The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

same here – do we think email goes to the promotions folder like some have said in past?

So I have twins. Our son got into Syracuse last weekend and his letter was in SPAM. Unfortunately, I have worn out my wrist from refreshing but it’s crickets still. You guys?

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Thanks fingers crossed.

It’s true that the waitlist at Miami is not known for much movement, and they said so in the info session. But 2025 is an unprecedented year thanks to the relative ease of virtual auditioning. Many people on this forum, and elsewhere, have 8-10 acceptances and they’re only going to one school. At $80k per year, Miami may be one of the first they will eliminate. Obviously my opinion but if you’re on a waitlist, any waitlist, keep the faith and remain optimistic.

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Thank you for that.

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Still nothing…

Nothing here either!!!

He got an email. Thank you…I’ve been so incredible stressed out all month. This coupled with COVID and my other 3 kids sports changes and life has had me barely crawling through the days. It breaks my heart watching these kids work so hard and then put through all of this. Parents of non-MT kids don’t understand how hard this all is on the kids and families. Wishing you all the best!


(Syracuse) My son got email tonight- acceptance into Acting program.


A whole lot of No here this afternoon (BoCo and Northwestern). It stings a bit because rejection always does, but my S honestly has already gotten so excited about the options he has on the table that these late No’s barely phased him. (And they kind of relieved me, since those are $$$ schools that were unlikely to be financial fits for us.) Still waiting on one (also extreme reach both artistically and financially) but really feeling like the end is near! Although there are always those 5 WLs… lol!!! We should probably be spending spring break next week visiting the top choices (we’ve only gotten to one so far) but instead we’re going to chill in a beach house in SC, relax and clear our heads and get ready for a few whirlwind trips in April and decision mode!


I’ll be living vicariously through you as you chill in the beach house.

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For sure! My D was WL at Miami last year and she got off three wait lists but ultimately not Miami, so I was just offering what we experienced last year. It isn’t as insane as 2025 but there was a LOT of unusual WL movement last year due to COVID.

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My daughter spent 3 months on the waitlist for Miami last year and it barely budged. Fingers crossed for you for a different year this year …!

anything for you? stepped away for a little while but I’m not seeing anything.

No word from Syracuse Acting (thought we would know today either way!)

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BoCo financials…there is not much to go around. Best of luck to you and yours!

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Hey! Glad you tagged me. I thought my account got discontinued. Glad to be catching up with y’all. Daughter is loving Point Park. About to fly up and visit her in two weeks.


I believe you were tagged to bring some levity to these stressful times… :rofl: you know the drill…(and I have been primarily a fly on the wall recently but can attest to the fact it is indeed needed!) Thank you, btw for your amazing daughter working with two of my kids this year…if she is home this summer, I may need a choreographer!


@onette – good to hear from you! Crazy that after all our discourse, our girls (your student, my daughter) got to do a show together last summer. She’s coming home this summer, so I’ll definitely stay in touch. She’d probably love to work with you. I bet things have been tough this year for people with the rules changing so much. I’ve had to switch gears to prepping for college athletics. My son wants to play D1 college soccer…preferably in the Ivy league…so that’s a whole other ball of wax. Similar stresses, just different barriers.

Now that I can see this page again, I’ll definitely be contributing. I’ve been scrolling through the message boards, and it DOES look tense. Tough freaking year

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