The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Yes D received many large scholarships, some nearly full tuition, for academics at certain schools to only get the big “No” artistically 2 months later. Not fun. Then later she got several artistic “Yes” acceptances from very competitive schools.

I suppose it’s too late in the game for this, but if not, consider applying to some schools that your kids would like to attend with or without the BFA. We didn’t do that. Had she not been accepted to a few great programs, she likely would not have gone to college with her class because there was nothing compelling about going to college xyz for an English major or something like that. I guess she would have taken some CC courses and auditioned again. She was 100% all in to the BFA. No BFA, no school. Doesn’t need to be that way.

Then covid came and the Broadway world has been shut down essentially. Of course it will come back, but not as soon as some might think which has made her think a little bit about alternatives. Not just to live theater, but to consider additional artistic outlets. These kids need to be very creative during these odd times. Love how some have taken to Youtube and other social media to put themselves out there.


Yeah, the academic acceptances are arriving at our house too. ECU, Marymount Manhattan,Temple so far, the latter two just in the last few days. For Marymount, the audition is done so the artistic decision could come at any point I suppose. For the others, additional auditions in January still to come. Having one full acceptance in hand (VCU) makes the waiting on these others a bit more tolerable.

Happy Holidays everybody

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Having an artistic offer in before Christmas is huge. Takes so much pressure off.

Good luck to everyone and enjoy the holidays!


Have you heard from U-Arts ? My daughter heard on Dec. 21 that she passed prescreen

We haven’t heard anything more, but there was no prescreen as far as we knew; the instructions we read said to just sign up for audition during application process and submit video materials, which I assumed are supplemental to the live (virtual) audition… We did receive email confirmation in October of the application submission with reference to the audition in January, and confirmation of materials submitted to Acceptd, but nothing since.

What was the application process for your daughter?

I will have to confirm with her, but I believe she submitted her entire package with songs, dance and monologue. She has an audition set I believe in January. I am not sure - as she had two in Nov/Dec. and nine or ten set for January and Feb.

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hi all! congratulations on all of your auditions/upcoming auditions, as it is such a taxing (but rewarding) experience! I am a freshman BFA Acting student at Missouri State, and just thought i’d hop on and answer potential questions about the program! I definitely checked college confidential all the time during my audition process, and thought i would be of some help to those of you going through the acting/mt process this year! While i did end up choosing a BFA Acting program, i narrowed down to both mt and acting programs, and feel as though i could be a great resource if you need any advice in that department :slight_smile: If you have any questions about Missouri State or the process in general, feel free to message me!


Thank you for your offer to help. My DD will be auditioning in Jan for Missouri State. She chose MT as a major but would also be happy with Acting. Would she also be considered for acting or is that a separate audition? She is a dancer first and would like to know how much if any do acting majors get?

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Hello! I auditioned for both programs in one audition! I just made it known with both Kurt (head of acting) and Bob (head of MT) via email that I was interested in both programs! I ended up getting offers from multiple mt and acting programs, but knew acting was where my heart was at after the process. Something that really stuck out at Missouri State was how flexible the acting program was, and how i had the ability to really supplement in some MT training, while also pursuing a minor and 4 years of acting training. The only dance class freshman MT’s strictly take together is ballet fundamentals, but many acting majors (such as myself!) took it as well last semester with a different teacher. Then, we are all integrated into whichever classes we elect to take dance-wise! I’ll be taking contemporary with most of the MT’s next semester. I also took CCM voice, which was a group styles class, and am switching into that voice teacher’s studio next semester. All in all, we have very similar schedules the first two years, then begin to split more junior and senior year, with acting majors continuing on in specialized acting classes and film/commercial training, and mt’s continuing with more dance and music. However, as long as there is room available, it is so easy to crossover between both programs! That was the biggest selling point for me at MSU (other than price!) - there is virtually no divide between disciplines! Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any more questions :slight_smile:


also- one of my best friends is an acting major with a huge dance background, specifically in ballet. she is moving up to higher level dance courses such as jazz and ballet 2 next semester with a couple of the dancer-first mt’s!

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What is a dancer’s first MT?

@iowamtmom some people are referred to as " dancer- first" if thats their great strength in the 3 disciplines…or voice/singer first can be used in the same fashion

So I " dancer- first MT" would be musical theater major who consider themselves a dancer who can sing and act as opposed to a “voice- first MT” would be a strong singer who is an MT major… who can also act & dance.

despite the common term of triple threat, very very few kids going into a BFA or BM program are already super strong at all 3 disciplines…everyone needs work in some area- other wise they might as well just be working pros already ( ok thats a bit editorialized) but you get my point. :slight_smile:


@NYYFanNowMTdad is spot on. Also, the programs want you to need improvement. If the students were all “pros”, there would be no reason for the programs. So some focus more on dance or acting or vocal performance. You’ll here things like “Point Park is a heavy dance program” (just an example). Essentially, your kid should be pretty strong in two of the three or amazing in one and show promise in the others. They also need to be coachable. Seems obvious enough but some kids (in all endeavors, not just theater - saw this a lot in sports) just aren’t.

When D was going through this, she was initially upset by some rejections but later realized they wouldn’t have been good fits as they were more dance focused than acting. Dance is her least competent skill (average but will never be a chorus line dancer - nor does she want to be). She’ll improve her dancing but really hone in on her acting and singing.


So true. We get a pre-screen rejection email and then a huge glossy envelope with a fat scholarship offer… huh!?

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Does anyone know how the Carnegie Mellon callbacks work? My son is signed up for the singing audition, but when do they get to do their acting audition? Do they have to get an invitation after the singing part?

Never mind. I just answered my own question. Looks like the schedule opens up after they complete the singing portion.


I have my Syracuse Drama interview in a week (final step for that school I believe), and I was wondering whether anybody here has already done it and could tell me a bit about the experience.

Posting this here as well as on the acting thread jic. I applied for acting, not mt.

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Looking to add another school?
OCU Oklahoma City University
Deadline to apply to the university to be eligible for priority merit scholarship is 2/1
Deadline to apply and submit all materials for the BM Music Theater degree is 2/1
Deadline to apply and submit all materials for the BM Vocal Performance degree is 3/1 but if wanting to be considered for a MT/VP double major you should submit both by 2/1
Merit and talent scholarships can be stacked
The university also offers BFA Acting
If you have a strong dancer, the university offers a Dance Performance degree that includes training in voice and acting, deadline to register for the Dance Performance audition is 3/14
Performing arts students are encouraged to audition for all plays, operas and musicals.


Thank you. My daughter applied to OCU BM Musical Theatre last week. She had intended to all along, but with other commitments, we submitted later in their process. I’m actually glad, because most of her auditions occurred in October and November, and we have learned so very much since then. Love that this program is a BM and that classical submissions are a part of the audition. The academic advisors already have been so attentive. Hopeful that the artistic side is just as communicative.

Incidentally, I just spent a not insignificant amount of time in the 2024 threads, trying to glean some wisdom on when offers would go out. Sadly, I’m not sure how much any of that will track to this year since all auditions were virtual and submission numbers are very high. I feel like we are less informed and more stressed than ever, and this was a stressful process to begin with. I don’t want to wish my daughter’s senior year away, but man I would sure love to know now what I will know by (I hope) mid-March. Thank you all for sharing whatever you can so we don’t feel so alone in our crazy!