The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Nice! I will ask her about it when she gets home from work tonight. Thanks!

My D will be releasing spots at about 6 schools this week (all BFA acting except for one MT). Will post here and on the other thread when those are done.


Keep in mind that when someone turns down an offer, it doesn’t necessarily open up a spot from the waitlist. Most colleges and programs accept more students than slots in the class, not expecting to yield all who were given offers. Another thing to keep in mind is that MOST wait list movement happens after May 1 when colleges have received all their replies and deposits. Make sure to embrace the cards you have in hand and choose a school to enroll/deposit at by May 1, because wait list movement is more common after that date. Students may likely not hear back from their WL schools before having to commit/deposit at a school and should be weighing the options they have in hand for now. No rush to decide where to attend, however, prior to May 1. It’s a big decision.


Oh, we are very aware of all of this-thats what makes it more stressful. DD does have a program already picked out if the the waitlist doesnt pan out for her. Just looking to see a little light at the end of this seemingly never ending tunnel and play our cards right so that we dont end up losing a ton of money only to receive a no.

I understand and certainly wait until May 1 to deposit at one of your schools, but at the same time, realize the WL offers typically come out after May 1, and so if you still pursue the WL, you likely won’t know that result until after your initial college deposit.

What is the exact name of FB page for musical theatre? Thx

MT Parents

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Our D is really, REALLY close to a decision after three tours in 10 days. So grateful for that opportunity because it gave her - and us - a lot of clarity.

This is a great feeling. Almost there.


Mine is close, as well, and indeed it is very, very exciting!!! Best of luck to everyone out there making (or helping their kids make) big decisions!!!


MT program?

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My D is 99% committed. She is taking a quick trip to the East Coast to seal the deal. So happy and relieved this is over!


I think in the case of @MTmom2021 people are saying NYU because she is choosing between the USC BA program and Tisch’s BFA program – so not exactly comparing apples to apples, if you are looking for a BFA. It sounds like your son is choosing between BFA programs in MT at USC and NYU (both of which are great programs) and the BA program at Northwestern, which is an amazing program, so he has great choices! (Full disclosure, my daughter graduated from NYU).

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I am a California Native (Bay Area and Los Angeles) and my son will be studying BFA Acting in Fall of 21 in NY. This will be USC MT fourth year, so a fairly new program. The City Los Angeles does not have the Musical Theatre opportunities or contacts that NYC and NYU will offer for the full experience that is so important for the study of Musical Theatre, which should be considered.

Hi. I’m new here. My son received several MT acceptances. Can someone comment on the MT programs at Oklahoma City University and Millikin and also Carthage? We are concerned about OCU’s nickname as “Overcommitment University”. Do the students get any downtime there? My son is talented but introverted and Type B. We aren’t sure a high stress/non-stop type of program is the right fit for him. Finances play a role too. I appreciate any thoughts.

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Welcome @EstWil!

Hopefully a current / recent OCU / Millikin / Carthage student or parent of one of them can respond to you … I have no direct experience with any of these programs.

I also recommend: 1. having your son talk to current freshman for their perspective; 2. requesting to observe an online class; and 3. visiting the campus / area even if the school is functioning in a largely remote fashion. All of these three efforts will provide at least some insights as to fit.

Lastly, I’ve heard the area around OCU is not the greatest and a source of concern, but I’ve only heard that from people familiar with the area, and this is not based on first hand experience.

Best of fortune to your son!

@NYYFanNowMTdad has a freshmen D at OCU. I’m sure he would be happy to give you some feedback.

@EstWil If you’re worried about over commitment, I would recommend asking some questions about the daily life in all the programs you’re considering. Many BFA programs have their students busy with class all day and then rehearsals at night. There seems to be little down time.

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@rickle1 @EstWil @NYYFanNowMTdad She’s at BW.

Actually my D is at BW BUT WE Loved OCU and gave it very strong consideration till the final days the OCU guru here is @vvnstar

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Of course. My mistake. Having one of those “senior moments” days (no offense to any of my senior brethren).