming all the sick-audition- karma at the moment because the extra stress of this illness is about to put my D and me over the edge. It is heartbreaking to watch your kid miss out on opportunities they have prepared for for so long. She had to skip her MMM audition today. We will send digitally but still better in person if possible and we spent the money and time to come to NYC instead of keeping her in home another day before flying to Chicago. Anyway, just hoping that she turns a corner and is well enough my Monday to audition.

@AnxiousNovice - what program is CCC? I don’t recognize the acronym. So very sorry your D had a skip an audition at … Marymount? Don’t recognize MMM either!!! :smiley: I hope a day of rest helps get her back on her feet for Chicago. Tell her to think positively - success (or lack thereof) at one program really isn’t an accurate forecast of success elsewhere and maybe if she thought one program was a slam-dunk it showed? None of these school are slam dunks for anyone, make sure she shows sincere love for the places she auditions - have her research each one so she knows what they are about - the schools, especially the smaller, lesser known ones, look for that.

@LadyMjolnir - your S is attending Unifieds solo? What a guy! I hope he missed the home plague and rocks every audition.

BAL to ALL the Chicago-bound performers! Try to relax and let your own light shine! The auditors are on your side - everyone there wants you to do well, just trust in your talent and let the process find you a great fit.

@AnxiousNovice It’s definitely nonsensical. Of course it totally depends on how the audition goes, but I’ve also heard this as an explanation as well:

Only the schools know what kind of cast they want to build over the next couple of years. UNC, an comparatively “easier” school, may be looking for a higher number of sexy vixens for a future production of Chicago, so if your kid is more of a girl-next-door type, they won’t be as willing to offer a spot. Meanwhile, the girl-next-door may be exactly what UMich needs for their future production of Oklahoma, so boom-you’re in.

(Show/school examples made up, obvs.)

@AnxiousNovice Wishing your D a complete and speedy recovery, and the best fortune over the next couple of weeks!