The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Thank you @NYYFanNowMTdad! I have followed your story and I just love the outcome. Congratulations! I hope it’s everything your D wanted in a program–though I know it’s probably hard to gauge in this crazy year of covid. Hoping things get back to normal soon!

Yes I agree a wider net would be ideal. My D just “dug her heels in” with the options. (By the way I really wanted her to apply at your D’s school–it’s likely too late to do so now—but for whatever reason she didn’t.). Honestly I think covid has done a number on her and so many kids. Between virtual school, college applications, and then virtual coaching and virtual auditions, it’s been a bummer and very stressful and way too much screen. My D (and I) are the type that need in-person contact. I think this has played into the decisions (one way or another) that my D is making in the process, and I think if life were normal and we were at unifieds (she actually did Moonifieds) in-person she would have ultimately cast a much wider net, even just with walk-ins or meeting people that she knows she’d like to study under or meeting fellow auditionees and making school connections that way. It really sucks actually.

D has decent grades and has been accepted academically at some good schools, so I keep telling her she has good choices regardless…even if not in MT. Trying to stay positive.

By the way I LOVE that you are a MT dad! My husband is supportive but completely clueless with all of this. Your posts have been fun to read and very informative. Thank you for staying involved for those of us going through this a year later. Very generous of you to help us all.


@shine19…teenagers know everything, and this process certainly highlights that :slight_smile:…My D listened to her coaches when she didn’t listen to me even if we said the exact same thing, so you are certainly not alone…YES covid has F’d up everything this last year, auditions, school, graduation, prom and much more. I dont know what our outcome would have looked like if it was ALL on-line, but I am glad it was not as my D thrived in the room.

Luckily BW is so small her semester was MOSTLY in person, hoping for the same this spring, even though performance opportunities were limited…& yes I do think BW audition slots for this year are full, but many " typical college experiences" still exist at programs that are not that " top 10" type, lottery school and are still offer amazing training Ohio University, Belmont, Ohio Northern, coastal Carolina, JMU, Ball state and UAB are just a handful that readily come to mind. Some of those were not a fit for my D for reasons completely unrelated to MT ( like how many Gen Eds were required), but might be for someone else’s kid. My kid as we moved through this process was drawn to many of the BM programs over the BFA programs.


Thanks for the kind words @NYYFanNowMTdad. I read your story last year (and congrats to your D, what a great story and ending!) and your prescreen experience is one I remind myself of often :slight_smile:

Definitely the Covid factor is weighing heavily. First, some schools we picked because they were non-prescreen either added a prescreen or went video submission only, no live virtual audition. Ouch.

Then, the videos we used for prescreens were also sent in to schools where video is first and final for decisions… before we were able to see how they fared in the prescreen round. There’s precious little opportunity to change things up at this point.

But, on the positive, we have a balanced list, and that has garnered one acceptance (BA) and one artistic(BA)-but-waiting-on-academic acceptance. They’re not at the top of the list, but they are viable options, so I’m grateful for that.

But we all want the fairy tale for our kids, don’t we? The acceptance at the BFA that recognizes their talent and drive to be a part of this artistic community. Even if they don’t choose the school, to just be recognized, validated. Especially this year.

And I’ll admit, I’m mourning the time I thought I was going to have with my student this year, traveling to auditions, visiting schools etc. Maybe I’m glossing over the reality (and expense!) of that grind, but I love spending time with my student and I was looking forward to those weekends together.

Though, of course, our weekends are together now too, lol, so we have had other moments we may not have had - like creating epic outdoor light displays for the holidays :joy:


Fear not. It’s just hard. My son applied to 11 programs last year. He got 6 auditions and only 1 yes to a school he did not really want to go to. We differed that 1 acceptance by a year. He is auditioning again this year. We found 1 new school in particular that we really like that we are hoping for an acceptance from this year. Cast a wide net. Don’t just apply to the top 20 MT Programs. Everyone told us that last year but we did not listen.


@OutOfMyMind21 - agreed on all points, we were thrilled w a few BFA yesses especially the early ones as I documented in my final story. And yes in retrospect the travel with her is something I cherish today, but it was ABSOLUTELY a grind and some moments when we were in the fray I probably didn’t appreciate as much as I should have. Simple things like enjoying deep dish in Chicago with friends we made along the way ( kids and parents) i reflect fondly on today. As you heard me say in the final decision thread, every year has its unique challenges, each year seems harder than the prior to be honest & this year seems harder to me than what we dealt with, but others might say the expense and drain of travel being removed makes it easier? or not getting to visit- I hold out hope with the vaccine that the class of 2025 will get to visit accepted schools in April??

who knows its not a competition on whose experience was more brutal LOL… hang in there the BFA/ BM often does come, many times at the 11th hour. Even though we had some great yesees last year as early as mid November, we still perseverated on " the OTHER" dream schools even though we knew we should be grateful what we had…its just really hard as the Nos roll in- sometimes 7+ in a row, that can knock the confidence if even the most resolute- so all I can continue to say is hang in there


Thanks! Sounds the same as my D. She was doing so much dance before March and then nothing for months despite me trying to get her to do online stuff. She was able to do vocal and acting remotely so we feel good about that. But she hasn’t been out of the house since March. At the BOCO audition there were kids doing their auditions from studios and she has to do in hers in her bedroom. We are back to Stay at Home here and trying to make do but she’s missed out on months of training because of the pandemic.

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I think my D would love the BM programs as well…just wish she would have the “typical” opportunity to look/visit (though many schools have been great with the virtual visits). Do you happen to know anything about UC-Boulder’s BM program?

I don’t know anything about CU from a MT standpoint though kids that go there generally love the experience The only program I recall learning about in Colorado for MT is Northern Colorado

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If your child auditioned for BW MT recently can you tell me when you received the actual audition time? How far ahead of your audition day did you get the appointment time? We have the day scheduled just looking for the time.

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@dramamama2424 My dd auditioned on 11/21 for MT Direction. She had to interview with both the MT and piano faculty, so she went early. The welcome session was 8-8:30 and her zoom was at 8:31. It lasted about 20 minutes, but the MT faculty had to leave earlier, understandably so. She received an email itinerary with zoom links and times the Tuesday before her Saturday audition. There was a student Q & A as well as faculty Q & A, student around lunch time and faculty around 3:45 Hoping to hear this Tuesday.

Don’t forget about the great BM MT options out there:

Manhattan School of Music
Baldwin Wallace
Oklahoma City University
NYU Steinhardt
Belmont (offers both BM MT and BFA MT)
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Colorado, Boulder
UNC Pembroke
Southern Illinois University
Arizona State
The Catholic University of America

University of Northern Colorado offers a BA in Musical Theatre - audition required

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Heard from Baldwin Wallace final decision last night!!!

Congratulations?(!) Do you feel comfortable sharing the details?

I just started a new thread for sharing acceptances by school here: MT Acceptances by school for the Class of 2025

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We overlap for 2 Pace and Elon. Elon’s early action for academics will be released on 12/20. If the prescreen was submitted before 9/21, the audition has been completed (my son did his in Nov). It is possible we will find out if he was accepted (rare) or deferred (fingers crossed) or denied (don’t want to think about it) on or before the 20th. My understanding from a friend is Elon will make calls for those that are accepted and emails for those deferred or denied. If your S applied after 9/21, then they will find out about prescreens on or before 1/15/2021. We found out via Acceptd 2 days before 10/21.

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Thank you so much for the info. He did not pass the Pace prescreen, but I think he got in academically to Pace, his portal has changed, but it’s blank and he keeps getting emails to submit for prescreen, which is odd to us since he did not pass. We are patiently waiting on Elon but we know it’s a reach program for him. He has not been dancing long, and covid delayed much of his year to learn dance. He is a mover that started Jazz dance lessons this fall once he was able to. He has a great BA MT program, and he’s almost ready to accept it if the numbers will work financially. We cast a wide net, but we looked at schools he would be happy to go to if, in the end, he ended in a BA program rather than a BFA program. I read too many heartbreaks and got great advice that I did not want the same for him. Fingers crossed for you and your son.

Per the forum, Pace is notorious for admissions not coordinating with the MT department and vice versa. S did pass, but if I am to be honest, when we visited, it was the least favorite of the ones we visited. He’s been accepted to our safety, Kennesaw State, which has an up and coming Theatre/MT department. Our other targets are schools where he can have a great college experience and participate in campus and off campus productions. S is a singer - dancer - actor based on skill and a dancer - singer - actor based on heart. We didn’t apply to any traditional actor focused programs because of that and the reasons you mentioned. I told my father that it would have been easier to get him into GA Tech or MIT (that was the trajectory before “Grease” in 9th grade). But this is his path. Sending best wishes to you and your son too. I think they got this - and will bring us over the line with them. :blue_heart:

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I got in!



Well done!!!
Congratulations! You must be walking on a cloud. I am so very happy for you!

@Stress19372919, BIG CONGRATS! D is a Fr MT a BW, feel free to PM if you have any questions